Inverse Sword God - Chapter 3706

Chapter 3706

As soon as the news came out, those people around were crazy, Emperor Ling was really eliminated, and Gui Li was eliminated, too incredible?

To be honest, these people seem to be dreaming, because everyone can be eliminated, but how can these two people be eliminated.

These are the top two of the Eight Great Tianjiao, and they are the two most promising to become the chief disciples.

But now, not only has the other party not become the chief disciple, not even the disciples of Wushuang City,

Was eliminated directly!

Impossible! We don't believe it! Feng Lingxing's people roared wildly, what about the Emperor? We want to see him.

Yes, we are going to see him too. Devil Stars said they thought it was weird.

You Emperor Mausoleum, come out. In the sky, the elders of Wushuang City waved,

Walking among the crowd behind, a figure came out.

The Emperor's Mausoleum at this moment is already, not so embarrassed, and his clothes and armor have been changed, but his face is still pale.

After he came out, he said nothing,

Xi is the emperor's tomb. Countless people scream,

The people who sealed the spirit star were also sinking in their hearts. What an unruly person the Emperor Mausoleum was, the glory of ordinary days was like a **** of war.

But now, the other side is standing too weak, and their faces are ugly, so that their hearts sink to the ancient land.

It is very likely that the other party is really eliminated?

The Emperor's Tomb, tell me how you were eliminated, or else, I thought it would be unfair for me to have no two cities.

The emperor's mausoleum was so ugly that he let him acknowledge himself in public. How could he endure the miserable experience?

However, he is afraid to fight against Wushuang City now. With the strength of Wushuang City, he wants to kill him, but it is very simple.

Hit him, you can only cooperate obediently.

He took a deep breath and said helplessly, in the third stage, I was hunted down and had no time to collect Dongling Stone.

What to do, be hunted down. Everyone was shaking violently.

How terrible the Emperor's Mausoleum is, but he has been pursued and killed from start to finish.

I don't even have time to collect Dongling Stone, this is really shocking!

The people who sealed Fengxing were also stunned, and they did not expect it to be like this.

If it is for other reasons, one hundred of them do not believe it. But if it is this one, then it can really explain,

The Emperor's Mausoleum is powerful, but it is only a saint in the early days of Wuzhongtian. More than him,

Not to mention the Eastern Spirit World, they also know that there are mixed fish and dragons, various strong men, disciples of the Holy City, are there to test,

Maybe the Emperor's Mausoleum was really unlucky, and it caused some counter-existence and was hunted down.


Everyone sighed, the emperor's tomb was really bad luck.

Hey, it's almost unlucky to arrive home, I don't know who the strong man he provokes.

Do you say that his pursuit has nothing to do with Lin Invincible?

Everyone looked quietly into the sky.

In the sky, the one who stood in the forefront and was the most dazzling was Lin Xuan. His body was so bright that he accepted the worship of everyone.

Everyone thought that Lin Xuan had a variety of attitudes toward Lin Xuan before, but his strength was poor. When he grew up, he had to be hundreds or thousands of years

But now, the other party has proved that the other party is not only talented but also strong, and has become the chief disciple.

The emperor's tomb was eliminated, did Lin Xuan do anything? they do not know.

The matter of the Emperor's Mausoleum has been explained clearly. As for Gui Li, he is now a registered disciple and is still practicing in Wushuang City.

So I ca n't come over now,

Hearing this, the demon star's people also sighed, but there is still hope for the named disciples,

In other words, the ghosts will be able to become disciples of the Holy City in the future, so that they also care a little,

However, someone still stood up and Shen Sheng asked, I want to know, how was Gui Li eliminated?

The ghost was in the second level, challenged Lin Wuji, lost, and was eliminated.

The elders of Wushuang City spoke.

Everyone was shocked, and the Devil Star's eyes were leaping wildly, did he fail to challenge Lin Wudi?

Ghostly ghost, can not beat the invincible!

Others were also in an uproar. This invincible Lin was too strong. They had a further understanding of Lin Xuan's terror.

Wait, this is not right. At this time, the people of Feng Lingxing stood up. They said that Gui Li was eliminated and became a named disciple.

Why is our Emperor Mausoleum directly disqualified? This is not fair!

Yeah, those people around are also uproar. This is really a problem.

Everyone talked a lot. The elders of the rain clan said, yes, where is our young master, where is he? When was he eliminated?

Yeah, let me tell you clearly. The elder of Wushuang City spoke, and he would be eliminated directly because he failed twice.

Xi was not actually in the third pass. At the second pass, the emperor's tomb had already been defeated and eliminated, and became a registered disciple.

what! Emperor Mausoleum was eliminated twice! The horror of everyone was the first person in the Eight Great Tianjiao.

Why is it so powerful that it has been eliminated twice? Who is so powerful.

The elder of Wushuang City said that in the second pass, the Emperor also challenged Lin Wudi, lost and was eliminated.

The same situation, as well as Yu Qianye, challenged Lin Wuji, but also lost.

Everyone sucked in cool air, Lin Wuji, Lin Wuji again!

This forest is invincible.

I defeated Gui Li without saying, but also defeated Emperor Ling and Yu Qianye. This is three of the eight Tianjiao!

What the **** is this, the second level?

Everyone wants to know, but how can people in Wushuang City disclose the details?

If you feel unfair ~ ~ you can ask all the contestants to see if they say it is fair.

As soon as this word came out, everyone was silent.

Yeah, if there is really any injustice in Wushuang City, then someone will definitely jump out, but now no one is against it.

This shows that the process is absolutely fair,

I lost so badly.

Although they are unwilling to believe, this is a fact, a fact that cannot be changed,

The people on the side of Fengfeng Lingxing were so ugly that their genius lost twice.

I'm really shameful,

The Emperor's Tomb is also full of suffocation there. On the other side, the people of the Yu tribe are equally stunned.

How could it be that the **** Lin was invincible with spitting blood in their anger?

They ca n't think of it. They are proud of it. Master Chiba, they will lose in the second level.

You know, before they dreamed that Master Qian Ye could reach the top three and even win the first place and become the chief disciple.

Even later, they also imagined that their master Chiba could become a disciple of the saint king,

But now, their young master is defeated.

This is no longer a slap, this is a hard blow to their heart.

This huge contrast, they can't believe it.