Inverse Sword God - Chapter 6320

Chapter 6320

The figure that had been beheaded before appeared again.

Still standing there, expressionless.

On the other side, it seems that there is no injury at all,

This scene surprised Lin Xuan: how is that possible? The other party was able to block it!

Something is wrong.

He cast his reincarnation eyes again, condensed into a fire of reincarnation, and floated forward.


The fire of soul appeared, and the horror carried by it made the people in the whole village stunned.

They were scared to their knees,

It 's terrible. At this glance, it seems to be able to penetrate the world.

Mother-in-law was also shocked and took a breath of coolness: the scary eyes turned out to be the legendary eyes.

The fire of soul fell into the distance, and immediately enveloped a space,

The next moment, a figure appeared in the space, a black hair like a waterfall, a figure dressed in white,

The other side stood here quietly, and was surrounded by the fire of the soul,

The next moment, she was wiped out by the fire of soul.


Su Yuxin is happy,

This is the first time she has seen an enemy,

It 's not just her, the others are the same,

It turns out that this is the enemy.

However, immediately afterwards, they exclaimed, and Su Yu was startled: impossible.

It turned out that the figure that had just disappeared suddenly appeared again,

This time, she was closer to everyone,

She still floats in the air so quietly, this time, everyone can clearly see each other,

What is this person there?

Is it human? Is it a ghost?

Mother-in-law bears back in fright,

She bowed to the ground and worshiped, and said, Lord Snow Maiden, let her go, Lord Snow Maiden, it's not my business,

what? Is this Snow Girl?

After listening to the other warriors, they all exclaimed, and they retreated to the distance with a bang.

Each one looked pale.

Even the old man Mo is the same, with a hint of despair in his eyes,

Su Yu frowned and said: What is Snow Girl? Is she amazing?

Do n't say that, do n't offend Snow Maiden,

Mother-in-law shouted: "Admit wrong to Snow Maiden,

Head down and admit it?

Su Yu frowns: Is this snow woman terrible?

Lin Xuan Lengheng: pretending to be a ghost,

The next moment, he raised **** and nodded forward.

A sword flew out, flickering in the heavens and the earth, with a breath of horror, with indestructible strength,

Great, it's a peerless swordsmanship.

Su Yuxin is happy,

This time, Snow Girl was cut off again,

Lin Xuan's eyes stared at the front. He used indestructible power to kill the other party.

Big Dragon Soul, even nothing can be cut off.

Did not appear. Su Yu looked around and said with a smile,

Lin Xuan frowned: Appeared in the distance,


Su Yu looked towards the front, but in the distance, the figures of the women appeared again,

The figure of the other person seems to have become dim, but still exists,

She took a breath,

Lin Xuan is also shocked: the indestructible power has not destroyed the other party

It's incredible.

However, the other party also seems to be afraid of this kind of power.

Hand over Xiu Xiu's soul,

Lin Xuan stepped out and cut it with a sword.

This sword, like a dragon, swept across the sky.

The power it brings is extremely terrifying.

Snow Girl, this time finally acted,

Her figure suddenly appeared in another space,

Dodging this sword,

The next moment, her figure slowly disappeared in the air.

Where do I want to go?

Lin Xuan snorted, forming the eyes of heaven in the sky, covering everything, but soon he froze.

Because he found that he could not sense the breath of the other party, and the other party really escaped?

how is this possible?

This Snow Girl is too weird,

Lin Xuan retracted the Eye of Heaven, and then he turned to look at Mother Xiong.

He said: What is going on here? Tell me,

Mother-in-law Xiu was so stupid: You even hit the Snow Maiden.

Boy, you have done a terrible disaster.

The other people also said: Yeah, boy, you go quickly, don't be in this northern ice and snow world,

Go to other worlds, maybe you can survive,

However, Mother Xiong said: Useless, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you will be followed by her.

Is it so amazing?

Su Yu said: Lin Gongzi is very powerful, even the super emperor can defeat,

Can even compete with the land fairy,

Obviously nobody believed this, not even Mother Xiong.

Land fairy, how high is that existence,

She only used Su Yu to brag,

However, she said: Even if you are a super emperor,

Neither works,

Because, once 20,000 years ago, there was a super emperor who was scared to death by Snow Girl.

What's going on? Tell me,

Lin Xuan asked,

However, Mother Xiong shook her head crazy: I dare not say any more,

She didn't dare to offend Snow Girl.

Let me do it!

The old man Mo stepped out, he could see that Lin Xuan was to help Xiu Xiu,

Therefore, he summoned the courage to say: 20,000 years ago, there was a super emperor who once met the Snow Woman

He shot at Snow Woman at the time,

However, the nightmare started,

The super emperor found that Snow Woman followed him and appeared all around him.

Moreover, no matter how this super emperor shots, he cannot kill Snow Woman,

Gradually he found that frost began to appear on him.

He was scared ~ ~ and started to escape,

However, it didn't help, no matter where he fled, Snow Girl followed him,

Eventually, he fell, and he turned into an ice sculpture.

After listening, Su Yu took a sigh of relief: This snow girl is so horrible, can no one kill her?

Lin Xuan frowned, and said: Do you know how Snow Snow came?

A sword qi just now, although it is not a full shot, but even if the super emperor is hit, it will be injured

However, this Snow Girl didn't have any problems at all,

It's incredible.

I do n't know.

The old man shook his head,

If Xiu Xiu's soul was taken away by Snow Girl, then he is really desperate.

Lin Xuan is interested,

Because, just now he sensed that the ring flickered a bit,

In other words, there is information about the big dragon sword here, but he can't find it,

Moreover, Snow Girl is so weird,

Does Snow Girl have anything to do with Big Dragon Sword?

After all, it is the power of the Dragon Sword that can resist the Dragon Sword.

Therefore, Lin Xuan feels very likely,

He must explore the secret of Snow Girl.

However, those warriors around did not know,

Mother-in-law walks quietly,


Lin Xuan turned her eyes on her,

Mother Xiong said: Don't ask, young people, I won't tell you.

Then forgive me.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, the power of reincarnation erupted, and six phantoms appeared around him. The eyes of heaven appeared in the sky.

Mother-in-law felt a huge soul suppression,

Bad, it's that eye,

She exclaimed in shock, resisting desperately,

But soon, she was shocked to withdraw, her face pale.

You can say nothing, I can search the soul.