Inverse Sword God - Chapter 6465

Chapter 6465

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Xinger walked forward.

The big hand in front of the stone made a roaring sound, and a strong pressure swept through.

All heavens and earth seem to be shaking,

Xing'er's body was also a tremor, he felt a powerful force.

The next moment, he took a deep breath. Bring the blood of Emperor Zun to the extreme.

Inside, the roar of the avenue was made,

Mysterious blood power surrounds me,

Xing Er started to shock,

In the distance, those who are still fighting feel a mysterious force burst out,

The prince, the three princes, their faces changed,

Not good, the power of blood.

Hard to find, did Xinger find it?

Damn, we have to get out of here, or we won't have a chance.

These princes, crazy shots,

On the other side, Xing'er was also beating his heart. Even if he had blood, he felt a great pressure

He knew that this was the test that the Emperor was testing on him.

To gain the power of the Emperor, you must complete the test.

Several people in Lin Xuan did not act, they watched silently.

Now they ca n't help, but they want to prevent the people below from rushing in,

Below. Those terrestrial fairies attack like crazy,

Especially on the 7th Prince's side, Xuanyin and Yuanxian broke out completely.

Although Yuanxian is a half remnant, his body is extremely dark.

The power demonstrated at this moment is also extremely terrifying.

Xuanyin, it's all about mobilizing the power in his body,

In the eyes, many magic weapons appeared, and in cooperation with Qin Shi and others,

In sight, they were about to break the two swords.

At this time, a mysterious space force suddenly swept through the sky, covering everything.

The power of space is extremely terrible,

When feeling this power, the great prince and others changed their faces.

Damn, this is the power of the void,

Is Void Emperor going to shoot?

They suddenly looked up.

I saw the Void Ancient Coffin constantly shaking, and a figure appeared in front of the Void Ancient Coffin.

This is a handsome and handsome man, wearing vanity armor, and the power of the vanity is constantly permeating.

Damn it, that kid!

They recognized that it was the other side who had entered the void coffin before,

Unexpectedly, the other party now came out to do something with them.

This man is the ancient three links.

He said to Lin Xuan, "I can use the power of space to stop them for a while.

Great, Lin Xuan is happy, and then asked, how is your side? what's the situation?

Gu Santong said:

This void ancient coffin belongs to my ancient ancestors, and I got a powerful void power in it.

Gu Santong was extremely excited when he said this. Because its power is increasing rapidly,

The realm that others can't reach for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, is reaching fast.

The two mountain-like **** blood remaining in the void ancient coffin are really terrifying.

It is estimated that after the absorption is completed, the ancient three links can reach an incredible level.

Liangyi sword array, coupled with the power of space, stopped everyone.

Xuanyin frowned. He said to Yuanxian, "Go, this body is extremely powerful. You can leave here first."

OK, then I 'll fight first, I 'll kill them first, and stop Lin Wuji from them,

Yuanxian nodded.

The next moment, his soul was completely hidden in this body,

He madly urged the body.


A land fairy is desperate, its power is extremely terrible,

Eventually, Yuanxian left, at the cost of a few more cracks in his body,

But he didn't care.

Because it wasn't his body, he didn't feel bad at all.

He dared to do this, but the other land gods didn't dare.

Because, it may hurt their roots, and they cannot be recovered for tens of thousands of years.

Ha ha, Lin Wuji, I won't let you be happy,

Yuanxian hummed and flew forward,

Soon, he saw the huge palm, and Lin Wudi and others,

He also saw Xinger walking towards the huge palm,

And in the palm of that huge palm. With a stone bead, blooming mysterious light.


Yuanxian snorted, and the black palm bounced out immediately, killing Xing'er.

This trick is extremely poisonous,

Because Xing'er was fully coping with the pressure of the palm at the moment, he had no energy to dodge.

If this palm is hit, even if wearing an artifact, immortality is seriously injured.

Lin Xuan snorted, playing Long Xiang Gong,

One dragon and one elephant stopped black palms.

The roar sounded,

Lin Xuan said to Xing'er Chuan Yin, you can rest assured that there is me here.

Then he turned to look into the distance and rolled over for me!

Lin Wudi, you look for death, do you really think I can't kill you?

Yuanxian's voice was extremely wailing,

New hatred and old hate. Count it together today.

Lin Xuanwang sneered at each other. It turned out to be you, who I am. I didn't expect you to get this body.

But unfortunately, even Hei Juetian is not my opponent. You, a man who has lost his body, cannot show his full strength

You are not my opponent,

Hurry up now, otherwise I will let you know what regret is.

Stupid thing, you do n't understand the power of this body at all, I will let you know what kind of power I am now,

I will catch you later, I will torture you to death,

And your companions, I won't let one go!

Yuan Xianyin's eyes. An extremely cold light burst out,

The black immortality on it kept permeating.

This body, like the devil, suppressed between heaven and earth.

The next moment, he blasted out with a punch,

Above the fist, with amazing power.

As if the true God had recovered.


The dark red Shenlong, sword unknown, and others quickly retreated,

Lin Xuan was cold, and his eyes were equally terrible, and a terrible killing permeated from him.

The reincarnation eye of the right eye bloomed, and six reincarnations erupted completely.

In the next moment, Yuan Xian felt only a moment in his soul, with extremely powerful power on it.

The other side is targeting his weakness, because his soul is only half.

However, he has already prepared for this weakness.

In his half soul, a small tower flew out,

Nine Soul Tower,

This is a soul-like treasure. It has unparalleled defense and can protect his soul.

When the Nine Soul Tower appeared, it kept spinning, emitting a powerful defensive force, and colliding with the six reincarnations.

The earth-shattering voice sounded, and the void vanished.

Yuanxian hummed, he said, with this nine souls tower, I have no weakness.

Lin Wudi, what can you do for me?

Soul baby? Lin Xuan frowned, and a faint light appeared in her eyes.