Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1352

Chapter 1352

A golden sedan, like a golden flash, flew quickly from a distance, and then stopped over the crowd.

This was not passing by, but stopped there directly, like a golden cloud suspended above the crowd.

Arrogant, it's too arrogant!

Everyone looked upwards and was shocked. They have not seen such a way of playing, isn't this just playing on their heads?

Even those Tianjiao who did not dare to do this before, who is this person? How dare you be so arrogant!

The black dragons who taught martial arts around were upset, and the days of pride that came out before were even more gloomy.

There was even a killer in his eyes.

Who are they? They are all Tianjiao people at the entrance of the lobby! It is the existence of countless black dragon disciples who only look up to!

High on the weekdays, even those older characters treat them with courtesy.

Someone dare to crush them.

But now, an inexplicable sedan parked on top of them, without any intention of leaving.

As Tianjiao, they couldn't stand it.

In the distance, the boy in purple is also gloomy. He frowned and looked at the sky, very confused.

"Are some of the great figures of the Black Dragon religion coming?" He really couldn't think of any younger generation who dared to be so arrogant, and only those older characters wanted to come.

On the other hand, the old man with purple hair frowned: "The big figures in the Holy Ghost travel, their pomps are very characteristic, but the golden sedan chair, I really can't figure out which big character?

In fact, the people around have also begun to guess, they do not believe that this is what a young man can do.

Below, the five outstanding Tianjiao did not speak, their eyes flickered, and their anger was well covered.

Because if the other party is an older person, they really can't say anything.

As everyone talked, there was a light fluttering sound in the golden sedan above.

"Is this the Blackbird Conference? There are so many people, so lively?"

At the sound, everyone was uproar.

And the five big Tianjiao were even blackened, because the voice was very young, obviously the younger generation.

This makes them totally unbearable!

"Presumptuous! Who are you? How dare you stop above us? Hurry down!"

"Flights are not allowed in Nanhuang Ancient Town, don't you know that!"

"Which hall are you from? It's too arrogant!"

There was a cold drink, and it was clear that everyone was very angry.

However, there was a disdainful voice in the golden sedan again.

"It's really annoying to find so many flies on arrival."

"I rely on, who does he say are flies?"

"Arrogant, it's really arrogant!"

"Who the **** is he? I don't remember anything."

All kinds of angry scolding sounded, and those arrogant horrors were gloomy and terrible.

Among them, Nangong Hao's eyes were like electricity, he stared at the top, and said coldly, "Who is your Excellency? Come out quickly!"

"Otherwise, we blame us for beating you out!"

As the second helm of Shentangtang, he was very angry at the moment. Because no one can surpass his head, not even the chief helm of Shendantang, let alone someone else.

"Since you are asking to see me, then I am full of compassion to fulfill your wishes."

The arrogant sound from above resounded, and then the two little lords in front of them slowly opened the curtain, and then knelt on the ground to greet them respectfully.

Hearing this, Nangong Hao vomited blood, but the people around him frowned, because until now, they found that the four sedans turned out to be the Seventh Lord.

The Seventh Sovereign came to lift the sedan chair, this is absolutely amazing! I am afraid that even those church owners may not have such a pomp.

"I depend! Who is this person? It's too extravagant to be a bearer with four Seventh Venerables!"

"A prodigal! It's a prodigal! This is a master! However, letting them be bearers is really overkill!"

A group of people mourned, and Nangong Hao, Xueshou and others frowned.

They really can't think of who exactly has such a big pomp?

But soon they knew, because the other party was about to come out.

Sure enough, a figure slowly emerged from the golden sedan above.

It was a young man with a black gown, starbrows, and handsome looks. His black hair fluttered and his eyes were even more arrogant.

That look was as if he were the overlord of heaven and earth.

Not only that, but beside him, there were also two peerless beauties.

The man on the left wore a long purple dress, and his face was as beautiful as a fairy.

The one on the right is more mysterious. The black robe sets off the exquisite figure, with a golden mask on his face, shining with cold light.

Although the face is not clear, it adds a bit of mystery.

This feeling is the most attractive!

Arrogant, mysterious, powerful aura, beautiful face! No matter which one, it deeply shocked everyone.

For a while, the whole street was quiet and there was no sound.

This young man is naturally Lin Xuan. The two beautiful women next to him are Murong Qingcheng and Luo Bingshan.

A few days ago, he encountered Hua Wufeng in the Nanhuang Mountains, so he resolved it by hand, and then Lin Xuan pretended to be Hua Wufeng, and Murong Qingcheng and others entered the ancient town of Nanhuang.

Because this flower had been closed in retreat before this windless practice, and this was the first time it appeared in front of everyone, so few people in the Black Dragon religion knew him.

This also makes it easier for Xuan and others to act.

At least in this Nanhuang Ancient Formation, no one should know him.

Even those church owners don't know it. It is estimated that only the third guardian knows it.

However, as far as he can remember, the third protection law will not come to participate in the Blackbird Conference this time, so he is very safe.

Until a long time passed, the people below came back, and then stared at the top.

"I rely on ~ ~ Who is this kid? You can have two peerless beauties!"

"Special, envy me!"

"What's that look? It's so fierce! It looks like an emperor is looking down at Cangsheng."

"Who is he? Why haven't you heard of it? It shouldn't be at the entrance of Bahai Hall?"

"Surely not, the strongest five hallways are already here, and the remaining three must not be able to produce such a character, otherwise we would have known."

"I rely on it! I now doubt whether he is a black dragon!"

A lot of people were shocked below, but they were relieved when they saw the dragon on the other side's black gown.

"You're stupid, really an idiot! Without Black Dragon, you can't enter the ancient town of Nanhuang at all."

"He can come in, he must be a holy man!"

The black dragon martial arts activists talked around.