Inverse Sword God - Chapter 1198

Chapter 1198

Jiu Gongzi clapped his hands happily: "Rest assured, as long as this is done, my couple will not treat you badly .:"

"A few more sons" rejoiced.

No way, although they are all disciples of the Shen family, compared with Jiugongzi's status, there is no small gap.

This time, if they can help the nine sons to complete the dead mission, they will definitely improve their status in the family after returning.

Thinking of this, many people are hot.

The middle-aged man who spoke before was also performing a secret method, and suddenly a series of crackling sounds were made in his body.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the middle-aged person turned into Lin Xuan.

He looks exactly the same.

On closer inspection, it is impossible to distinguish between true and false.

Jiu Gong also applauded, and then reminded again.

"That kid is a swordsman. You must pay attention to this."

"Also, his cultivation is not high, so you have to hide some cultivation, but you must show the strength of Qizhong Tiantian when you shoot."

"Rest assured, son, to ensure the mission is completed."

Afterwards, fake Lin Xuanyu laughed, quickly moved out, and ran towards the distance.

In front of a palace, several old men are rapidly bombarding a defensive light curtain.

Behind these people, there are many warriors, including a beautiful woman in a purple long dress.

I was surprised to find Hanguang Iron here.

The woman was naturally Murong-stricken. At this moment, she looked at the iron metal in the light curtain in front of her, and smiled.

On the side, the silver-haired mother-in-law also laughed a little, yeah, cold light iron is an excellent material for the smelter.

And it seems that there are quite a lot.

Look at the pieces inside. If you refine them, you will be able to practice at least three and a half-level treasures.

This is a huge asset for any family.

Ahead, several elders bombarded the light curtain. These elders were very powerful, and the light curtain trembled in conjunction.

The light curtain did not support it for a long time, and then made a clicking sound, finally breaking like glass.

"Great, the seal is broken"

The disciples of the Murong family cheered, and Murong all smiled.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, and he rushed to the few pieces of cold light like lightning.


"court death"

The old men in front of them were furious. They couldn't think of anyone daring to take things from their Murong family.

Suddenly, many people shot.

However, the figure was very weird, and even avoided all the attacks, and quickly snatched two cold light irons.

There were a total of four cold-light irons on the ground, and at the moment, half of them were missing, which directly stimulated the Murong family.

"Damn, leave me."

An old man was furious, and reached out his terrible hands, covering one side of the world.

And the surrounding warriors are also fast. An encirclement was formed to stop the man.

Covering the sky with ruthless hands, like a giant mountain, it roars in the sky.

At the critical moment, I saw the man humming, and then a stunning sword light came on.

The dazzling sword energy was severely chopped in the cover of the sky.

Suddenly, the old man was shaken back a few steps, and the figure was manifested from the void.

"what are you"

Everyone around him saw this figure, and they all froze.

Even Murong Allure stayed for a while.

"Lin Xuan, why are you here"

Murong Qingcheng was very surprised, she could not imagine that Lin Xuan would have shot at their Murong family.

However, Lin Xuan smiled a little. Where there are treasures, I will naturally appear.

After all, he quickly put the two pieces of cold light iron into the storage ring.

See this scene. The warriors of the Murong family were furious.

"Boy, although you helped our Murong family, it is impossible to rob us."

"If you need this thing, just talk to our family and we will give you a piece, but the behavior you are doing now is really chilling."

"Well, I want something, I need to tell you"

Then Lin Xuan snorted: "Looking at Murong's face, I won't kill you, hurry up, or don't blame me for being ruthless"


"Okay, I'm going to teach you, what are you capable of, dare to oppose our Murong family"

A group of old men were furious, but Murong Qingcheng frowned.

She stepped out quickly, stopped the elders, and then turned to look at Lin Xuan: "Are you in any trouble, I can help you by saying it."

"Difficult, what a dilemma."

"My lone star sword needs to be upgraded. This cold light iron is useful to me. If you want to help me, give me the remaining two pieces."

"Miss, don't be fooled by this guy, this guy is an insatiable guy at first glance."

"That is, he thought he was still a good person, but it doesn't look like a good thing now."

A group of people looked at Lin Xuan with anger in their eyes.

Murong Qingcheng frowned even more, because in her impression, Lin Xuan was not such a person.

Even, she suspected that Lin Xuan was fake, but he found no flaws except for the character of the other party.

"Miss, stop talking nonsense with him, catch this guy"

Several elders were angry, and then quickly attacked Lin Xuan.

But that Lin Xuan sneered, showed his figure, and then numerous swordsman hacked out, breaking a path stiffly.



The crowd looked at the escaping figure with anger.

Murong's brow frowned. She absolutely didn't believe it was Lin Xuan.

Although she didn't believe it, others were convinced, and those people had a hatred for Lin Xuan.

This made Murong Qingcheng look very ugly, because she was keenly aware that someone seemed to want to stir her relationship with Lin Xuan.

But ~ ~ she had no evidence for a while, so she couldn't convince others at all.

It seems that he can only wait until the next time he catches the person and then exposes his true face in public, so that everyone can believe.

According to Murong's conjecture, if someone wants to destroy her relationship with Lin Xuan, it is impossible to take a shot just once, which means that person will come again.

Sure enough, when they found another treasure, Lin Xuan came again.

This time, Murong Qingcheng also took the initiative, but let the other party run away, because the other party did not fight with her at all, relying on her body style to dodge quickly.

Of course, this time the other party grabbed a lot of good things.

This made the Murong family even more furious.

When Na Lin Xuan snatched the Murong family for the third time, the Murong family broke out completely, threatening to catch the kid.

This matter was not concealed at all, and soon spread throughout the Cangsong Hall