Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2879

Chapter 2879

Tiandi Ding? Nether Mirror? Or Long Wending?

Hey, but not at all!

They feel that this is not the ultimate weapon they are familiar with. Is it possible that there is an unknown extreme weapon that exists in the heavens and the earth?

For a moment, everyone exclaimed, and the tribe regained hope.

Zhe Linxuan also turned his head and looked into the distance, because he heard that Jiuyang Sword Master said once, and finally came.

What's up here?

Lin Linxuan did not know, could it be that the heritage of the human race appeared?

He remembered that Jiuyang Sword Master had said before that the heritage of the human race is beyond the imagination of the ancient peoples, and perhaps now it is those unknown heritages.

The golden light covering the sky, nine days and ten places, also urged the breath of the emperor to counter the Wanlong map.

But in the golden light, a figure came. .

When Lin saw this figure, Lin Xuan's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

The warriors of the Tatar people have the same doubt, who is this man and this old man is strange?

They haven't seen it before.

However, Li Xunxian and others were exclaimed.

I have seen the Lord of the Old Hall!

what? Could it be possible that he was the predecessor of Xiandian?

O God, is the owner of the Immortal Hall a saint? They exclaimed.

Lin Linxuan was equally surprised, yes, the old man who came was not someone else, it was Xia Jiuyou. & lt; & gt;

Who are you? The ancient saint of Huolindong yelled coldly.

Summer Xia Jiuyou.

The old man said lightly,

Huh, never heard of it! These ancient saints snorted, and those archbishops were equally puzzled,

However, the seven saints on the human side changed their faces.

They thought of a person and took a breath of cold air.

Hey, isn't it really he?

It is very likely that whoever has this means besides him, once he came up, he resisted Wanlongtu.

How many saints, quickly communicate, and hear the scalp of the Lord 's scalp, is it impossible? This old man has a lot of origin

In front of you, Xia Jiu said quietly, Taiko Wanzu, you are too much.

Hesitation is impossible, do you still want to start the dark turmoil again? I urge you to leave quickly and not cause trouble.

Qiu Xia Jiuyou's voice is not loud, but this word is with a trace of no doubt and warning.

Quickly leave? It's up to you? You can also say that to me! The sage of Huolindong sneered, took a palm shot, turned it into a big unicorn hand, and grabbed it below.

Want to burst Xia Jiuyou.

Seeing this scene, everyone was nervous, but Lin Xuan was calm, but he knew that Xia Jiuyou was a saint.

I think I should be able to cope with the present situation. & lt; & gt;

Sure enough, Xia Jiuyou sighed,


The big hand of Qi Qilin exploded in mid-air, the holy blood was flowing, the saint of Huolindong was miserable, and the whole arm turned into nothingness.


The saints over the Taikoo people are shocked. On the human side, the scalp is also numb.

Even Lin Xuan was ashamed.

He knows that Xia Jiu is terrible, but he didn't think that it was so bad!

With a sigh, he hurt the ancient saints, and this method was too bad.

How do I feel, he is not weaker than Dacheng's Jiuyang god.

Shocked everyone,

At this moment, the eyes of the true world, all the strong men, all converged on Xia Jiuyou, trying to see him through.

Damn, you dare hurt me!

The sage of the flames of the flames was furious, and the flames of his body were so high that he wanted to do it again.

Alas, it was stopped by a too old group.

The old ancestral body is hidden in the **** crystal, but a pair of eyes are pierced through the void, staring at Xia Jiuyou, who are you?

I said, I am Xia Jiuyou.

He advises you to return quickly and do not engage in dark turmoil, or else you will not be able to bear it. & lt; & gt;

Huh, do you think that you alone can resist our entire Taikoo people? It's really beyond your control!

The recovery of the ancient royal family is the rule of this land! It's time for your people to give way. Too old ancestor, very strong.

Their strength is even stronger than the Sage Saints.

Do it!

The next moment, they roared, urging Wanlong together.

Wanlong roared, turned into a dragon, and galloped in all directions, making everyone horrified.

I 'm not good, ca n't I hit the world?

If that's the case, Donghuang will fall, and all of them will be destroyed.

No one can survive.

Fai Xia Jiuyou faced this scene, but she was still not afraid.

With a wave of the palm of your hand, the golden light of the sky, quickly wrapped, turned into a picture, directly covering the Wanlong picture.

Suddenly, the light of Wanlongtu was blocked.

Damn, he actually resisted Wanlongtu!

how can that be?

Twenty eight ancient ancestors, ten ancient saints, terrified, what is it?

The law appeared in their eyes and penetrated the void.

The next moment, an ancestor screamed and sealed the gods list, which turned out to be the gods list! Where did you get this thing?

What seal list?

Those archaic creatures and human warriors were bewildered, but the few saints of human races changed their faces,

Especially the monk on the side of Ximo, his eyelids leaped wildly. Is it really that thing?

They were shocked.

Qiu Xiajiu said faintly, I naturally got it from Lingshan. Do you still have to do it?

Lingling Mountain, it really is there!

The monk at the Wanwan Temple was shocked and chanted Amitabha.

Others are wondering, Master, what is that?

Hey, is the Fengshen list very powerful?

The monk at the Wanwan Temple said, Shen Sheng, that the Fengshenbang was a treasure made by the great emperor himself. It is used to seal powerful enemies.

What, this is a treasure made by the emperor? Isn't that the ultimate weapon? Everyone was shocked, no wonder they were able to resist the Wan Long Tu.

Is He the Great Emperor of Donghua? Several saints were shocked, and the monk at Wanfo Temple nodded, yes, it was the Emperor Donghua.

Emperor Donghua, refining the list of sealed gods, seal the peerless strong enemy, in the Lingshan.

After countless years, I am afraid that the strong enemy has died out.

But the Fengshen list has flowed down, and UU reads

Alas, it was an emperor's tool, no one shook it.

I did not expect that now, Xia Jiuyou was brought to fight against Wanlongtu.

This Xia Jiuyou is really terrible!

I am afraid that the strength is definitely far beyond the saints. Yeah, he was able to use Fengshenbang. This strength is truly against the sky.

Emperor Donghua!

Those ethnic warriors have talked a lot, because there are not many legends about this emperor, and they don't know much.

They know Emperor Ye Tian, Emperor Void and others.

However, the sage of the Ye family said that the Emperor Donghua was very terrible, powerful and wild.

I am the Emperor of the Ye Family. When I was a young man, I had been the emperor of the Donghua Emperor before he could become a generation of Emperor.

As soon as this word came out, everyone took a breath.


Emperor Ye Ye have all been inherited by Emperor Donghua?

This is really incredible!

I want to know, Ye Tiandi, but that is a very horrible existence, sweeping nine days and ten places, it is said that he has become a fairy.

Such wonderful and amazing characters even learned from the Donghua Emperor. It is conceivable how horrible the Donghua Emperor will be.

The Fengshen list he left behind is absolutely magical. (To be continued.)