Inverse Sword God - Chapter 456

Chapter 456

"I announced that the Blue Dragon Club will start now!"

Hong Liang's voice spread across the four corners, and then four figures, like ghosts, quickly came to the top of the four ringstands.

All four of them have practiced in the mid-psychic realm, and they are the judges this time.

As the voice of His Holiness Qinglian fell, the ground trembled around the platform, and the stands rose from the ground.

There are millions of spectators in the stands.

These warriors came to watch the Blue Dragon Club. They came from all over Tiannan.

Previously they could not show up due to the rules of the Blue Dragon Club. Now the Blue Dragon Club has begun and they can finally see the talented match in Tiannan Realm.

A shocking shout sounded, shaking the world, infecting the young talented warriors present.

Many people are excited and excited.

If you can make a name for yourself at this Qinglong meeting, it won't be long before you will become famous in Tiannan.

Think about this kind of thing and get excited.

At the start of the game, the four big daisies shined, and invisible power guided everything.

On the third platform, a young man with a spear came to power.

He flashed over and came to the ring, looking very upset.

The long gun danced, and numerous guns appeared in the void, shaking the void.

As the first warrior to appear, he naturally wanted to perform well.

However, when he saw his opponent, he showed an uglier expression than crying.

Because his opponent turned out to be Prince of Fire!

Prince Tianhuo came to the ring, showing an impatient expression.

The opponent is only a silver suit, this opponent can not increase his true dragon spirit.

You know, he's already a colorful and exquisite suit, and only a warrior of the same rank or a golden suit can increase his true dragon spirit.

Other warriors have no effect at all.

Thinking of this, his face was even more gloomy.

The warrior with a spear took a deep breath and held the gun tightly with both hands.

He comes from the four-star Zongmen, where he is also a top genius. As a genius, his pride does not allow him to lose without a fight.

"Take me the strongest blow, the wind has no clear spines."

The warrior's pike shook, forming a terrifying lance, piercing the sky.

However, Prince Tianhuo just bounced with a finger, a ray of flame popped up, and floated towards the other party.

The horror spear trembled in the void, but when it touched the tiny flame, it quickly disintegrated.

"not good!"

The spear warrior's face changed greatly, he quickly absorbed the surrounding aura, forming a solid defense in front of him.

However, all of this seemed very fragile before the flame, and in just a moment, his whole body was defensed, and his body seemed to fall into a lava volcano.

A smoldering smell came from him.

The pike warrior fell to the ground, his body emitting black smoke.

A ray of true dragon air flew out of the silver battle suit, and sank into Prince Tianhuo.

However, there is no change in the colorful suit.

"Take him to heal," said the referee Shen Sheng.

Everyone was dismayed. With just one flame, they defeated the warriors in the silver armor. Prince Tianhuo's strength was horrible.

For a time, a cloud of clouds overwhelmed everyone.

The same thing happened to the third ring, not only the third ring.

On the No. 1 platform, Ba Wou-Ki did not take any action, and he simply defeated his opponent with his momentum.

On the second ring, Zhou Jianying's eyes looked like a sword, and his opponent was directly flying.

On the No. 4 platform, Yan Shan controlled a dry corpse and almost bit his opponent's neck.

If it was not for the referee to stop in time, I am afraid his opponent is already dead.

The people were horrified and trembled. Previously, Lord Qinglian had warned against arbitrary killings.

However, as if Yan Shan hadn't heard it, he still acted his way and was extremely vicious.

"This is a lunatic!"

Everyone was afraid, and no one dared to provoke it.

Many people have even decided that if they encounter Yan Shan, they must vote immediately, or they may lose their lives if they surrender.

The four great peerless geniuses were so powerful that they blasted their opponents in one move. This scene directly greeted the cheers of millions of spectators in the stands.

The sound shattered the clouds in the sky.

After the four great geniuses shot, the game continued.

After watching several battles, Lin Xuan took a deep breath.

He found that with his current strength, it was not too difficult to squeeze into the top 72 true dragon geniuses.

But his goal is more than that. The main purpose of his participation in the Dragon Club is to absorb as much of the true dragon's breath as possible, so as to sense the direction of the dragon sword.

According to the analysis of the wine master, at least it must reach the level of the golden suit to be able to sense it.

Therefore, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

Since Qinglong will gather all the young geniuses in the entire Tiannan area, the game takes longer.

During this time, as long as his strength improves, there is still hope.

Thinking of this, while watching the game, he cast the sword of soul control and devour the black dragon's inflammation.

Even he engulfed the Sword Scenario into the mysterious sword.

Dividing a ray of soul, practicing the Excalibur Scenario.

Reaching a four-star inscription master can be used with one heart.

Because such things as cultivating elixir are originally multi-line operations, Dan Tao geniuses like Lin Xuan can be multi-purpose.

A trace of the black dragon's inflammation was absorbed between being swallowed, and quickly entered the body. Under the operation of Changsheng Jue, it gradually turned into his spiritual power.

He was careful to control, and the black dragon inflammation that he absorbed just reached the limit that his body could bear.

In this way, he can absorb energy safely and train his body to the maximum.

The magic sword imagination map is even more unpredictable, and Lin Xuan learned a lot from it.

His sword skills are also improving, and the sword of the dragon has become more powerful than before.

Lin Xuan believes that if he continues to enlighten the Excalibur Scenario, it won't be long before his sword will rise again.

By that time, he would be able to compete with Zhou Jianying's sword.

When Lin Xuan used his heart to multiply his strengths, the Quartet battlefield was fierce.

On the No. 1 platform, Leng Yidao, wearing a bronze suit, came to power.

His opponent was a warrior in a silver suit, holding a metal sledgehammer.

"Haha! Another newcomer in a bronze suit, this time I will win three games in a row!" The warrior laughed proudly.

Then ~ ~ he picked up a metal sledgehammer and smashed into the void.

A house-sized hammer appeared in the sky and smashed into the cold.


Leng Yidao's body was full of swords, as if to pierce the sky.

The dazzling razor rushed up and split on the hammer the size of the house instantly, chopping it in half.

Subsequently, the bright swordman split the silver warrior warrior flying.

A ray of true dragon air flew out of the silver battle suit, sinking into the cold sword.

Suddenly, a hint of silver glowed from his bronze suit.

"What? This kid actually beat Jia Lao Liubi in one move!"

"Fuck! What a terrible swordman, who is this kid?"

The martial artist nearby exclaimed, many people looked at Leng Yidao deeply, revealing the color of dread