Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2378

Chapter 2378

Hearing this, Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes.

On the one hand, Xing Tian was angry, Yang Jian, what do you mean?

OK, don't scare me.

Xingtian, do you think he can really be the master of the palace?

A little boy, not as strong as us! Who can serve him?

That's a joke!

I have no time to play with you here.

Said, Yang Jian snorted coldly, and once turned his sleeve robe, turned and left here.

The other six people had a sneer on their lips. They wanted to see. What should the new temple owner do?

I was beaten as soon as I came in. I was probably mad.

Soon, however, all six of them were stunned.

Because they found that the other person still had a smile on his face, without any anger at all.

What's the matter, is it possible that the other party is not angry at all?


This must be loading.

The other side must have had his lungs mad, but his face did not show up.

A few thought.

Some people humming, it turned out to be a bear bag,

Sure enough, after that, two more people sneered, and since nothing was going on, we left.

Talking, both of them also left,

In this way, there are four people left.

One pound, Xingtian's face was gloomy. Lin Xuan turned his gaze and looked at four people.

Then asked, why aren't the four of you going?

Hee hee, we don't want to go yet.

A young man laughed. He sat directly on the chair and raised Erlang's legs, his expression was very relaxed.

The other three also sat down.

Don't want to go? Well.

With a wave of Lin Xuan's palm, a cup of spirit tea appeared in his hand, and then his finger flicked, and four tea cups appeared on the four people's tables instantly.


Lin Xuan held the glass tea cup, poured himself a cup, and then he poured into the air.

Strangely, these teas seemed to be affected by magic in the air, and instantly poured into the tea cups of 4 people.

No drop leaked.

Lin Xuan put the teapot on the table, picked up the cup, and tasted it. This is my special spirit tea, which tastes good.

Then he took a sip.

The young man who crossed Erlang's legs before was also the first to take a sip. The other three had a taste and then put down the tea cup.

As for me, I get along very well. Since we drink tea, we are friends. I just do n't know how to call four.

Hou Yichen. Son of the Five Masters.

Chen Haoyu. Son of the Seven Lords.

Liu Jie. Son of the 8 church masters.

Du Shengwei. Son of the Four Lords.

Su Chen silently remembered their names, and then he said.

Tomorrow, I invite you to hunt. I hope all four will come. Since the three who have left, I also hope that the four will announce.

Although they are gone today, I do not blame them. I hope they will come tomorrow.

Having said this, Lin Xuan fought directly and left.

Aside, Xing Tian followed behind him. After coming out, Xing Tian took a deep breath.

The first one to go was the son of Santang Lord, named Yang Jian.

The two walking behind are the sons of the six masters and the nine masters.

One is called Pei Yuan and the other is Shao Hui.

They 3 are a group.

Among them, the three hall masters are very overbearing, and they are very arrogant on weekdays. Now the old hall master abdicates, and the young master you just ascended the throne. It is estimated that he will not pay attention to it.

Three masters!

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, then he came to the square again and looked into the distance.

Above the square at the moment, those people are testing.

After watching for a while, Lin Xuan went back.

He didn't have to stay here, just let the Dark Red Dragon, and report the results then.

Sure enough, at night, the Dark Red Dragon came in.

Boy, a total of 500 people were collected. More than thirty of them are estimated to come with a purpose, they want to come undercover in those halls.

They really did.

Lin Xuan frowned, and then he asked, are the remaining people reliable?

They are reliable. They have no much interest with Tangkou, and most of them are suppressed.

At this moment we give him a chance, so these people come here one after another,

That's good. Lin Xuan nodded, and then said that those undercover do not move them, and alienate them directly, so that they can not reach our core.

This is easy to handle. Dark Red Dragon said,

Later, Lin Xuan also said that the remaining more than 400 people gave me the strongest 200 elites.

Conduct special training.

The remaining more than one hundred also made them work hard, and challenged once every month.

Those who can defeat two hundred elite members directly enter the elite group.

Good idea, I'll do it. Dark Red Dragon smiled.

Lin Xuan also said, yes, for me to find some cleverness from these people, I am really understaffed.

Anyway, you wait. The dark red Shenlong left quickly.

In fact, it is troublesome to make him pick people. However, Lin Xuan's six reincarnations directly saw all the experience and character of these people.

So what these people are like, whether they are undercover, they know everything.

Xingtian, the two hundred elite groups, you help me take them, we must give them the most stringent training.

Yes, young master.

Xingtian nodded, not long after, the dark red Shenlong returned.

This time, he brought back five people.

The five men followed the Dark Red Dragon, and were very excited and nervous.

They came to Lin Xuan and shouted respectfully, see the Lord of the Palace.

What are your five names? Lin Xuan asked.

Zhang Chao, Zheng Yan. Wang Bin. Liu Kai. Sun laughs.

Well, you'll be with me for the time being.

Yes. Little Lord. Five were excited.

Lin Xuan said, Xun Zilong, ordered things to them.

Come with me. The Dark Red Dragon was waving his claws and was very excited,

One pound, Xing Tian frowned slightly, he said, young master, although these people are now very talented and very loyal.

However, compared to the top Tianjiao, it is still worse.

Indeed, Lin Xuan nodded, they were a little worse than the son of the Lord of the Nine Halls.

Those who have the talent for talent have long been divided up by the Nine Hall Entrance, and the rest are suppressed on weekdays.

Lin Xuan turned around and looked at Xingtian. Do you know about Xiandian, are there no people in the Xiandian who come and go by themselves and are not subject to any restraint?

Young Master ~ ~ Don't say it, it really is.

And a lot.

But it is difficult to subdue, before they were only obedient to the old temple master.

The entrance to the Nine Halls instructed them not to move, and even tried to solicit more than once, but they were ruthlessly rejected.

Really! Give me a few young generation.

Xing Tian thought for a while and said, Master, otherwise I will give them an order and let them rush back.

Are they outside right now? Lin Xuan asked.

These people don't have any tasks, they are probably practicing.

That line, don't let them come over, I'll look for them in person.

Soon, Lin Xuan left.

He shook his body and left the temple according to the information given to him by Xing Tian.