Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2486

Chapter 2486

Brother Lin, what do you think? Wuhua didn't say anything before he waited for everyone to leave before asking.

I don't think we were transmitted. Lin Xuan spoke amazing words.

If others are here, they will be exclaimed.

But unfortunately, those people have left, and they didn't know that Lin Xuan had a horrific heavenly **** pupil.

Otherwise, I am afraid they will not leave so easily.

Sure enough, you're pretty much what I guessed. Wuhua also sighed. One flower and one world, the novels did not leave the tomb, but they entered a magical space.

The ancient tombs of the saints are really mysterious, and there are traps everywhere!

If we don't handle it well, maybe we will be stuck here all our lives!

Lin Xuan also frowned. He said in a deep voice, but now there is a problem. I don't know if we have entered a strange space, or have we hit illusion?

Wu Hua felt it carefully, then shook her head.

I can't feel it, brother Lin, how about you? Can you feel it?

Lin Xuan shook his head, and I couldn't feel it.

Unless we really enter a strange space or the illusion is so advanced that it is hard to imagine.

But no matter which one is not good for us.

Lin Xuan sighed,

He had tried to open the heavenly pupil, but found nothing. It can only be said that if it is illusion, this illusion is too powerful and exceeds his current strength.

It seems that we can only go around and look for something, Lin Xuan, no flower, the two discussed it.

They also rose into the air and flew towards the distance.

Just as they explored this unknown space world, the outside world changed dramatically.

Among them, the most leisurely one is the snow-white monkey, who temporarily stays beside the sacred lady, and it can be said that there is no danger at all.

Moreover, the genius and dibao are constantly on, and the little guy's stomach is full, like a ball,

The Dark Red Dragon is also more fun to play. He did not encounter any dangers along the way, but met many people.

These people want to kill it, after all, many people are very hostile to Xiandian.

However, the strength of the Dark Red Dragon is far beyond their imagination.

As long as it is not a character of the level of the Son, all the other powerful men are upset to the ground.

Seal it up, and then obediently become its pet.

In the end, behind the Dark Red Dragon, there are nine pets, which are called nine dog legs.

These nine people have all their dead hearts.

However, they can't even die now.

On the other side, Murong fell into the city, where the place where Xing Tian was located, a war broke out.

Now that the end is reached, all the crazy warriors have been subdued.

Those who couldn't control it were killed on the spot. Blood stained red, terrifying.

The others were panting and pale.

They lowered their heads and did not dare to look at the paintings around them. Because they were afraid, they went crazy again

Damn, what the **** is this? Why so evil! Murong's Allure is also a cold face,

I wonder what happened to Qiuer and Xuan Ge? She did worry about the two.

Especially Shen Jingqiu, although strong, but lack of actual combat experience, in case there is no expert guard around, it is estimated to be very dangerous

Indeed, Shen Jingqiu is now in great danger.

The entire passage was extremely dark and without a bit of light, the Shocked Son and the Prince of Xiaxia could not solve this dilemma.

And, to make matters worse, they are now completely trapped.

The aisle was extremely dark, with no fingers in sight, and they could not find a way out. Fortunately, there are two masters beside Shen Jingqiu, Peacock and Hu Yidao.

Therefore, there is no danger of receiving it for the time being.

Others are also relieved that although they are trapped, they are not in danger at present.

In this way, as long as they look carefully and patiently, they may not find a way out.

However, the idea is good, but after about an hour, a scream screamed in the dark passage, listening to these people's scalp.


Damn, what happened? Hurry up! There are expert roars.

They can't see them now, and their souls can only be within a meter or two, and they don't know at all.

So, they don't even know who screamed? What exactly happened?

In the dark, no one answered them.

Damn, could it be killed? The Shocking Light Son roared, he hit the Light Ball, and the terrible Light Ball spun.

However, it did not emit any light, only the energy of terror, just like the waves, slapping the Quartet.

Several close martial artists were shocked.

In this scene, the face of the stunner is dark. He has never encountered such a wicked thing in his life.

What exactly is in this passage? Suppressed all the light?


There was another scream, just four or five meters away from the Holy Light.

Hearing the light, the Son is also fuzzing in his heart.

He can't capture his soul! He could only turn around, eyes cold, and stared ahead.

Who? get out!

However, no one answered.

The passage was quiet, only the sound of these people's heartbeat and gasping. Apart from that, there is nothing more.


Just then, Prince Daxia frowned suddenly.

Behind him, a gust of wind came suddenly, and then it seemed that someone was lying beside him, panting.

damn it! roll!

Prince Daxia roared, and his backhand was a palm. However, this thing seemed to lie on him, so his palm was short.

Roar roar

The Prince Xiaxia drank coldly, and the breath of Dragon Road broke out, tangling around him, making a loud dragon yelling, shaking Jiuxiao.

For a moment, the thing lying on him was blown out, hit the wall, and disappeared suddenly.

what happened?

Hearing the sound of Long Yin, other people were shocked. Could it be that the people of the royal family were also attacked?

Prince Daxia reminded loudly, notice that there are unknown creatures!

Unknown creature? What is it

Damn, there really is something! Everyone is heartbroken.


Shen Jing Qiu Jiao drink ~ ~ She shot it with one palm, and instantly flew a thing.

Just now, she felt that someone was attacking her, perhaps the unknown creature.

Girl Shen, are you okay? The peacock on the side asked with concern.

But she knew the relationship between Shen Jingqiu and the owner of their house, so now Shen Jingqiu shots, they are very nervous.

Shen Jingqiu shook her head, all right, Sister Peacock, this thing can't hurt me.

Brother Yu, it seems that he can only show his hole cards.

Knowing that unknown creatures had appeared, the Shocked Son said coldly.

Prince Daxia listened, then nodded.

Everyone, let us show you whatever you have, don't hide it.

Otherwise, we won't go out at all. Daxia Prince exclaimed.