Interstellar Marriage Guide - Chapter 40.1 - Apology

Chapter 40.1 - Apology

Chapter 40.1 - Apology

Mo Han looked stiff, not knowing what to say.

Iman was also full of surprise, staring at Luo Fei with wide eyes. Luo Fei, are you kidding me? Youre Mr. F? That system-faced teammate?

Luo Fei smiled and nodded: Thats right. Youre Genius, Mo Han is MH, and Frank is Handsome for three seconds. We also had Hunter with good marksmans.h.i.+p in our team, who helped us clear the nightmare mode of the Cambula Desert last week. We were attacked by snakes and vultures in that game.


He can report their IDs and also knows what they experienced last week. Luo Fei is obviously not joking he is Mr. F with the system default face.

Its really you?! Imans eyeb.a.l.l.s almost fell out.

No wonder when he said he was attacked by a group of snakes last week, Mr. F asked with concern, Are you okay?

It turns out that Mr. F is Luo Fei. Luo Fei knows that hes afraid of snakes.

Luo Fei naturally went to sit beside Mo Han, and asked in a low voice: Mo Han, are you angry at me for approaching you in this way?

Mo Han finally came back to his senses. He turned his head to meet his deep eyes, and felt a little upset.

If he wants to be angry, he can only be angry at himself. Why did he give Luo Fei a game cabin as a birthday present?

Turns out he shot himself in the foot by providing Luo Fei another way to get close to him holographic games.

Just ten minutes ago, Mo Han was relieved to get rid of the sticky brown sugar candy, but instead of getting rid of it, the brown sugar stuck on even tighter.

Luo Fei was actually by his side all the time.

Mo Hans heart had mixed feelings, and his face alternated between red and white for a while.

Having known Mo Han for a long time, Franks impression of Mo Han is calm and composed, and he has never seen such an expression on his friends face. Frank looked at Luo Fei suspiciously, thinking to himself, this guy named Luo Fei is countless times more handsome than the system default face. He obviously used the system default appearance so Mo Han wouldnt recognize him. Whats his purpose for trying to get close to Mo Han?

Luo Fei doesnt look like hes born in a business family. Wearing his heroic military uniform, his photo can easily be used as a promotional poster for St. Romia Military Academy. This handsome young alpha soldier can easily fascinate a large number of omegas.

Him approaching Mo Han should have nothing to do with the Mo family, nor does his ident.i.ty warrant befriending the Mo family.

If not for benefit, then it is for love?

But generally those who approach Mo Han and want to be his wife are omegas. This person is obviously an alpha, why does he want to be so close to Mo Han?

Is it worth all that trouble just to be friends??

Frank was puzzled, scratched his head in confusion, and observed Mo Hans face curiously.

Mo Han took a deep breath to calm down and said politely to Luo Fei: Come out with me. Lets talk alone.

Luo Fei nodded immediately: Okay.


Outside, Mo Han found an empty private room, walked in and closed the door, then looked at Luo Fei with raised eyebrows.

Whats your purpose?

Luo Fei explained with a smile: Theres no other meaning. I heard that you were playing Law of the Jungle, so I also created an account to find you in the game. If I appeared as myself in person you definitely wont team up with me, and will hide, so I used the default appearance in the game.

Mo Han frowned. Didnt I tell you clearly last time? You havent given up yet?

Luo Fei said earnestly: Sincerity is the key to success. If I gave up so easily, wouldnt that mean my love for you is too cheap?

Mo Hans head felt like it was about to split. He stretched out his hand and rubbed the center of his brows. Ive already said it, I dont like you!

Luo Fei smiled again, looked at Mo Han tenderly and said, I know, thats why Im chasing you.

Mo Han:

He was rendered speechless by Luo Fei again.

After three seconds of silence, Mo Han lowered his head and said: Luo Fei, Ive made it very clear that I cant like you. Its impossible for the two of us to be together. I hope you give up as soon as possible and we can keep a friendly distance. If it wasnt for your status as the First Prince, I would have broken up


as in broken up friends.h.i.+p with you long ago. Im troubled when youre so close to me, do you understand?

Mo Han felt that what he had said was clear enough, but Luo Feis thick skin was beyond his imagination.

Luo Fei wasnt depressed at all at being rejected again. Instead he looked at him calmly and said: A persons impression of another person will gradually change with more contact. Some people are impressive at first, but after getting along, you find the other party is full of shortcomings. Other people seem very ordinary, which may make you look down on them, but after getting to know them, you may realize theyre actually much better than originally imagined. I believe I am the latter kind of person. As you know more about me, your opinion will definitely change.

Luo Fei paused, and the eyes looking at Mo Han gentled. When I confessed to you, you rejected me instinctively, because you think were both alphas. You want to inherit the Mo family, and I am First Prince, so no matter what angle you look at it, we should not be together. But these are objective factors. You have never really understood me, and negate any possibility because of this. Therefore, I wanted to approach you with a brand new ident.i.ty so you can know more about me first.

Mo Han:

His explanation was clear and logical, leaving Mo Han unable to find any mistakes.

Because the person he likes doesnt want to know him, its normal to want to stay with the other person in another capacity to let the other person know more about him.

And Mo Han did see another side of Luo Fei from Mr. F.

Such as decisiveness and simplicity when solving problems, calmness and logical thinking when facing danger, precise marksmans.h.i.+p, powerful combat skills, and a comprehensive and thorough understanding of weapons

This is Luo Fei, the eldest prince of the empire trained by His Majesty.

Luo Fei is not the simple and silly little milk dog in Mo Hans impression. When necessary, he can instantly transform into a vicious wolf to protect everything he cares about.

He actually has many advantages.

Its just that his initial stupid performance was found out early on, so Mo Han always regarded him as a cute and innocent boy, and didnt notice his handsome and manly side.

At this moment, facing Luo Feis gentle but serious eyes, Mo Han couldnt say anything to refute him. He could only keep silent.

Seeing his silence, Luo Fei couldnt help but raise the corners of his lips slightly, and asked in a low voice: Can I ask you for your opinion of Mr. F? Do you think that Mr. F is actually quite handsome? Hes not the same as the First Prince in your impression. Actually, Mo Han, thats the real me. What you knew about me before is really just the tip of the iceberg.

Mo Han:

Mr. F is indeed handsome, and Mo Han also has some affection for Mr. F, otherwise he would not take the initiative to ask him to meet.

Mo Han didnt want to say anything against his will, so he frowned. I admit that you do have many advantages, but Luo Fei, I will not fall in love with you because of this. The reason I asked to meet in person is because you taught me how to snipe. I wanted to thank you in person.

Luo Fei nodded. I know that you dont like me yet, but at least you dont reject me as much as you did at first. You even have some affection for me and think Im not bad, right?

Mo Han:

Why is this guys ability to grasp key points so powerful?

Mo Han was silenced again, because everything Luo Fei said was true. He had no choice but to turn away with a cold face, not wanting to argue with Luo Fei anymore.

Mo Han was surprised at how thick-skinned Luo Fei was. Furthermore, he really couldnt compete against his top-notch eloquence.

Seeing Mo Han turning his head away and ignoring him, Luo Fei grinned.

In fact, Mo Han is not as cold as rumors claim. Because he doesnt like to lie, everytime someone reveals his thoughts, he will keep silent. That is to say, he does have a good impression of Mr. F, another ident.i.ty of the First Prince, but he is embarra.s.sed to admit it.

The tables flip Mo Han is the one thats speechless now.

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as in broken up friends.h.i.+p