Inverse Sword God - Chapter 4462

Chapter 4462


Elder Goldwind originally wanted to suppress with his soul, but when the light of that soul came out, he instantly changed his face.

He fled quickly,

However, before he exerted too many souls to suppress it, he could not completely recover it at this moment,

After a blow, his soul was traumatized, and the whole person also vomited blood and flew out.


Damn, why are you in the light of reincarnation? Could it be that you are the misty peak,

He was really shocked!

Oh, you know the light of reincarnation, Lin Xuan is also surprised. It seems that the reincarnation method should be the person of Ji Feng.

Who the **** are you? Elder Goldwind growled,

Son Yan Jiu was also shocked. Is the other person the misty peak person, how is this possible?

You know, even if he is arrogant again, his identity is not in the same class, but he can't compete with Ethereal Peak.

But it shouldn't be. If the other person was a Feng Feng, how could he be caught by him as a war servant?

Don't believe him. He must have gotten the light of reincarnation by chance. He came from another world.

Kill him with all his strength!

Elder Jinfeng also responded, but that bitterness in his heart, killed the other party with all his strength?

To be honest, he was confident before, but now he is not necessarily able to do it,

Because the light of reincarnation just now has severely injured his soul, causing his power to drop sharply.

It has long been unable to exert its peak combat power,

Coupled with the opponent's physique and the horrible Saint King weapon, he was extremely passive,

Sure enough, after the war, Elder Goldwind was suppressed,

Lin Xuan, however, is getting more and more brave.

His body seemed to have endless power, and Elder Goldwind spit blood, and even cracks appeared in the end.

The Great Spear, a blow that penetrates the opponent,

The power of the great dragon sword soul roared out, the sound of the dragon rang through nine days and ten places, and then the body of the elder Jinfeng was torn apart!

how is this possible? Yan Jiuzi was stunned,

Elder Jingfeng was severely wounded. He forgot to attack.

Elder Jinfeng growled wildly. To be honest, he never dreamed of it. One day he would be defeated by a saint.


Boy, you irritated me completely, even if I damage the foundation, I will kill you,

With a roar, the blood on his body kept burning, and he seemed to be desperate to shoot.

On him, extremely scary golden light and shadow appeared, endless avenues intertwined, as if to be able to destroy a world,

At this moment, there are several points of terror.

Haha, boy, you are dead. Seeing this, Yan Jiuzi knew that Teacher Jin Fengchang was really angry.

Under this blow, all the holy kings of the same rank will die.

Not to mention, this kid!

Just in the midst of this crisis, Lin Xuan snorted coldly. A dragon-shaped sword appeared in his hand, and he made a loud sound of dragonsing

Immediately, he chopped out towards the front,

Heaven and earth were split in an instant,

The endless large fissures permeated, and this sword cut directly to Elder Goldwind.


Under one sword, Elder Jinfeng's body split into two halves, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

how is this possible?


He made a crazy roar, shaking Jiuxiao,

In the distance, Yan Jiuzi was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground.

The opponent actually had this strength, and a sword split a King.

What it is? That sword shadow, is it terrible?

Damn, you dare hurt me!

Ahead, Elder Goldwind growls, his body heals quickly,

However, I found that I could n't do it at all.

There is an extremely horrifying power that makes his body unable to fully heal,

That crack, terrible horror,

Who the **** are you?

Kill you! Lin Xuan's devastating spear in one hand, holding Longxing Sword in one hand, walked forward.

God body is getting scarier,

At the same time, he waved the dragon-shaped sword shadow again and killed the front.

Boom boom.

The war, once again,

It didn't take long for Elder Goldwind to be split again, and finally turned into a blood mist,

He was frightened and wanted to run away,

Lin Xuan transformed the world of kendo with the dragon sword soul, covering the other side.

Damn, you dare stop me?

Boy, sister-in-law, you can't kill me, he growls,

Lin Xuan frowned. Indeed, the other party was very powerful.

He can now defeat the Saint King, but it is not easy to kill a Saint King. The opponent is too strong.

But what about it, can't kill you? You are so naive, give me time, no matter who you are, let your heart die,

The Great Dragon Sword Spirit erupted for me,

Lin Xuan directly smashed the opponent's storage ring, allowing the dragon dragon soul to absorb all the power in the opponent's storage ring.

The transformed Kendo world is constantly attacking,

Elder Goldwind made a roar and opposed the land,

Lin Xuan turned his head and stared at Yan Jiu, who was pale and frightened.

What do you want to do? Don't come over,

He kept backing, and now he never wants to crack the formation again,

He does n't want any wishes or restrictions,

He just wanted to go back safely,

Do you dare to kill me? I am your master, life and death curse, open it for me!

Yan Jiu's son growled wildly, the palms of his hands kept closing,

No matter how strong the opponent is, the other is a combat servant, he has a hundred ways to let the other kneel at his feet

However, he found that Lin Xuan was sneer and looked at him.

Is the life and death spell powerful?

How is it possible that you are not affected? Aren't you controlled?

Son Yan Jiu was completely stunned,

Lin Xuan took a slap and patted him in the past, and with a click, Yan Jiu's son was photographed and he vomited blood.

Numerous rifts appeared in his body, and the earth was stained with blood,

He was in pain, terrified, and wanted to escape,

However, one foot stepped on his head,

Do n't think it 's too late to leave now,

You tried to kill me three or two times before. Do you think I will let you go?

No, you can't kill me. My father is an elder and my grandpa is an elder!

My identity is important, you killed me,

Qianshandongtian will never let you go!

Really, since your grandpa is too elder, then I let you go back, am I not dead?

So go to **** obediently,

And rest assured, I remember what you said to me before,

I ~ ~ will not kill you so easily, I will let you taste, what is pain,

Lin Xuan, opened the heavenly **** pupil,

Suddenly, the soul of the other party was pulled into the lock spring and autumn, and suffered the pain of the soul, which was pain for thousands of years.


For a moment outside, millions of years inside,

Yan Jiuzi is completely crazy,

This is simply a demon king, terrible,

In the end, after his soul came out, he suddenly touched a treasure deep in his soul,

That is a rune,

A terrible breath poured out of him,

Who? Dare to do something to my grandchild!

A loud drink, shaking for nine days and ten places!