Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2832

Chapter 2832

An axe, and another axe, hit the **** moon, causing a terrifying roar.

Damn, how could it be so powerful?

The South China Sea crocodile was shocked, and he felt as if he was fighting the **** tribe's Tianjiao.

The **** moon is terrible.

Impossible, who is this kid and how did he do it?

How could he have evolved such a terrible magical power! At this moment, the South China Sea crocodile finally panicked.

The blood-colored moon kept falling, every inch of space was squeezed and shrouded in blood-colored light.

The sharp breath carried on it made the South China Sea crocodile tremble. There were many cracks in the palms.

This power is so powerful that he can't catch his weapon.


The **** moon was completely pressed down, and the South China Sea crocodile retreated.

Several cracks appeared on the South Sea God Crocodile and were injured again.

Damn it!

The South China Sea Crocodile's face is gloomy, and the sky is overwhelming!

He performed a very terrible method and killed him again.

Lin Xuan's sword changed again, this time not a scarlet moon, but a giant.

A giant standing in the sky, as high as ten thousand feet.

The body is crystal-like, extremely blue, with a single horn on its head and wings on its back.

His face was pale.

It is the appearance of the Blue Devils, but he has been magnified many times by him.

Damn kid, how dare you! The Tianjiao of the Blue Devils roared instantly.

He was shaking with anger, and even rushed over to kill the other party. However, it was stopped by a dustless Buddha light.

Why, do you want to attack? I don't mind and extradited you. No dust, no sorrow and no joy, a faint voice sounded.

Huh ~

Tianjiao of the Blue Devils triumphed, and didn't take another shot.

But his face was gloomy and terrible. He swears that if he gets a chance, he must kill each other with his own hands.

After Lin Xuan evolved the blue giant with a big dragon sword soul, he began to attack.

The blue giant, the weapon in his hand, turned into a dragon, and met it.

Collision with the opening of the axe.

When it sounded, a bright light erupted.

The crocodile of the South China Sea crocodile yelled, and he found that these supernatural powers evolved by the other side were really powerful.

He was so unstoppable.

Damn, I don't believe it!


With a roar, the ghost image of the crocodile **** behind him merged directly into his body. Suddenly, billions of radiance erupted on him, as if at this moment, time had become eternal.

A more violent, and fierce power burst out.

Twenty-seven thousand ancient forces!

The blood moon tribe is proud and dignified. The Blue Devils Tianjiao also blinked.

That's right, the power shown by the opponent is definitely above the ancient force of 27,000.

Even, it can reach 28,000 ancient forces.

Is indeed the South China Sea God crocodile, so strong blood power!

What a terrible blood vein!

You should know that the other party is only the younger generation, not the strong one in the older generation. After a short period of practice, they fell asleep.

At this moment, he is very young.

However, it is really horrifying to be able to explode the force of 28,000 Archaean forces.

I am afraid that few of the young people in the human race can compete.

They even felt that no one could compete.

Lin Xuan's eyes narrowed equally. The golden light in her eyes shone. Is the ancient force of 28,000 really strong?

In his normal state, it is only 25,000 ancient forces.

However, that was just his normal state.

After offering the Dragon Soul of the Dragon, he and I were fighting, but the limit soared.

You know, the old ancient power of the Yindian tribe, 30,000 ancient forces, were all given away by him.

Not to mention, this South China Sea Crocodile in front of you.

Boy, let me die! After merging the crocodile ancestral ghost, the South Sea God Crocodile is extremely powerful.

Cut it with one axe and cut the blue giant directly into two.

Throughout the earth, numerous large fissures appeared. The world is roaring, nothing can stop it.

So terrible, its power has already surpassed Lin Xuan!

Seeing the other side relaxed, Lin Xuan's attack was broken, and the tribe's arrogance these days was also exclaimed.

Those older characters were worried.

The archaic creatures around are laughing, boy, let's die.

Your people can only stand at our feet.

They were so excited, because soon, this Lin Xuan of the human race would be beheaded by their Tianjiao.

In the sky, the terrible axe landed. Like the ground breaking, Lin Xuan shrouded.

Lin Xuan's eight steps of yin and yang were extremely fast.

He turned into a streamer, constantly dodging, and quickly avoided all attacks.

When ~

However, at this time, the South China Sea Crocodile opened his terrible crocodile's head, exhaled a terrible electric light, and banged on Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan blasted out directly.

After smashing countless peaks, Lin Xuan fell into the ruins of the sky.

No, I was hit!

That should be the crocodile **** light, it is also a terrible great magical power.

After the hit, the invincible king will be immediately penetrated and killed.

That kid, I ca n't live!

That is, even if not dead, you have to be seriously injured.

Hum, he's dead. No one can compete with our Taigu royal family.

These archaic creatures sneered.

Murong fell into the city, Shen Jingqiu, exclaimed. Ye Wudao and others were also shocked.

Other strong human races have been talking.

Their eyes all looked at the ruins in the distance. Is Lin Xuan really defeated?

Could it be that the pride of the Taigu royal family is really so terrible?

This makes them unbelievable.

Because before, Lin Xuan has been extremely strong and stood on the upper hand. At one point, the Nanhai God Crocodile was injured.

However, the South China Sea crocodile, after developing the power of blood, and fused with the archaic virtual shadow, turned out to be so powerful.

Is this the terrible thing of the Taigu royal family?

The other side is too scary, just the imaginary shadow in the blood, has such terrible power.

This is only the royal family, those royal families, rumors and princely figures are about to be born.

When such a person comes out, who can fight?

These people, full of despair.

The South China Sea crocodile also laughed, humble ants, I would not let you die so easily.

I will stab you, knife by knife. Lets you drain the last drop of blood!

He was so angry that, until, the other party dared to hurt him, and he would never let him go.

Are you confident in your attack?

The next moment, a cold voice sounded behind the Nanhai God Crocodile.


The crocodile of the South China Sea was stiff, and there was a thick shock in his eyes. The others were also froze, looking up to the sky.

Damn it's impossible!

The South China Sea crocodile suddenly turned his head, and in his eyes, a radiant ray erupted.

The next moment, he screamed, as if he saw a ghost.

Not far behind him, Lin Xuan stood there, his black hair spread out, and there was a look of injury.

Damn it's impossible! This is impossible!

How could you not be hurt?