Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1877

Chapter 1877

Several people's faces were even darker. Originally, they wanted to cooperate with middle-aged people and secretly shot.

But I did not expect that they had not shot yet, as long as the middle-aged people were seriously injured and lost.

This disrupted all their plans.

For a while, they were neither offensive nor fleeing, becoming very embarrassed.

"How about, do you want to do it?"

"If you don't do it, get out of here! Save our exhibitions."

Dark Red Shenlong drank coldly.

In the sky, those martial art soldiers in the early days of the Holy Land turned red, but did not dare to fight back.

But just then, a roar came again in the distance: "Who dares to bully me for the first holy land?"

The voice was full of vitality, like the golden daru, ringing all around.


Hearing this voice, those sacred warriors at the beginning of 10,000 faces ecstatic.

"Great, here comes the elder."

"The strong man of our holy land has arrived! This group of people is crying with excitement."

Then they turned pale and stared at the dark red Shenlong and Lin Xuan.

"Boy, you are dead!"

"My elders of the Holy Land have come, you are absolutely dead!"

"That is, I will let you taste life is better than death!"

These holy place disciples are arrogant again.

The surrounding crowd was a sensation. They could not think of it, and the masters of Wanchu Holy Land came again.

And it looks like there are dozens of people this time.

Such a team is really too powerful. Even if Lin Xuan is stronger, I am afraid they can't compete.

Lin Xuan looked up slightly, looked at the sky, and narrowed his eyes.

"Are you finally here?"

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and he waited for a long time.

Because of the surrounding mountains, he had laid out a shocking array, waiting for the other party to come.

The sky was dark, and fifty or sixty people fell from the sky, exuding a terrible atmosphere.

The first person was an old man with an extremely angry look.

The breath of the body rushed into the sky, like an ancient monster, making people tremble.

This is an elder in the Holy Land of Manchus.

Behind him stood warriors of different ages, but they were equally murderous, and they were strong men in the holy land of the first days.

However, although these people are strong, none of them has reached the level of power, which makes Lin Xuan feel relieved.

There is no power to appear, and how many kings are useless is not a threat to him.

Seeing the arrival of those people, the original remaining sacred ground warriors quickly welcomed them.

Then, one by one said what happened before.

The elders of the Holy Land of Wanchu, the more they listened, the darker their faces became.

In the end, he snorted and shot it directly, trying to shoot Lin Xuan.

Those disciples around them blocked the Quartet and prevented the other from running away.

In the sky, a terrible chaotic palm emerged, covering the sky and catching Lin Xuan.

The air of chaos is horrible. Compared with the middle-aged man in purple clothes before, the power is much more terrible.

This is the older generation, and naturally the younger generation cannot compare.


Lin Xuan casts the black dragon fist of extinction, the fist of the violent black as ink, like a dragon rushing into the sky.

Boom boom!

The two collided, causing a breath of breath.

The terrible light rushed and rushed in all directions, and the force of violent destruction caused everyone to keep back.

The surrounding peaks collapsed.

After a blow, Lin Xuan stood up.

In heaven, the elders of the ten thousand holy places changed their faces.

Although he did not retreat, his entire arm was completely numb, and he could not exert a little strength.

The opponent's fist was so amazing that the violent breath almost wiped out his entire arm.

The next moment, he suppressed the terror in his heart and asked coldly.

"Boy, who are you, and who is it? Why are you against my holy land?"

Although Lengheng, but there is no previous arrogance.

He seems to be asking Lin Xuan's identity.

After hearing, Lin Xuan sneered, "There is no way and no faction.

"I have never been against the Holy Land of Manchu, except that you are aggressive and troubled me with arrogance."

"And I'm just responding passively."

"No way!"

Everyone was shocked. Was it a casual repair?

The old man from the Holy Land frowned.

The other party was a casual repair, and he didn't believe it!

A casual repairman, so old, how could he have such a mighty power that made him all startled.

You know, he is the elder of the Holy Land of Manchus. He is a strong man, and his strength is not weaker than the young Tianjiao who is at the level of the Holy Son.

The opponent can compete with him, at least has reached the level of the Son.

How could such a person be a casual repairer.

So the next moment, the elder Wanchu snorted coldly: "Boy, since you don't say it, don't blame me!"

He came this time to solve this exhibition. Those who dare to be right with Manchu Holy Land must win.

"Everything is done in the holy land, people who don't care about get away!"

With a rage, a terrible breath erupted in the elder Wan Chu.

"It's over, these people are going to do it!"

Seeing this scene, the warriors around were also scalp, rushed to the sky, and left the mountain.

No way, there will definitely be a big war next, they don't want to be caught in the storm by the waves.

Suddenly, all the warriors left on the whole mountain, leaving only the dark red Shenlong and Lin Xuan.

And the strongest holy land in the sky.

"Give me both of them!"

Wan Chu elders roared and looked down.

Once in the palm of his hand, fifty or sixty disciples quickly left and rushed to Lin Xuan and the Dark Red Dragon.

"Want to fight? Yeah, my emperor hasn't been active for a long time. I'll play with you today!"

The dark red Shenlong snorted.

Although he looks like a boy, his tone is old-fashioned. He stretches his limbs, exerts terrible power, and blasts at those martial artists who fly.

Suddenly, a war broke out in the sky.

On the ground below, Lin Xuan squinted.

For those who have never been before, he politely waved the **** palm and swept out.

Peng Peng Peng!

The terrible palms are like mountains ~ ~, with a powerful sense of destruction, directly shoot the three warriors rushing forward.

The three martial artists screamed, their bones were broken, and they hit the surrounding mountains.

"So powerful!"

Seeing this scene, those warriors who had never been there for a moment took a look of panic in their eyes.

But then, rushed again quickly.

What is the strength of the other side, this time, they have more than 20 hands, enough to win the other side.


Seeing more than twenty powerful kings flying, Lin Xuan snorted, and then the dragon sword field quickly poured out and shrouded in all directions.

"Beyond the king's field? Seek death!"

In the sky, those warriors in the first holy land sneered, and then they also performed the realm of kings.