Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2845

Chapter 2845

It seems that Xiandian is really scary, even the saints have appeared.

However, even if the sage travels, he has not explored where Lin Xuan is, which is even more amazing.

Is it possible that Lin Xuan really fell? Killed by Taikoo?

Everyone didn't know.

At this moment, countless warriors all over the world are looking for the whereabouts of Lin Xuan.

On the other side, in the Dragon's Nest, those strong dragons are dignified.

In front of them, there is a golden dragon, standing there, emitting a mighty dragon power.

This golden dragon is extremely brave. The breath on my body is really terrifying, especially the dragon blood, even more terrible than those old strong men around.

The strong of these dragons stood in front of this little dragon with great respect.

Because this dragon is the Dragon Prince of Wanlong Nest. That is the son of Dragon Emperor!

He, but the real prince!

Da Long Sword Spirit, is there any news? The Golden Dragon's voice is still a little young, but with a majesty and unquestionable,

Soon, a warrior of the Dragon family knelt down on one knee and returned to Prince Long. There is no news yet.

The man fled into the Black Devil Cliff, and for a while, we could not capture it, nor could we send too much force into it.

Black Devil Cliff? Golden Dragon, his eyes flickered, he said coldly, and sent someone to stay there, and reported it to me immediately when there was news,

Now let's execute the plan.

Prince Long, a trivial matter, you don't need to go out on your own, you continue to absorb the breath of Dragon Road to grow your own body.

Leave these things to us. A Taikoo king ahead, said congratulatingly.

it is good. Golden Dragon nodded. I'm still growing and it will take some time before I can go out.

These things are left to you.

I will send two saints to go with you.

In addition, bring the dragon skin and cover the sky for me, and we must suppress it, the details of those ancient and sacred emperors.

There must be no revival of their saints.

Don't worry, Prince. Everything is under our control, those ancient kings. With a sloppy smile,

Golden Dragon nodded. He went straight to the deepest place in the dragon vein of Wanlong Dynasty. Began to absorb the breath of Dragon Road. Come and strengthen yourself. Rapid growth,

Around here. There are huge **** crystals, floating up and down.

Obviously, those peerless powerhouses in Wanlong Nest have not fully recovered, and still exist in the form of heritage.

Among them, two saints were revived, and they would lead these Taikoo kings and Taikoo creatures to fight, conquer humanity, and set foot on the whole real world.

Let's go, it's time to regain the world. The whole world will be under our control again. Two saints exuded a scourge of breath and terrible laws of order formed at their feet.

Take Canglong Horn and order the world.

One of the ancient kings took out the horns of Canglong, moved the power, quickly urged them, strange noises came out, and the world was immense.

Bang Bang Bang ~

In the sky, trembling violently, a round of blood moon emptied from the sky, as if to collapse the whole world.

Soon, a **** moon descended into the Wanlong Nest and turned into a group of people.

The blood of these people rolled, and they all had **** moon shadows around them, as if one star after another, emitting a terrible breath.

Blood Moon Family!

Meet Prince Long! Willing to fight the world with Prince Long.

In front, a Taikoo king kneeled on the ground with one knee, very respectful.

Behind him, those ancient creatures of the Blood Moon tribe also had the same expression of piety.


In the virtual palace, a huge figure ripped apart the space and came out. Terrible power radiates from the body.

His eyes turned into stars of the universe.

Shi Clan, meet Prince Long. These people are tall, like stone people, with terrible patterns on their bodies, a forced breath that can destroy the world.

Blue Devils, meet Prince Long!

Silver, meet Prince Long!

Green Ghosts, meet Prince Long!

The void cracked, and one after another the terrible figures appeared inside Wanlong's nest.

These archaic races did not come alone, but came with the peerless strong men in the race.

It was densely packed, forming a terrible royal army.

Ten royal families descended, all at the feet of the dragon.


Prince Long is bathed in the breath of Wan Dao Long Dao, and his body is full of gold and blood, and the terrible Long Wei is huge.

You will fight the world with my dragons and return to the earth.

Yes. We swear to follow Prince Long.

The strongest of the ten royal families, Tianjiao, said congratulatingly,

Very good, Prince Long's mouth raised a smile, his golden head was raised, his eyes were like arrows of gods, and they penetrated the void.

I do n't know, how are the other places?


Here is also a terrible situation, no human dares to come here. Because this is the site of another Taikoo royal family.

The Phoenix family, a terrible emperor from the family, the immortal Phoenix!

It can be said that it is as frightening as the existence of Wanlong Nest.

It is now recovering.

At the moment in front of Shenhuang Ridge, there were also ten Taigu royal families, densely packed Taigu army, kneeling down.

Fire Lindong.

Swire royalty.

An ancestor had a great emperor, Emperor Kirin! Really it was Megatron in all directions and ruled Uchichi.

At the moment in front of Huolin Cave, the ten royal families are also stunned.

The three great ancient royal families have recovered at the same time, and are preparing to work together, it is amazing news.

In addition to these three Taikoo royal families, there are thirty Taikoo royal families and hundreds of Taikoo families.

It can be said that the lineup this time is really terrifying.

Moreover, there are countless Taikoo kings, and there are many terrible arrogances.

There are even many holy soldiers and saints. It can be said that this time, the Taikoo people were very prepared.

On the other side, although the human race dominates the whole land, and there are many holy places with large religions, there are also a few ancient families.

However, they were not prepared at all and did not even know that there was a major disaster waiting for them.

Inside Wanlong's nest ~ ~ Prince Long calculated the time and thought it was almost the same, he said, ancestor, contact them, and use the blue dragon skin together to cover the sky for me.

The two saints nodded after hearing this, and then the law flew out of them, and the great mana began to spread for thousands of miles.


The two elders were radiant, and the terrible laws formed two pairs of **** wings behind them. At this moment, after hearing the transmission, their eyes flickered.

It seems that it is time to get started.

On the other side of Huolin Cave, their saints also received the news that the fire on their bodies was sky-high.

Do it!

A powerful figure, lifted off, three archetypes, six saints, appeared in the sky together.

In addition, those archaic royal families, hundreds of archaic races, also came out of several terrible saints,

A total of twelve saints appeared in the sky together.