Inverse Sword God - Chapter 3683

Chapter 3683

After trying it, Lin Xuan used the magical pupil of the heavens to cooperate with the soul of the big dragon sword, and hit some golden light blades.

This is modeled after Tianfeng's eyes,

These light blades are also incomparable, with a breath of indifference.

Then, he combined the Summoning Curse and used pupil technique to summon some powerful heroes.

Even, he also used the unicorn tattoo, pupil, big dragon sword soul, and the combination of the three to form a black unicorn shield.

It worked, Lin Xuan tried it a few times and found that the initial results were very satisfying.

This pupil technique was created by myself, and it does not belong to the heavenly prodigy. I have to give it a new name.

Lin Linxuan thought for a while, a smile lifted from the corner of his mouth, and evolved everything, then call you Wanhua pupil!

I'm so good. With this Wanhua pupil, Lin Xuan will be able to calm down even if he encounters the hundred-eyed demon Saint again.

Even now, he urgently hopes to fight with Baiyan Demon Saint again, and wants to dig some more pupils.

He changed his body shape, he rushed out, and looked around.

The next moment, he was surprised, the silver light was still there,

Sure enough, he saw that in the distance, the silver light had faded, but it had not completely dissipated.

Before that, it was the silvery light that led away the hundred-eyed demon saints. I wonder what it is?

I'd better go and see. Lin Xuan shook her figure and flew towards the silvery shining place.

On a mountain peak, the sky is full of light, the avenue wastes, and there are several behemoths hovering here.

One of them is a lion covered in gold.

I was obviously a big demon.

On the other side of the puppet was a giant purple elephant with three heads, and its fangs rushed towards the clouds, with puppet wings.

On top of a nearby mountain, there is a giant beast,

This is a python. He is too big. His body is wrapped around a mountain peak, a huge skull, bigger than a valley.

The breath on him was not weaker than those two.

Three demon, hovering in the silver light.

On the opposite side of the three big demon, stood a young girl, a young girl with purple hair.

This girl with purple hair is very beautiful. It can even be said to be beautiful, and with an ethereal temperament on her body.

Such a beautiful girl, facing three monstrous monsters, was not afraid, even with a smile on her mouth.

She played with her hair with one hand, and said lightly, the three of you, really want to do something to me?

You need to think clearly about the consequences.

Junior, don't go too far. This silver fir tree has been guarded for thousands of years, but now mature, do you say you want to pick it?

The golden lion spoke coldly, his voice shaking Jiuxiao.

Leave something, you leave quickly, we will not hurt you. On the other side, the three giant elephants, too, sounded cold,

The python that dangled on the mountain peak, even more, issued a ranting roar, and dare to talk nonsense, eating you directly!

Do you dare to do it, you already do it, are you still threatening me here? The purple-haired girl raised a scorn in the corner of her mouth.

I have to decide on this thing, you have to let it go,

I advise you to leave obediently and make a good destiny. Maybe you still need my help. As she spoke, she looked around and looked away.

You big head, go quickly, why, do you still want to make my idea?


Not far away, a figure snorted hummingly, it was the Holy Saint with 100 eyes, and his body was indeed a cricket.

What an unruly person a hundred-eyed demon holy on weekdays, but in the face of this purple-haired girl, she did not dare to rush.

Take things, you can take them, but you can't take them completely. Seers have a share, you score me a share,

Hundred-eyed demon Saint, coldly speaking,

Dividing you, just you?

You smell, you have the ability to do it, do you think I'm afraid of you? The purple-haired girl faced such a powerful hundred-eyed monster saint, but didn't care

In that case, don't blame me for it. Hundred eyes demon Saint, a hundred eyes bloomed with a strange light, it is clear that at this moment, he could not bear it.

I haven't played before, are you my opponent? The purple-haired girl shook her head slightly, and then hit it, you did nothing good.

I was talking, she suddenly frowned, showing a touch of surprise, and someone came again,

It 's not just her. The hundred-eyed demon Saint also turned his head and looked at the three big demon.

Is there anyone else, dare to come?

He is him, this kid. Bai Yan Yao Sheng suddenly raised his disdain, really an idiot,

He naturally saw Lin Xuan through pupil technique.


Hold the three giant elephants, one of them with a head roaring and a nose around, and immediately turned around.

In the distance, Lin Xuan came to the neighborhood and felt several powerful breaths. He carefully prepared to hide his figure.

But at this time, he found that the surroundings changed and the world turned upside down.

I'm not good, I was found.

He didn't do anything, and then he was directly rolled over.

The next moment, he came near, wrapped in silver light.

As soon as he appeared, he shook himself, but quickly stabilized,

Alas, it's three, so powerful and enchanting. Lin Xuan held his breath, and then he discovered that there was a human girl,

Hundred-eyed demon Saint is also here.

I do n't know if you live or die, this is where you can come? Hundred Eyed Demon with a touch of disdain,

The giant python in front of me is even colder. Since it is an ant, let's die.

He found that Lin Xuan was only a three-day practice, even the girl with purple hair frowned slightly ~ ~ Do you dare to come here?


The python opened its mouth, like a vortex, sweeping over, and one side was completely shrouded.

Lin Linxuan felt a powerful force and wanted to drag him into the python,

He snorted, his body was so bright, and he punched out with a punch,

The sky broke apart, and this power was suddenly broken by him.

I saw the vision of the heavens and the earth, so I came to take a look. If I was disturbed, I would just leave. Why should I come and eat me?

Lin Linxuan said coldly,

This scene actually made the three demon stunned, and the purple-haired girl also covered her mouth and smiled.

A little bit interesting, the cultivation of San Zhongtian, but the strength is so strong, you are surprised.

Lin Linxuan glanced at each other, and smiled. The fairy was even more amazing. She stood alone against the three monsters without fear.

And it seems that you should have got a treasure. The breath on you is too strong!

You kid, your eyes are very poisonous, why do you want to grab your sister's baby too?

The purple-haired girl laughed suddenly,

When she smiled, the world was so pale that even Lin Xuan was in a look,

The beautiful woman, soon, he returned to God, forget it, since the treasure has a master, how can I always insert a knife?

Obituary resignation.

He turned and left,

Come whenever you want, leave if you want to, what are you doing here? The golden lion said coldly.

The golden light on him is like the sun, with an incomparable breath.