Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1336

Chapter 1336

This time, the flame youth was finally shocked, he screamed.

He didn't expect that the other party came from Tianwu mainland.

No wonder the other party is so powerful, no wonder the other party can kill so many people in an instant! No wonder the opponent can have both fire and ice attributes!

Because the other party is a talented warrior from Tianwu mainland!

"No, the news must be passed back!"

"Boy, you are so amazing to me, I didn't expect you to come from Tianwu mainland."

"But you're too crazy to think you can kill me?"

"Wait, wait for your real news to pass back, my black dragon will definitely send real masters to hunt you down!"

After all, the flame youth turned and wanted to leave.

"Want to leave? Do you think it's possible!"

Lin Xuan's figure flickered, and she appeared in front of the flame youth, blocking the way.

"Let's die! Don't underestimate me!"

The flame youth was furious. The reason why he didn't take the shot was because the opponent was too mysterious and possessed two attributes of ice and fire.

However, this does not mean that he can tolerate this contempt.

You know, he is the third helm of Shendantang, the Tianjiao of Tiannanyu!

"Boy, even if you are from Tianwu mainland? I will let you know how good I am!"

The flame youth snorted.

The next moment, an orange-red flame appeared in the palm of his hand, like a cloud floating in his palm.

"Fire and fire!"

"Boy, you die for me!"

As soon as a cloud-like red flame appeared, a fiery high temperature bloomed.

That breath was twice as strong as the previous flame.

Soon after I got Huoyundihuo, I didn't want to use it, but I didn't expect to meet you!

"Boy, die under my fire, you're proud of yourself!"

The flame youth's voice was cold, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

Then, a cloud-like flame quickly merged into his right palm, and his breath suddenly tripled.

"Ha ha ha ha! Even if you come from the Tianwu continent? I blend fire and ground, and the Eighth Lord is not my opponent.

"Let me die!"

"Huoyun Palm!"

The flame youth yelled, and then shot it with one palm.

A red palm left numerous afterimages in the air, and then banged fiercely at Lin Xuan.

This is Blaze Youth's hole card, and his greatest support!

And Lin Xuan still shrugged his head: "Too weak."

The next moment, he also slowly raised his palm, and numerous black flames appeared in the palm, and then gently pressed forward.


The void collapsed, and a dark black hole appeared, as if the abyss giant was going to engulf everything around.

The next moment, a weird scene appeared.

Everything began to burn quickly, silent, and disappeared in the air.

There were no violent explosions or even sounds.

However, this silent burning is so horrible that everything cannot be resisted.

The Flame Youth once again showed horror, because he found that the Fire Cloud Chapter he had played disappeared in an instant.

"What flame is this? It's so scary!"

He wondered how could the world have such a terrible flame?

However, he had no chance to think at all.

Because the terrible black flame enveloped him for a moment.

The next moment, his palm quickly turned into ashes, disappearing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Not only the palm, but the whole body of the flame youth in a flash was engulfed in black fire and completely burnt.

In the end nothing was left.

Lin Xuan was expressionless, as if she had done something trivial.

With a wave of his palm, he recalled the black fire of the sky, then turned and left here.

The pavilion is still this pavilion, but there is no one inside.

Not only that, all the forces of the Black Dragon Sect around Jianchi House were all uplifted by Lin Xuan.

No one survives, no one escapes, and no one can spread the news.

So for a while, the place around Jianchi Mansion became a dead place.

I am afraid that the Black Dragon Sect can't think of it, their power can be destroyed in an instant.

Without the surrounding troubles, Lin Xuan came to the front of Jianchi House.

Not only him, but this time the Dark Red Dragon, Murong Qingcheng and Luo Bingshan all came.

The four looked at the iceberg in front of them, all frowning.

"Xun Zilong, set up an array, I don't want to be disturbed when I break the ice." Lin Xuan said.

"This is easy."

The Dark Red Divine Dragon played a set of formations at will, covering the entire area of Jianchifu House.

Even if they turned upside down inside, I'm afraid they won't find anything abnormal outside.

Lin Xuan stretched out his palm, and the black flame bounced quickly.

He then pressed forward.


When the palm of his hand touched the ice in front of him, there was a tremor, and even the air trembled in a buzzing sound.

"What a terrifying ice power!"

Lin Xuan was surprised, he found that this force of ice could even resist his black flame.

This is really incredible.

You know, his black flame was not an ordinary flame, but it was taken from the sky sparrow, which can be said to be extremely horrifying.

However, the ice in front was able to compete, it was amazing!

No wonder so long, Jianchi Fu is still intact, because no one can break the ice force.

Even if Lin Xuan didn't take the shot, he couldn't get rid of it just by the means of the Nether Hall and the flame youth.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan's eyes are condensed, and the whole body is burning with black fire, forming a terrible flame atmosphere, and quickly pouring into the palm of his hand.

Finally, the iceberg ahead melted.

However, this speed is very slow. If you want to dissolve the entire Jianchi Mansion, I am afraid that it will not be completed in one or two months.

"No, it's too slow!" Lin Xuan retracted his palm and shook his head slightly.

Although he could cover for a while, he could not cover it forever.

I believe that it won't be long before Heilongjiao will react, and a large number of strong men will definitely be sent by then.

Ordinary lords are easy to handle ~ ~ If there is a half-step king at that time, or the leader of the black dragon religion comes in person, then things will be troublesome.

He still didn't want to compete with the leader of the Black Dragon religion, so he had to think of another way to quickly rescue Jianchifu.

"Or else, let's do it together? Help you get rid of it!" Murong said.

Luo Bingshan also clenched her sword, and as soon as Lin Xuan ordered it, she would start immediately.

The Dark Red Shenlong touched his chin, carefully observed the iceberg in front, and even performed mystery.

"Why is this something familiar? Where do you seem to have heard it?" The Dark Red Dragon was skeptical.

Then he exclaimed, "What? Is it the kind of thing?"

But how is this possible, and how could that thing appear here? Even Tianmu mainland is not eligible to appear!

"What is it?" Lin Xuan asked, and he rarely saw the dark red Shenlong look so surprised.