Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1556

Chapter 1556

"What's wrong, is there something wrong?" Lin Xuan asked in confusion,

"Brother, you just arrived, you don't know what this inner disciple represents." Danpao youth quickly explained.

His attitude became fast, and he even called Lin Xuan a brother.

"Our disciples of Danzong are divided into disciples outside, disciples inside, and core disciples."

"There are also personal disciples."

"But there are very few personal disciples, only a few, and now the head and elders have stopped accepting personal disciples."

"So personally disciples can be seen as special core disciples."

"From the outer door to the inner door is a threshold."

"The outside students are mostly free-range and do some chores. It can be said to be the most basic level of the martial arts."

"The inner disciples are different. They are already elite."

"I will enjoy a lot of resources, and I will have the opportunity to hear the elders give lectures. It can be said that the treatment has improved a lot."

"However, it is difficult to become an insider disciple, and only a small number of excellent outsiders every year can become insiders."

"The competition among them is very fierce. Some people have even been outside for more than ten years and have not become disciples inside."

Hearing that, Lin Xuan nodded.

He finally knew why the young man in front of him had such a look.

As soon as he entered, he became an insider disciple. This starting point can be said to be far beyond everyone's imagination.

Lin Xuan nodded slightly, and then asked, "What's the core disciple? You're talking to me."

"The core disciples are the elite among the elite."

"It is more difficult to become a core disciple from an insider disciple. Even if someone has been in the door for a hundred years, he cannot become a core disciple."

"The core disciples have great rights, even the right to kill."

"Even some very powerful core disciples are not weaker than some elders, but they have not made great contributions to Zongmen, so they cannot be named elders."

"But that strength is terrifying."

"That was the case." Lin Xuan nodded, indicating that he understood.

It seems that the identity of this insider disciple is not safe. We must get the identity of a core disciple as soon as possible to be able to better contact this Danzong.

After all, King Dan Yu already happened hundreds of years ago. Ordinary disciples have no access to this secret, and only by becoming a high-level person can they get clues.

The Danpao youth led Lin Xuan to the inner door, but did not enter.

He said to Lin Xuan, "Brother, I'm just a disciple from outside, I can't enter the inside at all, and then I have to rely on you."

"OK," Lin Xuan nodded, and then entered the inner door alone.

However, Lin Xuan did not explore it by himself. After entering the inner door, some special people took him, and soon he was assigned to an independent courtyard.

Each inner door disciple can enjoy a mobile independent courtyard as his own residence.

From the conversation, Lin Xuan also learned that core disciples are treated better, and they can even occupy a mountain peak as their own residence.

Even some powerful core disciples can enslave outside disciples, or even instruct inside disciples to do things for them.

It can be said that the power is very great.

Lin Xuan chose a courtyard and then settled down.

He did not act immediately, but silently cultivated to accumulate his strength.

In this way, he stayed in the inner door.

On the other side, outside Danzong, testing is underway these days.

Countless disciples of the outside door struck with all their might, struggling for a fight just to enter the inside door.

Among them, there is a beautiful looking girl who also has to take the test.

The girl was handsome, but she was somewhat proud, with her chin raised, like a proud little princess.

At this moment, she was surrounded by many young people.

"This time there are ten places to enter the inner door, I will definitely get one!" Said the girl proudly.

"That's natural!"

The surrounding martial arts quickly slap.

Next to this, there are several proud disciples, who are also elites of the outer door and have great confidence to enter the inner door.

Among them, there was a young man in a red robe, looking at the young girl before, and smiling, that's for sure, Sister Ting, when we enter together.

But after entering the inner door, you still have to rely on your brother. You won't forget me then.

Hearing the words of compliment around him, the girl named Fang Ting was even more proud.

"That's natural, rest assured, my brother is amazing at the door!"

"After we enter, I will let him take care of you."

When the disciples around heard this, they were envious.

They knew that Fang Ting was very good.

At a young age, he has become a top outsider, and now he is about to enter the inside.

Not only that, she also has an even stronger brother, who is inside.

It can be said that usually no one dares to bully her at all.

I am afraid that entering the inner door is also a goddess of existence.

Everyone talked, but at this time, the test results came out.

Suddenly, everyone stretched their necks and looked nervously.

The girl named Fang Ting was also nervous.

To be honest, although she has good talents, she is better than her talents and has a lot of talents.

Therefore, she was not completely sure.

However, when she saw her name, ranked tenth, her exquisite little face suddenly showed a proud smile.


Although it is worse than expected, it is also very satisfactory.

Because she knew that there were ten places to enter the inner door this time.

In other words, as long as you enter the top ten, you will be able to enter the inner door.

"Ha ha ha ha! Great! Finally inside the door!"

Exclaiming loudly, these are obviously the top ten disciples.

Soon, the elder outside the door, holding a scroll, walked quickly.

The top ten disciples, such as Fang Ting, all walked out and stood in front of them with a smug smile on their faces.

They knew that the next time was to announce the results.

Sure enough ~ ~ The elder outside said slowly: "Next, I will announce that you are candidates for entering the inside."

"Huang Kai, Zhao Dong ... Qin Feng."

Outside elders read nine names in a row, all of them were the top nine disciples.

Fang Ting listened with pride, but when she arrived, she suddenly stopped.

I saw the elder outside the door slowly put away the scroll, and then Shen Sheng said: "Nine of you are disciples from the beginning of today."

"You must practice well when you enter the inner door. You must not be lax."

"Yes, my disciples obey!"

Nine disciples such as Qin Feng nodded respectfully, while everyone around them was uproar.

what happened? There are only nine people, why are there only nine?

Fang Ting said quickly: "Elder, why didn't you pronounce my name?"