Inverse Sword God - Chapter 6856

Chapter 6856

It was a rusty ring, and it was already covered with cracks and even moss.

This ring was on the other's ring finger, and Lin Xuan took it off.

He originally wanted to take this corpse, but after thinking about it, he didn't dare to move,

He didn't know what kind of changes would result?

He took the ring away,

After taking it down, he searched with reincarnation and found that this ring was not a storage ring,

There isn't much space in it. It should not be used for storage, but for other purposes.

Lin Xuan carefully closed it up,

Next, the two of them continued on the road,

There are no more people in the open front.

When they came to the end of the passage, they saw a person, a person standing there,

This man was standing with his back to them, standing there. Lin Xuan and Xue Qi were startled when they saw the figure.

Someone is standing,

God, is it possible, is the mysterious person in the golden palace?

It was him who killed so many strong men,

Two people are close to the enemy.

Xueqi took out Nine You Swords, and she was about to desperately.

Lin Xuan also took a deep breath, the palm of his hand blended with the dragon's sword tip, but he did not act lightly,

He found that the man didn't seem to be breathing. He walked boldly, surrounded by dragon-shaped armor.

Lin Xuan came to the other side,

The figure still turned his back and did not move.

Husband, how's it going? Come back soon

Xueqi exclaimed,

Lin Xuan said: Come on, he fell, he didn't have breath.

Xueqi also came over, the two went around, and finally met the man.

This man's heart was broken and disappeared, and his front was covered with cracks, his body was stained with blood, and he had dried up.

But still with a terrible blood scent,

In this person, Lin Xuan felt a sense of war,

Hardly, he is the true **** of the God of War.

Lin Xuan looks more and more like,

The war spirit and war will of the God of War tribe are vividly expressed on this person.

Although dead, he stood there just like a sky,

Husband, is this the person you are looking for?

Sure enough,

Xueqi next to him also whispered: "Is there anything on him?" Is there any husband you want,

Xue Qi said as she looked at the situation of the other side. She reached out and grabbed.

She just grabbed the storage ring, and suddenly this time, the figure opened her eyes and screamed: I'm not willing.

This scene scared Lin Xuan and Xue Qi,

Xue Qi was like an enemy, she was creepy,

Even Lin Xuan shrank his pupils. He cast a big dragon sword and was ready to shoot.

However, when the sword was cut in half, he stopped.

He found that the figure fell down.

With a bang, he fell to the ground and made a dull sound,

His eyes were wide, with anger, fright and unwillingness in his eyes,

At the same time, something fell out,

When he shouted just now, there was a fruit-like thing inside, and it fell down.

This fruit has dried up. When Lin Xuan looked away, he exclaimed: the fruit of rebirth.

He was really too surprised. He never expected that the true **** of the war **** tribe did not eat the resurrection fruit in the end.

Instead, he used the powerful vitality to propel him here.

Lin Xuan picked up the fruit of this resurrection and found that the vitality above had disappeared a lot,

It can be said that it has dried up,

However, it is better than nothing.

Lin Xuan put it away. The second resurrection fruit is considered to be in hand.

See next, how to fix it?

Nowadays, he no longer thinks about the fruit of rebirth, but thinks, what is this place?

What is this God not willing to say? See what writing is around?

On both sides of the passage, Lin Xuan and Xue Qi found some handwriting.

"I was so saddened that I was not willing,"

"That thing I have never seen before, is he destroying the strong man outside the city of God?"

"I don't know. He is too strong to be defeated,"

"I hope the Ares will never come out."

"My path is so far, don't be reconciled, you can still go forward, but I have no power."

"If I have any of the 5 swords in the world, I can go on, maybe I can break them ..."

Further down, it was very blurred. It seems that the other party did not continue to write down, I don't know what the other party will break.

However, the other party mentioned the Five Swords in the World. What is the relationship between the Five Swords and the World?

Or just the power of the world's five swords? Lin Xuan is not clear,

He has the soul of a big dragon sword, and the phantom of the reincarnation sword. It can be said that he has the power of two swords.

Can he leave here if he is here?

At the same time, he was wondering if he should move on? This is already the end of the passage. Moving forward, it is a vast hall,

what is inside?

Lin Xuan can't see right now because the soul is suppressed.

There must be many treasures in it, otherwise these people would not come.

After thinking about it, he said: Xue Qi, you stay here, I will go in and see

No, husband, I am with you,

Xueqi shook her head and said,

I have the Great Dragon Soul, and I can retreat in times of crisis. Stay here and stay still.

Fujun ~ ~ I'm useless, I can't help you.

Xueqi sighed,

When the Emperor was the Emperor, Yin and Yang helped each other. They could compete with the Super Emperor. But now, she can no longer keep up with Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan said: What stupid thing to say? It's too dangerous here, even the true gods have fallen. It's not that you are useless, but it's really too mysterious.

Stay here, obediently wait for me to come back,

After Lin Xuan spoke, he walked forward,

Xueqi in the rear shouted: You must come back alive.

Lin Xuan strode forward, he left the aisle and walked into the hall in front of him.

He felt a more terrifying breath, as if to tear him to pieces,

The power of reincarnation in Lin Xuan's eyes broke out, forming 6 worlds, surrounding him.

In 4 weeks, he found a stone pillar,

There are so many stone pillars, there are 49 in total, and each of them seems to be in the sky.

Each stone pillar has a carved statue pattern on it, each one is different,

Lin Xuan looked towards the surrounding ones, and found that these patterns were 10 points strange, such as some with a dragon head, but they were human bodies,

There is also a stone engraved with a person on it. The arm is very long and there are thousands of eyes on the arm.

There is also a stone pillar with a person engraved on it. His face has no features, which is very strange.

Each stone pillar seems to be lifelike, as if these people have really existed.

And in the middle of these 49 stone pillars, there is another pillar, this pillar is not high, only more than one meter high,

Nothing was carved on it, no rune,

On the top of this stone pillar, there is something,

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