Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2577

Chapter 2577


Lin Xuan frowned and turned back suddenly, he found a strange problem!

Xun Zilong, it's not right. Look at those injured, are they those who were chased by Bloodwing Bat King before?

Ye Wudao, no flower, ancient three links, two chicks, and Prince Xia,

All have the power of blood, and the blood is very powerful!

Indeed, those ordinary disciples were not injured.

Damn it, this jade seal is again attacking those with bloodline power. Lin Xuan quickly expressed his guess.

The elders of other holy places, the elders, frowned after hearing this.

The power of blood is the power of blood.

Previously, those who were pursued by Bloodwing Bat King to kill the power of bloodline, now this jade seal attacks those who have the power of bloodline.

what happened?

Generally, those who have blood power are peerless. It is normal to be attacked by a key point.

Some elders guessed.

Someone exclaimed, look, the blood in the sky that day!

Everyone looked up.

I saw in the sky that those blood with the power of blood vessels did not fall to the ground, but, as if attracted, quickly fell into the jade seal.


The jade seal absorbs various blood veins and blooms, and the whole jade seal also has white jade, which has become a blood jade.


Finally, it floated directly in the sky, constantly spinning, and a **** light matched the lines above, floating out.

Exuding a weird breath,

No, what made this jade seal?

There were so many violent attacks before, there was no damage!

Someone screamed.

Others came back to God. Indeed, when the crowd was attacked before, those elders fought back desperately.

It stands to reason that Tianjie's treasure must be broken, but there is no crack in this jade seal.

Don't think about it, this must be the treasure of the sky!

It's just that this baby was beyond their expectations.


In the sky, the **** light was getting stronger and stronger, and the power that was emitted was becoming more and more terrible.

Suddenly, with a trembling, Yu Xi flew down to the side.

The void collapsed in an instant, scaring everyone.

The warrior in that position quickly fled.

However, everyone was relieved that Yu Xi did not continue to attack these warriors, but flew directly toward the huge purple cloud magic vine ahead.

Om ~ boom!

The next moment, the blood-colored jadeite blasted on Ziyun Moteng,


The purple cloud magic vine trembled, countless vines were shaking, and the whole space was shaking, as if it would collapse at any time.

Click! Click!

What happened again?

Everyone was shocked, and saw the huge branch suddenly cracked from the middle under the purple cloud magic vine, as if torn by a pair of invisible hands.

A behemoth was pushed out of the rift.

The rumbling shattered the void.

this is?

Purple Cloud Magic Teng!

The crowd was shocked, Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, his eyes flashed.

He found out that the crack was actually Ziyun Moteng.

However, this purple cloud magic vine is obviously more ancient and vicissitudes, and it has been made into a coffin.

Coffin made of purple cloud magic vine!

Looking at the appearance of this purple cloud magic vine, it should be tens of thousands of years ago. Who is it?

The purple cloud magic vine is not an ordinary plant, but a heterogeneous species. Like the one in front of it, it has been cultivated for seven or eight thousand years, at least the invincible king.

The one made into official wood is likely to be a saint.

But now, the body of a demon saint is turned into a coffin, which makes them not shocked.

I am afraid that this can only be achieved by a stronger saint.

Thinking of this, they took a sip of cool air, and their eyes became red and hot.

Sure enough, this is the ultimate burial ground.

The new purple cloud magic rattan coffin is likely to be the owner of this ancient tomb.

For a moment, everyone was close to the enemy, and they watched carefully.

The coffin of the Ziyun Devil Vine came out only about halfway and stopped. Even everyone saw that there were eight chains around Ziyun Moteng.

Each has arm thickness,

The chain was dark blue, with runes engraved on it, with a heavy mountain-like feeling.

Ziyun magic rattan coffin was firmly locked.

How is this going? What's the matter?

Everyone wondered, the coffin was special, but why were there eight chains locked?

Is this stuck here?

Or is there anything else to say?

Everyone knows that the ancient tombs contain Feng Shui and Ling Mai, which are very mysterious.

So in their opinion, the eight chains are likely to be some kind of statement used to break certain defects.

After waiting for a long time, the purple cloud magic rattan coffin completely quieted down, and everyone looked at each other.

Take a look, there should be no danger.

The crowd was very curious, after all, this was the first time they had seen the saint's tomb.

There are a few bold ones that look up close and there is no danger.

This makes everyone more relieved.

Therefore, everyone also came forward one after another, who also took the Xiandian and went up.

However, they did not come too close.

This is especially true of the Gu family, Ye family, Murong Qingcheng and others. After all, they were attacked and even wounded before.

So they are very careful now,

When they approached, all the people found that on the coffin of Ziyun Demon Vine, there were still runes, very mysterious, densely packed, and covered the entire coffin.

Even these runes, even the elders of the ancient times, the elders of the Holy Land, could not recognize them.

The dark red dragon looked for a long time and then said, I knew a word, the one in the front was blood,

I don't know anything else.


Lin Xuan frowned. He always felt that this ancient tomb seemed to be targeted at people with blood power.

Shall we open it? It was proposed.

This word scared a lot of people.

Seek to death, do you dare to open the tomb of the saint?

That is to say, we don't think we have the strength.

In case it is opened, it is the body of the saint. Whatever changes, we have to finish it.

The elders quickly shook their heads.

Just kidding, although they are also emotional, they know that the coffin must be accompanied by a shocking baby.

However, they did not dare to open it.

Of course, they dare not open it, but this does not mean that they will abandon the ancient tomb.

They have searched ~ ~ They decided to quickly go back and notify the living fossils and elders of the Holy Land, and let them bring the Supreme Soldiers to attack.

Pampong Peng,

Just as they were about to evacuate this place, a sudden low voice came.

Everyone turned back, what happened? what happened?

Who's the ghost?

No, not us?

Where's the voice from?

Damn, how do I feel, this officer is moving!

What are you talking about!

Before the crowd, they were scared by the Beidou Qixing Coffin, and one of them came out casually and swept across.

Now, but the saint's coffin, to come out of a thing, not one stroke to kill them all,