Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2763

Chapter 2763

Qi Huazhi brought great threat to the flame demon king. Cooperating with the strong around them, the two demon kings couldn't move forward for a moment.

Damn it, kid! I want you to die! Ahead, the black feather demon king nailed in the air, screaming wildly.

His black blood did not drop, but instead lifted off, flying fast in the air, spinning, forming one after another the terrible runes.

This is a monster pattern, very weird, all around Lin Xuan.

Boy, let me die!

He roared and began to mourn.

The blood was burning, and a terrible force swept Lin Xuan, trying to ignite him.

No, this is a living sacrifice!

Boy, run away! The Dark Red Dragon was startled, but the black feather demon king was so desperate.

This is a terrible supernatural power, using its own bloodline secret method, forcibly sacrifices the enemy to the sacrifice.

Of course, it has an impact on itself, because if you lose a lot of blood, even if you kill the enemy, you will be seriously injured.

It takes a long time to recover.

It can be imagined that the current black feather demon king is extremely angry.

Otherwise, you wouldn't use this big killing trick.

Lin Xuan did feel a crisis, a mysterious force, to ignite the blood and spiritual power in his body.

This power is very weird. Ignoring Jiuyang's body directly can be said to be invincible.

If it is another Tianjiao, it may be desperate.

Because it can't be extinguished at all.

But Lin Xuan snorted, the dragon dragon soul surged, countless swords flew out, and smashed this mysterious power.

Destroy me!

Like the peerless sword god, Lin Xuan exhaled thousands of swords in his body, cutting in all directions.

All the black blood around it exploded, turned into a mist of blood, and then was chopped clean, leaving no trace of arrogance.

The black feather king was completely blinded, and his eyes widened, he couldn't believe it.

what happened?

The other party was able to break his living sacrifice?

This living sacrifice can be said to be abnormally horrible. There is no way to crack it.

This is a mystery from ancient times, and it was ignited at the cost of his blood. How did the other party break it down?

This kid is really too evil! The black feather demon king was shocked. At this moment, he never dared to take another shot. He just wanted to run away quickly.

Want to go? The golden runes in Lin Xuan's eyes flashed into two weird patterns.

In the right eye, the soul fire floats out, burning the opponent 's soul

Ah ~

The black feather king screamed and kept rolling. However, his body was still settled by Longxing Jianying.

So there is no way to escape.

However, this burning pain made him die alive.

Damn, what happened?

In the distance, the two demon kings are crazy. How powerful the black feather king is, they know.

But now, in the hands of a human kid, so miserable?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it.

Damn it! Is the modern human being so powerful at this time?

Both were blinded.

They slept for endless years, but at that time, when their Wanlong Nest had not fallen asleep, they were the overlords of the world,

On the whole earth, the demon race runs rampant, the ancient royal family, and the king comes to the world.

The human race is just a weak vein and can only survive in the gap.

But now, the other party is so powerful, isn't the adult race already the hegemon in the world?

He dare not imagine.

Soul Attack!

Damn, how can this kid's soul attack be so powerful! The black feather king is crazy, but he will not sit still.

The mirror of the soul, stop me!

As an ancient demon king, his methods and magical powers are endless. Soon, its soul condenses to form a realm of soul, resisting the terrible fire of the surrounding souls.

However, the good times don't last long.

At this time, the snow-white monkey appeared next to the Black Feather King again. One paw shot down, and the Black Feather King stunned for three seconds.

These three seconds are dead.

The realm of the soul was broken directly, and the soul of Black Rock was burned and very weak.


In Lin Xuan's left eye, a mysterious golden rune emerged. He wanted to forcibly control the Black Feather King and make the other party his own slave.

In this way, he can control the other party and understand the secret of Wanlong Nest.

Ah ~

The black feather king rolled in the sky, his body split directly into two halves, and kept rolling.

Want to get rid of the control of the Soul Mark.

However, Lin Xuan's magical eyes are too mysterious.

In the end, a trace of soul was planted.

Makes the black feather king become the slave of Lin Xuan.

He recovered and knelt down and followed the order.

Like the Supreme King, Lin Xuan issued an order.

The black feather king in front of him, the broken body healed quickly, then kneeled on one knee and met the master.

What ~

Seeing this scene, everyone around was crazy.

Whether it is the Holy Son, Tianjiao, or the two demon kings in the distance, they are stunned.

What's the matter?

The Black Feather King was controlled! This Lin Xuan has such a means!

The strong man on the human side was shocked, and looked at Lin Xuan with horror.

The other two demon kings, acacia at a glance, fled after turning around.

It's terrible. These humans are so terrible that they dare not take action and can only leave.

The two retreated Ye Wudao and Dustlessly, exerted their full strength, and fled into a streamer.

Ye Wudao and Dust, no more shots.

But turned to look at Lin Xuan, and the black feather king beside him.

Their bodies fluttered, and the two flew forward.

Those humans around are also the gathering of Lin Xuan.

For a moment, they all came to Lin Xuan.

Brother Lin, this is really a good way. Light shines in clean eyes.

Ye Wudao, a pound, also asked, Brother Lin, has he controlled him?

Lin Xuan nodded, and then looked at the Black Feather King, telling you what you know.

The King of Black Feathers knelt down on one knee, very respectful.

He spoke in a deep voice. In ancient times, the powerful existence of Wanlong's Nest caused a crisis of world extinction and was not suitable for survival at all.

Therefore, the entire Wanlong Nest was sealed, waiting for the crisis to be lifted, and then resurrected, and came to the land.

It turned out to be such a thing!

This place is not a place for the dragons to bury, but a place to sleep!

Cangtianye ~ ~ They seem to have discovered an incredible secret.

Originally, they thought that this was an ancient tomb of the Dragon tribe, and there were countless dragon corpses and treasures buried.

But now it doesn't look like this at all.

For unknown reasons, these dragons sealed themselves and fell asleep.

I look forward to waking up after the danger is lifted.

In other words, the real dragons in Wanlong's nest, like the three demon kings in front of them, are probably sealed in the **** crystal.

As long as the **** crystal is broken, these terrible dragons will recover.

God, everyone's face was horrified and his body trembled.

The three demon kings are already horrified to such a degree. To what extent will the real dragons be terrified?

They dare not imagine.