Inverse Sword God - Chapter 6083

Chapter 6083

Lin Xuan looked to the elder and said: I am indeed from the heavens and the world,

But how do you know?

The elder laughed: your life is very special. As soon as you come, I feel it.

Come with me, the goddess is waiting for you.


When he heard this, the messenger was very envious, because he had not seen the goddess yet.

Not everyone is qualified to see the goddess? Unexpectedly, this kid can see the goddess as soon as he arrives.

Goddess of destiny?

Lin Xuan was surprised. He was more curious now. What the **** was the other person looking for him?

He nodded and said: Seniors please,

The elder took Lin Xuan out of the sky and flew directly towards the seventh island.

The seventh island has a compass of fate,

When Lin Xuan came down, he felt the atmosphere here, more mysterious and strange.

You finally came,

Ahead, Goddess of Destiny turned around and looked at Lin Xuan.

She has a veil on her face, a pair of eyes, and the stars are disillusioned. She is so profound that she seems to be in control of the fate of others.

You are the goddess of fate, what do you want from me?

Lin Xuan asked,

The goddess of destiny came over and made a circle around Lin Xuan, then nodded and said: Your life is indeed broken.

However, the new life form has not yet formed. You are here to change your life against the sky.


Lin Xuan said: I am here to change my life.

Examine your terms.

This is not urgent

The goddess said: I have to see you first, what's so special?


Lin Xuan was surprised and said: Of course it's special,

The elder also came over and said: You are the first person I've ever met to break through his life with his own strength.

Can't you guys?

Lin Xuan was surprised: Isn't the temple of fate just to help others change their lives?

However, the goddess said: We can help others change it, but when we are ourselves, we cannot change ourselves.

Lin Xuan froze again,

It seems that the Temple of Destiny is not almighty,

The elder said: So, do you know how special you are? If you changed our destiny, it would be nothing.

Because you are not the first,

However, you do n't rely on the power of the Temple of Destiny and your own strength to break through the life form.

Although the fate has not been completely changed, it is already ground breaking.

So we are curious, how did you do that?

Lin Xuan thought about it, and then said: I tell you, can you help me change my life?

The goddess shook her head: No, your situation can help you change your life. The cost is too high.

Originally, we did n't have to help you change your life,

However, if you tell me your secret and interest me, maybe I will persuade the whole shrine of fate to help you change your life.

Well, it's actually no secret,

Lin Xuan said: I have combined the Shinto and the Immortal. I follow the Tao of the Immortal.

what? You follow the way of immortals, and you succeed!

The elder exclaimed,

Even the goddess of fate is shocked: can you show me?

She didn't believe it either.

Lin Xuan stretched out his hand and struck out a force of immortals. The whole world suddenly shook violently.

Above the compass of destiny, the shooting star seemed to shine more brightly.

Some people in the Temple of Destiny looked up: What happened?

The third island, the messenger of fate is also surprised.

Feeling from the seventh island, there is a terrible force,

He has never seen such power.

For a while, many figures flew towards the seventh island.

However, at this time, the goddess of fate spoke: there is nothing, you do not need to come over,

Upon hearing the words of the goddess, the masters returned to their temples.

However, they were curious, what happened to the seventh island?

On the island, Lin Xuan took back the power of the fairy, and said: This is how it looks,

Although I have gathered the power of the fairy, but this state is not stable,

Once I cast, I am also shocked.

Therefore, I came here to completely strengthen the power of the gods.

I don't know, is there any way for you?

The goddess and the elder were silent,

After a while, the elder said, "Young man, you really don't want to die,

There is more than one person who wants to take the Immortal Road. There were many people who wanted to follow this path.

But without exception, all died.

None was successful.

The situation is compelling, I do n't follow this path, there is no way,

Lin Xuan said in a deep voice: Can you change my life? I can agree on any conditions.

After hearing this, the elder also looked at the goddess of fate,

Goddess of Destiny said: OK, I will change your life.

The elder exclaimed: God, this is too costly. He walks in the way of immortals. We have never seen anything like this

In case of unsuccessful, the damage to us will also be great,

But the goddess said: Elder, needless to say, I have decided.

Great, thank you, I don't know what I need to do?

Lin Xuan is happy,

The Temple of Destiny is mysterious. Once the other party really helps him, he may succeed.

The goddess said: You are following the way of the gods, and it will be difficult for you to change your life.

Takes time, very long,

Lin Xuan asked: How much time?

You know, the outer **** realm and the other shore are still fighting,

I don't know what's going on?

He can't stay too long.

500 years.

The maiden spoke.

what? 500 years? No, it's too long.

The elder also frowned, and said: Young man, are you too greedy?

In this case, if you want to change your life, it is as difficult as going to heaven. Even the temple of my destiny has to pay a huge price.

500 years, how long do you think?

You know ~ ~ replaced by anyone, let alone 500 years, 50,000 years, he can afford to wait.

The goddess of destiny said: 500 years is just an ideal time, maybe it will take longer.

As for what you said, I have heard of some of the great battles outside,

They have been fighting for millions of years, and for 500 years, nothing to them.

But for you, it's crucial,

Because, once successful, you will be the only one in the world.

Otherwise, in your state, sooner or later, the foundation will be broken, and you will be abolished and become a wasteful person.

it is good.

Lin Xuan nodded and said: Then come as you said.

Do I need to stay in the Temple of Destiny?

No, leave. Give you your first mission. Live 100 years.

I will announce to the outside that you are the son of fate.

Those who want to change their lives will come to you. You will live 100 years before you talk.

Hearing this, the elder also leaped wildly: this is pushing the boy into the sea of fire,

The whole land of fate is as good as a cloud, but how difficult it is to change your life,

Once, Lin Xuan has the title of the son of destiny, those people will probably flock to it.

Want to explore the secret on Lin Xuan.

The goddess did say: These 100 years are very dangerous, and even countless masters will come.

The emperor is nothing, the super emperor may appear,

This is a test for you,

If you ca n't survive these 100 years, we do n't have to pay a huge price to change your life,

do you understand?

Understand, after 100 years, I will come to you again,

Lin Xuan turned and left.

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