Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1558

Chapter 1558

On the way, many inner disciples saw his face, and his face suddenly changed.

"Isn't this Fangli? Why is his face so bad?"

"Where are they going? It seems that the visitor is not good."

"Oh God, there are people who dare to provoke Fang Li? Isn't he afraid of death?"

"I heard some, it seems that someone has replaced Fang Li's sister's inside door."

"Presumably now, Fang Li is having trouble finding each other."

"What? Is there such a thing?"

"There should be nothing wrong, we have a new disciple inside the door, it seems to be called Lin Xuan."

"Look at them, it really is towards the courtyard of Lin Xuan!"

"The inner disciples around, whispered, and when they saw this, they all followed."

Fang Li and his party came to Lin Xuan courtyard and stopped.

"That's it?" Fang Li looked at him with a cold stare.

"Yes, Fang Shao, this is it."

"Wait, I'll get the kid out!"

One of the disciples said.

Then he stepped out and drank coldly toward the front: "Lin, get out!"

The sound was like a thunder, turned into a sharp sword, and quickly passed inside.

However, the inside was quiet and there was no response at all, let alone the figure.


"Dare to stand in front of me?"

Seeing that the other party did not respond, the inner disciple was very upset.

He snorted, waved his sleeves, and suddenly a surging force pushed forward.

With a bang, the front door and wall exploded.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Is this to do it yourself?

But after waiting for a while, no one came out.

Soon, several inner door disciples were in the shape of electricity. They entered the courtyard and looked around.

Then came out and said, "Fang Shao, there are no people in it."


After hearing the words, Fang Li frowned and asked coldly, "Who do you know, where did the boy go?"

"Who gave me a clue, and I gave him a good spirit grass?"

Suddenly, someone ran out and said, "The kid with the last name Lin, took the task, the one from Wandumen."

"The mission of Wandumen?"

On hearing the words, Fang Li narrowed his eyes, and a icy hint of cold appeared in the corners of his mouth.

Then he flipped his palm, took out a spirit grass, and threw it at the man.

"Dare to replace my sister's place, no matter where you flee, it will be hard to escape!"

"Exactly, I'm going to take on the task of the Wandumen, so I will solve the kid by the way!"

With a sneer, Fang Li took people away.

And the disciples around the door, when they saw this scene, shook their heads and sighed.

"Well, that guy named Lin Xuan is too unlucky, it actually caused Fang Li."

"Yeah, with the strength and means of Fang Li, that kid can never get any benefit."

"What more! If this time let them meet outside, the kid may be killed."

"At that time, Fang Li killed the kid and pushed the crime to Wandumen. Even if Zongmen found out anything, he wouldn't care."

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with us, just leave it alone."

A group of people left.

Below the mountain, the city is surrounded by stars.

Although it was only the past few days, Lin Xuan found that the appearance here has changed.

Among them, many cities were attacked, walls fell, houses were damaged, and deep pits appeared on the ground.

Not only that, but also around this, there is a green mist spreading, which is highly toxic.

Even the king has to be treated carefully.

According to Zhou Tian, this is a unique method of Wandumen.

This green mist is very scary, but it is condensed by a variety of king-level monsters.

It can be said that the power is powerful, and under the king, it will die. The warriors in the king's realm, if inhaled accidentally, will also lose their skills and may be seriously injured.

Therefore, you must be careful when fighting the people of Wandumen.

"Fuck, these wicked people are abominable!"

"Yeah, this poisonous mist alone consumes a lot of my spiritual power. If we were not kings, I wouldn't be able to stay in this poisonous gas for too long."

An inner disciple's face was gloomy. Obviously, the surrounding mist was a heavy burden on him.

These people are Lin Xuan and others who appeared in the city.

Among them, Zhou Hai looked at Lin Xuan with a calm and calm expression, and asked with confusion.

"Brother Lin, is it difficult for you to have any influence?"

"Cangtian, are you too powerful?"

Indeed, in Lin Xuan's body surface, there are countless sword qi surrounding, each sword qi is extremely sharp, and those poisonous qi can not approach at all.

Zhou Hai and others also use various methods, but the expression is not as calm as Lin Xuan.

Among them, the strongest is Xiu Hai and another disciple named Yang Song, both of whom are two-star kings.

The remaining two were the late one-star kings.

All four walked cautiously, while Lin Xuan was exploring the Quartet.

"Bright brother, are you a swordsman?"

"Is this sword too powerful?"

The crowd was still envious, but Lin Xuan frowned, and Shen said, "I seem to have discovered something abnormal."

"Exception? What's abnormal?"

Several people in Zhou Hai were puzzled. They were also pharmacists of Dan, and their soul strength was very powerful, but at the moment of investigation, they found nothing abnormal at all.

However, looking at Lin Xuan's expression, it didn't seem to be pretending.

So it made them wonder.

"Go, follow me!"

With a wave of his hand, Lin Xuan shook his body and ran forward.

Although several people in Zhou Hai were confused, they also followed.

Soon they left the city and entered the primeval forest.

After flying for a while, Lin Xuan fluttered and flew down.

When Zhou Hai saw this, several people also fell.

Then they widened their eyes and couldn't believe it.

Because on the ground, there are countless corpses.

However, at this moment most of the corpses have become bones, and the remaining ones are also decaying.

Obviously, all died of poisoning.

"This is the warrior in those cities. It seems that they should fight against the people of Wandumen."

A few people took a sip of cold air, which is too far away. The average person can't perceive ~ ~ even they have no perception.

However, Lin Xuan seemed to know it.

How powerful is his soul power?

Lin Xuan looked at this scene, also frowning, so strong toxicity, not only the corpses rot, even the entire land has become a dead place. There is no trace of life.

Moreover, the poisonous gas will be emitted, gradually drifting into the void, forming a poisonous mist.

I'm afraid it won't take long, and the whole land will become a place of death, and nothing will grow.

Zhou Hai frowned. He summoned a white mouse from the realm of kings, and then fed it with an elixir.

Suddenly, the white mouse bloomed, and the little black nose was twitching as if looking for something.

Then he looked like a lighter and ran forward.