Inverse Sword God - Chapter 2000

Chapter 2000



"what happened?"

Lin Xuan wondered, he didn't show strong strength in front of these seven stars-~ point,

How could the other person jealous of him?

You know, he is now only a six-star junior king, and the seven-star is powerful.

A powerful person who avoids the early six-star king is a joke.

"It is said that you are very similar to the person three hundred years ago. At this moment, the young man in blue said weakly.

"The man three hundred years ago? What's the matter, you tell me clearly."

"Actually, the master of Jin Jianfeng is not two apprentices, but three apprentices."

"Before you, there is only one, but rebellion halfway."

"Rebellion? Where have you been?"

"Why mutiny?"

"I don't know why you want to betray, that person is so good!"

"When I was young, I tried to overpower Master Qin Lan. The two brothers Qixing are not his opponents.

"That person lived in this yin and yang valley that year."

"Then where is he now?"

Lin Xuan asked, he did not expect that the owner of Jin Jianfeng had an apprentice.

"The man has long since left, and is said to have joined the yin-yang religion."

"Even, he has become the elder of the yin-yang corner."

Joined yin and yang religion?

Lin Xuan was surprised that if he remembered it correctly, this yin and yang religion should be the Kuangshi Great religion in Zhongzhou.

Very old and powerful, almost the same as the sacred place of Donghuang.

Unexpectedly, Jin Jianfeng still had such a thing.

But what does it have to do with him?

How is he similar to this person who joined the yin and yang religion?

What's similar between the two? Lin Xuan couldn't figure it out.

The two youths didn't know either, but they looked at Lin Xuan and asked with a tremor, "Well, can you let us go?"

"Let you go? Yes, but since you dare to provoke me, I will break your arm today and give you a warning!"

Lin Xuan's eyes narrowed, his eyes turned into a sharp sword, and he turned to the two.

Suddenly, one arm of the two was cut off.


The two screamed, rolling in the air, blood stained their clothes and the sky.


"If you don't open your eyes next time and provoke me, just kill you!"

Speaking, a wave of Lin Xuan's sleeve gown blasted the two of them.

The next moment, he fluttered into a flash of lightning and flew towards the valley below.

The yin-yang valley at this moment is back to normal again.

Not only that, but in this valley, there are several strange purple trees.

Their branches, like long dragons, are unusually thunderous.

I don't know how many years have existed.

At this moment, a few black and white fruits were bearing on the purple tree.

"What is this?"

Lin Xuan was surprised ~ ~ Because he clearly remembered that as of yesterday, these trees did not have these black and white fruits.

Is it related to the death of last night?

Thinking of this, when he beckoned, he would pick the black and white fruit and study it clearly.


At this moment, however, there was a shout from the back.

Immediately afterwards, a figure like the same red lightning flashed across the sky in an instant, never facing Lin Xuan.

The sharp breath permeated, turned into a red knife light, and severely split.

Daoguang volley, before it was cut, cracks appeared in the sky, and even Lin Xuan's clothes were blown.

