Inverse Sword God - Chapter 3545

Chapter 3545

Lin Dianzhu, rest assured, we will tell the palace master about this matter, when we Langya star will defend together.

Lin Xuan Palace, then said, you can rest assured, I said this thing, since it is because of me, then I will be responsible,

At that time you only need to assist.


Dreaming, Mu Bai was stunned. Originally, they thought that Lin Xuan said such things just to get away with the third hall, but now it seems that this is not the case, the other party really wants to do it.

If they hadn't believed it before, but this time they followed Lin Xuan and experienced so many things, even when they saw 5 little saints with their own eyes, and a group of saints were turned by each other.

They knew that Lin Xuan might really have the ability,

Well, it's not too late, I'll talk to the host first. Mu Bai left, dreaming, this is to continue to stay in the eighth temple.

Boy, you say you have a solution, what is the solution? After returning, the Dark Red Dragon asked.

It is natural to arrange the formation, and add the flame in my hand!

Formation and flames?

Boy, aren't you bragging? You can't compare with the matrix method, I can't think of any kind of matrix method to fight those people.

Also, what is the flame you said, Jiuyang Shenhuo? But your fire eye can't fight so many saints.

Xun Zilong, Shibei looked at each other for three days, now I am not what I was before, Lin Xuan laughed,

With a wave of his hand, he took out the hall and let out a ray of flame. The Dark Red Dragon was frightened and hurried back.

I have a sky, what flame is this?

He felt a huge threat,

Although he has just made a breakthrough, he is also a sage of the heavens, coupled with the power of dragons and blood, allowing him to fight beyond the ranks.

However, in the face of this flame, he could not resist at all

How about it, believe it? This is called Qiankun Xingkong Fire, which I have obtained in other worlds. This kind of flame is not even easy for Xiaosheng to contend with.

If it 's too much, it 's probably not a problem to burn Little Saint? I now have many such flames.

Wow, it's so fierce! Dark Red Dragon swallowed.

He asked, what about the formation, what formation do you plan to use? Could it be that you also found the ancient formations outside?

Dark Rainbow Dragon is very puzzled. As a master of matrix formation, most of Lin Xuan's matrix formations are still taught by him.

Could it be a few days without seeing him, and the boy's tactics passed him?

As for the formation method, you have to ask him, Montenegro, was what you said just now true?

Who is Montenegro, and what the hell? The dark red Shenlong frowned.

The next moment, he saw a plume of black smoke flying from the pendant on Lin Xuan's neck, turning into a hazy figure,

He was shocked, there was something, so horrible,

He felt the breath on the other side and was greatly surprised,

Montenegro said, naturally, do you still believe what I said?

While talking, he looked at the dark red Shenlong, the terrifying dragon's blood.

He was equally surprised by the breath and blood of the Dark Red Dragon,

The dark red dragon jumped over, pointed at the shadow, and said, boy, what is this?

Lin Xuan briefly talked about the previous experience. The Dark Red Dragon was very surprised. Do you mean that he is the remnant of a great saint?

Suddenly, he took a sigh of relief to the west.

Dasheng, he knows that his strength is very scary. He is only one step away from the emperor.

That 's the pinnacle of the saint 's realm,

Although such a residual soul may not be able to show much strength, the experience and magical powers mastered in his hand are absolutely imaginary.

No wonder Lin Xuan is so confident that he has such a residual soul in his hands.

The Dark Red Dragon is also shining his eyes, so to speak, the matrix he has in his hands is extremely delicate.

Hahahaha, Ben Wanda is here.

He was very excited,

Montenegro said, Xiao Hong, I didn't promise you to teach you the formation.

You are Xiaohong, your family is Xiaohong. The face of the dark red dragon spirit is red, and you will call me the great **** of heaven and earth.

What is Xiaohong?

Okay, do n't bother you both, let 's resolve the issues first,

Also, Montenegro, don't underestimate this guy, although Xun Zilong is usually unreliable, it is very reliable in the formation.

Lin Xuan spoke sharply, and then asked, what is the formation method you said?

Wu Shengzhen, have you heard of it, Montenegro said mysteriously.

Lin Xuan froze, but the dark red dragon did jump out. Let me go. What kind of array do you play?

you know? Lin Xuan was surprised,

The dark red dragon said, how could it not be known, too famous?

This is a formation method many 10,000 years ago. It is a well-known killing array in the ancient formation method.

It is rumored that some people used this array to kill many saints. The station was really shocking, and the heavens and earth were frightened.

The dark red dragon told the legend he knew. Lin Xuan also took a cool breath after hearing it.

It turned out that in ancient times, there was a saint. For some reason, it attracted a lot of enemies, and he got this saint formation ~ ~ He spent five hundred years to arrange the saint formation method, attracting all the enemies.

Over the years, his enemies have offended many large forces and martial arts, so the saint is almost overwhelming, and he can basically kill him by shooting casually.

But in that battle, there were ten major martial arts, in which countless saint masters were all killed by Zhu Shengzhen.

The ten majors also declined.

It can be imagined how terrible a matrix can kill ten saints.

Lin Xuan also took a cool breath after listening, but he frowned. In the rumor, the other party spent five hundred years. Where do we have such a long time?

Boy, you can rest assured that, in the rumors, the 1o martial arts came out of the nest, so it will take five hundred years to arrange the formation.

Now, we are only facing the six major schools, and they are only part of the six major schools, so the situation is much better than before.

Coupled with me and Xiaohong, two masters of matrix formation, they can definitely play a lot faster.

What's more, don't you still have star fire in your hand? Incorporating starry fire into the Holy Circle, the power can be improved a lot.

Basically in three months, we can complete a simple Zhu Sheng array,

Although it is not comparable to 500 years, it should be enough to kill those people.

Next, Montenegro and the Dark Red Divine Dragon began to arrange the formation.

Lin Xuan provided the starry fire. As for the various materials required to arrange the array method, it was provided to Langya Xing.

In a blink of an eye, three months passed and Zhu Shengzhen had been arranged.

Outside, those people acted again,

They have calmed the fire in the backyard and are ready to attack Langya Star.

(End of this chapter)

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