Inverse Sword God - Chapter 4592

Chapter 4592

At this moment, everyone's eyes are on Xiao Xiyu,

Xiao Xiyu's face also became pale. The dying dragon in front of him attacked fiercely.

Lin Xuan sneered, and wanted to break through and suppress me.

He stepped out, his voice, growled,

There was a sound of dragons, ringing for nine days and ten places.

At this moment, the crippled dragon was directly on the ground, and the monsters around it also kept backing down, shaking their bodies.

All beasts are singing together, as if worshipping a king,

what happened? Everyone was stunned. Does this boy have the blood of the dragon race?

Just now, what the **** is going on? The people at Shanhaidian were stunned.

The Qing people are also shocked, and other masters are equally shocked.

Lin Xuan ignored these people in the slightest. He used his soul power this time to suppress his eyes and formed a big golden hand.

The shattered dragon was originally frightened, and now, even more, growling, he never had any resistance again,

Drizzle, hurry up.

Drizzle nodded, seized the opportunity, and shot quickly.

Destroy the dragon, and still want to resist, this time, he seems to see a pair of golden eyes looking down at him,

If he dared to resist, his soul would shatter into pieces in an instant,

He never dared to resist again, obediently surrender.

Conquered, those around me are shocked and can't believe it.

No one had been optimistic about each other before, but I didn't expect that Xiao Xiyu was really successful!

Of course, they know that a large part of this is due to Lin Xuan's credit. Lin Xuan's physique is too strong, and he directly defeated and destroyed the dragon.


Xiao Xiyu cheered, but Xiao Yu's face was pale. Did the other party succeed?

She has failed, and before she said so much, she thought that her strength had surpassed each other.

But now, she found it really ridiculous,

The other party successfully conquered the Destroying Dragon, completely surpassing her.

She lowered her head, feeling faceless and facing everyone,

Xiao people are equally surprised, the elders cheered, and the uncle gritted his teeth, hateful!

He couldn't believe it, and now his only hope rested on Qingchen's son, hoping that Qingchen's son could clean up the two men.

Seeing Xiao Xiyu successfully conquered the crippled dragon, Qingchen was also cold and abominable, which was beyond his expectation.

He couldn't stand it, he didn't want to wait any longer,


He urged the troll, sweeping around, and at the same time the cold voice sounded, I don't think I need to wait any longer, it is time to start.

what? Start now? Those around were stunned! Some of them have not yet conquered the monsters,

How to start now?

Gu Yue nodded, it really wasn't necessary, waited,

I think the first place should be among the few of us. Let's face it first.

Although there are still some people who haven't played yet, those people can't threaten them at all, and they can't affect their ranking.

They have to take the lead in deciding the first place, after all, everyone wants to get the seal of life and death.

I have the same intention, Mu Lingfeng stood in the ape of the ape, nodded,

On the other side, Han Qiu also said, let's start,

The sea monster under her feet roared, and the endless water spread in all directions.

Is it about to start, the surrounding observers are also nervous.

The final battle is about to start. The first place will be between these people.

Of course, they excluded Xiao Xiyu, because they felt that Xiao Xiyu had controlled Xiaolong, and it was impossible for him to win the first place.

You can fight first, and I will solve one person first. Qingchen turned and stared at Xiao Xiyu coldly,

I didn't expect that you could come to this step, it really surprised me, but this station can be ended,

I will defeat you personally, and after the end, I will marry you,

As for the kid around you, today I will let him stay here forever, he doesn't need to live any longer.

Everyone was surprised and didn't expect Qing Chen's first stop to be against Xiao Xiyu.

Do not!

Despair of the Xiao people. Originally they had no excitement, because according to this situation, Xiao Xiyu could not enter the top three, but the fifth place was affirmative,

Because no one else can threaten the annihilation of the dragon,

But now, to defeat Xiao Xiyu in advance, let alone the fifth place, even the top ten may not have a chance.

If they miss this time, their Xiao people 's losses are really heavy.

Thinking of this, the chief of the Xiao tribe stood up and said coldly, Qingchen son was angry, this matter has nothing to do with drizzle, it is this kid.

This boy is very abominable. He offended Qingchen, hoping that the boy killed the boy and let it drizzle.

After all, we both want to marry.

As soon as this word came out, those of the Xiao people were also silent, and two elders stood up directly,

This time the elders and the second elders, they closely followed the chief of the Xiao clan and said, yes, yes,

I hope that the young people will not fight with us, killing the kid, should be able to calm your anger.

The others were all silent.

Because they know that Xiao Xiuyu can have what it is today, it's all because of Lin Xuan,

Are they going to give up Lin Xuan now?

To be honest, some people are embarrassed, like San Zhang, shaking his head and sighing,

He could not compete with the patriarch, but he would not support it.

The Seven Elders stood up, gritted their teeth,

You are really despicable. You used the despicable method to get the position of patriarch. Now you have to lose the face of Xiao people in the face of people all over the world.

The drizzle can be what it is now because of that young man,

But now I want to kill him. What do you want people to think of us?

Are we Xiao people all ungrateful?

Great, fight, uncle sneers, it is best to die together, so that he can take advantage of the fisherman.

The patriarch of the Xiao ethnic group said coldly, "Seven elders, who will let you say something,

Xiao, I have the final say.

Are you sure? I don't think drizzle is a person who is ungrateful ~ ~ If you insist on doing so, then me and drizzle will retreat from Xiao family from now on.

The results of this game have nothing to do with your Xiao people.

The seven elders gritted their teeth and said,

After Xiao Xiyu heard the news, he was also pale. Did the people in these families give up Lin Xuan?

It's so chilling,

When she heard what her mother said, she said, yes, you have to stick to it, then I am willing to quit the Xiao people.

Bold! It's against you! The Xiao chief gave a cold drink. Do you know what you are talking about?

How much resources did the family spend to train you, and now you say that you do n't belong to the Xiao family, just kidding?

He has become shameless, and when I go back, see how I use the house rules to dispose of you?

/ bk