Inverse Sword God - Chapter 672

Chapter 672

In contrast, he was more worried about the two divine birds.

However, Zhu Ning was different, he exclaimed in excitement.

Not long ago, he was beaten by Lin Xuan, making his face shame.

He needed a chance too, a chance of beheading Lin Xuan.

However, God seems to be helping him, and he met Lin Xuan in the first game of the final.

This is definitely the best time for a **** shame!

Zhu Ning sneered, and his blood was boiling.

In his opinion, the last time was his intention. If he takes it seriously, he can definitely kill Lin Xuan!

You know, he is a genius disciple of God Bird Palace, not only mastering martial arts in his hands, but also possesses the power of God Bird bloodline.

General Tianjiao is not his opponent.

"Lin Lin, I'm going to kill you across the board! It will make you delicious and endanger me!" Zhu Ning, like a demon, relaxed and laughed wildly.

Compared to the two, what is most exciting is Liu Shacheng's responsibility.

On this day, the tickets for entering the game field were fired into a sky-high price, which was ten times or dozens of times the original price.

However, there are still countless warriors buying wildly, and they have to see this game at all costs.

This kind of arrogant battle, they will not miss it anyway!

In the ancient Super Fighting Stadium, 100,000 seats were quickly robbed.

However, there are more than one million warriors in Liusha City. One hundred thousand seats cannot meet their needs.

Moreover, this match is extraordinary, almost all of them are Tianjiao level, this kind of grand occasion is rare to see.

Therefore, at the request of the majority of martial artists, the three top forces such as the Nangong family had to erect a huge crystal light curtain array in Liusha City to play the game situation in Douwu.

The major forces mobilized together and were very efficient. Soon, several huge crystal light curtains were built. Around them, there were a multitude of matrix methods to convey information and images.

In this way, the warriors in Liusha City were satisfied.

In the Super Fighting Stadium, it was even more lively. All the 100,000 seats were full, and the crowd was like a torrent.

In the center of the Douwu field, there is a huge ring, with a length and a width of kilometers, enough for those Tianjiao to fight.

Moreover, this time on the ground of the platform was filled with powerful spiritual power by masters of the Supreme Master, and non-sage masters could not destroy it at all.

Around the super platform, a multicolored light curtain was laid, and hundreds of array masters presided over the array light curtain to ensure the safety of everyone.

It can be said that everything is ready, but only the start of the game.

The people of the three major families knew what everyone was expecting, so they also announced the start of the game without any delay.

A young man wearing a colorful battle suit, like a divine bird, quickly came to the ring.

His expression was arrogant, his eyes exuding the light of hatred, and the spirit of his body was soaring.

The juvenile was naturally Zhu Ning. He was cold and sneering at the corner of his mouth. He could not wait any longer.

In this battle, he must personally kill Lin Xuan and restore his reputation.

In the distance, Lin Xuan walked in the air, like Chi Xian, chic and calm, and landed on the platform.

"Little thief, today is your death!"

Zhu Ning looked at Lin Xuan, his eyes burning with anger.

"It seems that the lessons I gave you last time were not enough. You didn't know how to repent, and this time I won't spare you!" Lin Xuan sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Well, I was attacked by you last time. This time I will let you know my true strength!"

Zhu Ning roared and was so imposing that he couldn't wait to prove himself.

"What kind of thing do you dare to provoke me, I am the genius of the divine bird palace, the blood of the divine bird is flowing in my body!"

"Today, I will twitch your muscles and pick your skin! Let you know the end of the trouble!"

"Crumbling? I'm looking forward to it!"

Lin Xuan Lengheng: "But before that, I think it is necessary to remind you of the rules of Dou Wu Chang."

"On the battlefield, life and death are destined."

Lin Xuan's voice echoed clearly in every corner of Douwu Stadium.

"Let's not talk nonsense, I know all these rules, so you still don't have to worry about delaying time, this will not change anything!"

Zhu Ning showed a cruel smile, the flames of his body beating like a fire demon.

"You know, that would be great." Lin Xuan laughed.

"So, this game is only divided between life and death, regardless of life and death."

In the end, the breath on his body gradually solidified, like a peerless excalibur, slowly coming out of its sheath.

The crowd was shocked, and then they screamed wildly. It seemed that the two were desperately desperate.

The warriors shook their arms around, shouting like a beast, shattering the clouds in the sky.

No matter who lives or dies, what they want is a fight for the fiercest.

Disciples of the Divine Bird Palace sneered: "Dare to fight with Zhu Ning for life and death, it's really death!"

They know that Zhu Ning's body is flowing with the blood of a divine bird. If you use burning, the power is even comparable to that of the Supreme Master.

This kind of Tianjiao boy is definitely not something Lin Xuan can compete with!

So they sneered, looking forward to the moment when Lin Xuan was beheaded.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you right away, I will cut your meat one by one and let you know what is pain!"

Zhu Ning roared like a demon. Behind him, a pair of flame wings with a length of 100 meters emerged, twitched twice, and rushed out quickly.

A sky of fire spreads, and a terrifying heat wave rages in the air.

The flames fluttered and covered more than half of the sky.

Zhu Ning screamed and waved.

The palm of the horrible flame was like a burning meteor, which quickly pushed across. The entire space was blasted away stiffly, and numerous air waves rolled and hit the light curtain next to it, forming a thunderous sound.

This terrifying fist contains the power of the martial spirit prototype, even the arrogant martial arts dare not resist.

Looking at the horrifying waves coming from Pentium, Lin Xuan didn't dodge.

He had given the other party a chance, but the other party still did n't know how to repent and wanted to kill him, so this time he did n't return his hand.

The rays of light in his eyes bloomed, a sharp and terrifying breath emanating from Lin Xuan, like a peerless excalibur, penetrating Jiuxiao.

The breath was so harsh that it shook the hearts of 100,000 warriors, as if there were countless sharp swords passing over them.

The next moment, Lin Xuan pulled out the sword of wind and shadow, and quickly chopped forward.

Jianguang is dazzling ~ ~ The cold light is dazzling, like a Changhong, passing through the void quickly.


Just like cutting tofu, the sharp swordsman will roll into the flames and cut open.

Subsequently, the swordmang cut to Zhu Ning with a sharper and quicker momentum.

"What? It's impossible!"

Zhu Ning's face changed so much that he did not expect his attack to be broken so easily by the opponent.

With a roar, he was ready to fight back again.

At this time, the bright light had already come in front of him, struggling down.

The flames agitated in front of him, condensed into a simple flame shield, blocking Zhu Ning.

However, this didn't help much. The sword flashed and the flame shield split in half.

And Zhu Ning's body was also trembling, and she was stunned there, a look of horror appeared in her eyes.