Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1870

Chapter 1870

"What? The heavens of Wanchu Holy Land are defeated? How is it possible!"

"No, the disciples in the first ten thousand holy places are very powerful, and they are almost even better than the last one. It can be said to be extremely strong."

"Few people can beat it."

"And the other guy was so easy to beat, who is he?"

Talking loudly, they kept looking at Lin Xuan, trying to guess the identity of the other party.

Lin Xuan, however, flew in shape and chased the past. The black unicorn in his hand reappeared, ready to kill each other.

This guy has troubled twice, and intends to destroy his carefully arranged killing game, so how could he not shoot.

The black fire unicorn hovered in the air, then opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, exhaling the black flames of the sky.


Nine ghosts burst out, like the fire of hell, spreading skyward. With a cold, but violent atmosphere.

As soon as it appeared, it swept away towards the bottom.


Just then, a cold drink came from a distance, and then a figure came quickly like electricity.

"What? A master comes to help! Is it the strong man of the first holy land?"

Everyone naturally saw the figure flying from a distance.

However, Su Chen was unmoved, and her movements became sharper.

The sky's black flames quickly washed the front of the roll, and finally wrapped Fan Hengfei.



Fan Hengfei had only one scream before he was burned to ashes.


The strong man in the sky will fall, but he is still one step late. I didn't expect the other party to dare to kill Tianjiao of Wanchu Holy Land.

The crowd around was also uproar. They could not imagine that Lin Xuan was so decisive. Isn't he afraid of revenge on Wanchu Holy Land?

"Boy, are you deaf? Didn't you hear me?" The strong voice falling in the sky was cold.

"What? It turned out to be him!"

Those who were around saw the figure, all shaking.

"Chen Yidao, the elite genius of Tiandaomen!"

"I didn't expect it was him who came to the rescue."

Lin Xuan frowned, and she knew her naturally.

When he was in the restaurant before, this guy targeted him, but he didn't expect to come here now.

He sneered: "What kind of thing do you dare to command me?"

Although Tiandaomen was terrible and others were afraid, he Lin Xuan didn't have any fear.

"Crazy, crazy! This kid is really crazy!"

How dare you talk to Chen Yidao?

Everyone's scalp was numb, with a ghostly expression.

"I guess, this guy doesn't know Chen Yidao at all, otherwise he would definitely not have this attitude."

"Yeah, Chen Yidao is the backup saint of Tiandaomen, and even reaches the level of quasi-sacred combat power."

"It's very powerful."

"This kid is tough, and it's impossible to beat Chen Yidao."

Chen Yidao sank when he heard Lin Xuan's crazy words.

"Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like that!"

"Who are you? My attitude won't change. I don't want to die and hurry up, while I'm in a good mood now, I don't want to kill people!"

it is good! it is good! it is good!

"Good mad boy, it seems my reputation is not big enough. You haven't heard of it."

"But it doesn't matter, I will use my strength to let you know my reputation!"

"Chen Yidao? Are you terrific?" Lin Xuan sneered, "Moreover, you are not terribly serious about me, I don't know what it means!"

He didn't care about his face, and even started repairing his nails.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yidao's face became more gloomy. He found himself ignored.

He never felt this kind of feeling.

You know, his strength is very strong, and even people at the level of the Son will not ignore it.

But now, he was ignored, and his frivolous attitude made him very angry.

"It's over, this kid is really crazy. It seems that he absolutely irritates Chen Yidao."

"His end will be miserable!"

"Somebody still doesn't know Chen Yidao. Is he a warrior in the North?"

"Whether he is or not, he can't escape today!" Everyone commented.

"What a sharp boy, today I will teach you well and let you know how powerful Chen Yidao is!"

As a quasi-shengzi-level figure, Chen Yidao finally couldn't help it.

He stepped out step by step, the breath on his body suddenly became sharp, as if the sword came out of its sheath.

The vigorous and powerful palm also held the long knife at the waist.

"It's just a small casual repair, killing him is as easy as rolling a palm.

"It's better for the younger brother to teach this boy and let him know how powerful Brother Sword is!"

Just then, a young man stood out with a sneer.

At this time, there was no shot. I suspect that I want to sell Chen Yidao's face and draw Chen Yidao.

Chen Yidao naturally understood this. He looked at the young man and nodded slightly.

"Very well, if you can kill him, I can give you a chance to make us friends."

"Thank you Sword Brother!"

The young man in green was ecstatic. He came out naturally to become a friend across the board and to enter the other person's circle.

That would be of great benefit to him.

After all, Chen Yidao is a quasi-shengzi-level figure, and his strength and talent are very powerful.

It is not impossible to become the Son of Heavenly Knife in the future.

"Boy, dare to offend Brother Sword, it seems you really don't know how to live or die."

The young man in green clothes turned his head, staring at Lin Xuan with cold eyes, and a strange smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Then everyone saw the appearance of the young man in green clothes, and then took a breath.

The young man in green was quite handsome, but half of his face was engraved with red lines, very embarrassed.

Together, they are in the shape of a scorpion.

Such a vicious pattern is directly engraved on the face. At first glance, it is not a good person, it must be a fierce hand.

The next moment, he flipped his palm, took out a dark red box, and quickly opened it.

Accompanied by it, there is a strong demon atmosphere, and an extremely cold atmosphere.

The monstrous **** smell rushed to the face, making the scalp numb.

Then ~ ~ a big red spider crawled out.

The spider was blood red, carved like blood jade. Above it, there are mysterious lines.

On the eight legs, it was so bright red that it seemed to be bleeding.

"Blood Jade Spider, this poison!"

When they saw the blood-red spider, everyone's pupils shrank, and they stepped back unconsciously.

Many people exclaimed, looked at the blood spider, and looked pale.

"This is a very toxic spider. It is rumored that this toxin can kill power."

"Damn, how did this poisonous spider appear here?"

"Everyone must be careful not to be touched by it, otherwise it will definitely be poisoned and killed!"

An exclamation sounded, and there were also some kind people, quick reminders.