[>] Rinder began to berate her: Since leaving Scientology, Tanja has reflected on what happened between her and Mike Rinder, and in 2009, agreed to speak with him on the phone. Rinder, having left Scientology by that time, apologized for his behavior and, according to Tanja, asked her forgiveness.
17. Exodus Marc Headley first described the musical chairs game to me during several in-depth interviews I conducted with him and his wife in 2007; Amy Scobee also provided an account. Headley later sent me a written version, which he ultimately published in his memoir, Blown for Good. Tom De Vocht confirmed Headley's account in an interview with me, and Marty Rathbun further confirmed the events during his interview with Thomas Tobin and Joe Childs of the St. Petersburg Times in June 2009.
As with the prior chapter, the bulk of this chapter is based on interviews with key sources, notably the Headleys, the Castles, Jeff Hawkins, Tom De Vocht, Steve Hall, Dan Koon, Mike and Donna Henderson, and numerous others. Stefan Castle provided me with the text of his letter to Tanja, correspondence between himself and his lawyer, Ford Greene, and a copy of the missing person report he filed with the Hemet Police Department.
[>] "How many people are in the org?": Jefferson Hawkins, "Statistics," Leaving Scientology, accessed September 13, 2010, leavingscientology.wordpress.com/doubt-formulas/statistics.
[>] "vulture culture": Mike Rinder, "Survey: What Impinges-Results," Moving On Up a Little Higher, August 24, 2010, markrathbun.word press.com/2010/08/24/survey-what-impinges-results.
[>] the actress Nancy Cartwright: David K. Lin, "The Church of $impsontology," New York Post, January 31, 2008. According to Scientology's Impact magazine, Cartwright was awarded the status of IAS Patron Laureate for her donation. Kirstie Alley, who reportedly donated $5 million in 2007, was awarded a Diamond Meritorious medal.
Epilogue: What Is True for You For the opening of the Scientology Ideal Org in Los Angeles, I relied upon the Church of Scientology's own report of the event, plus video footage provided on the church website; similarly, all information about past and future Ideal Orgs is from the Church of Scientology's own publicity materials. Mat Pesch, Tom De Vocht, and several former Scientologist finance and legal officers (who wished to remain anonymous) provided critical a.n.a.lysis of the Ideal Org program.
Though I had been aware of Scientology's interest in appealing to African Americans, Marty Rathbun was the first to draw my attention to Scientology's current friendship with the Nation of Islam, and Rathbun also provided the text and a PDF file of the Clear African Americans conference schedule on his blog.
Kendra Wiseman has been a source since the earliest days of this project, and the remainder of her story told in this chapter is derived from perhaps two dozen or so lengthy telephone calls and e-mail exchanges over the past five years. Similarly, Natalie Walet, the very first Scientologist I met, has been a constant source, and the quotes that end this chapter come from several long telephone interviews conducted in 2009 and 2010.
[>] "Today marks a milestone step": "Los Angeles Cuts the Ribbon on a New Ideal Church of Scientology," Church of Scientology International, September 13, 2010, www.scientology.org/david-miscavige/churchopenings/church-of-scientology-los-angeles.html.
[>] Hayes struck both: Mark Rathbun, "Funeral for a Friend," Moving On Up a Little Higher, May 3, 2010, markrathbun.wordpress.com/2010/05/03/.
less for idealistic reasons: Ibid.
At Flag in June 2010: Brochure t.i.tled "Clear African Americans Convention at the Flag Land Base," Clearwater, Florida: Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization, 2010.
[>] Farrakhan did not, however: Louis Farrakhan, "Put On the New Man: Address by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan," Nation of Islam, August 22, 2010, www.noi.org/webcast/ug-22-2010.
[>] According to the Las Vegas Sun: David McGrath Schwartz, "Sharron Angle Campaign Working to Quiet Scientology Question,"Las Vegas Sun, May 26, 2010.
[>] "We need to get as much": E-mail sent to Church of Scientology membership, January 21, 2010, markrathbun.wordpress.com/2010/01/23 /the-church-of-disaster-capitalism/.
"wake-up call": David Miscavige, "Wake-Up Call-the Urgency of Planetary Clearing," Inspector General's Bulletin No. 44, September 11, 2001.
[>] "degraded values": Rathbun, "Funeral for a Friend," Moving On Up a Little Higher, May 3, 2010, markrathbun.wordpress.com /2010/05/03/.
[>] he has likened himself: Rathbun, "The Reformation," Moving On Up a Little Higher, February 17, 2010, markrathbun.wordpress .com/2010/02/17/the-reformation/.
"My wife and I can't": Rathbun, "Miscavige Black Ops Squad Hits Corpus Christi," Moving On Up a Little Higher, September 10, 2010, markrathbun.wordpress.com/2010/09/10.
"I joined Scientology for": Rathbun, "Murder Outs," Moving On Up a Little Higher, August 13, 2010, markrathbun.wordpress.com /2010/08/13.
"Inquiry into these allegations": Memorandum, Claire Headley v. The Church of Scientology International et al., Case No. CV 09-3987 DSF, filed in U.S. District Court Central District of California, August 5, 2010.
"Scientology wins": Thomas Tobin and Joe Childs, "Judge Dismisses Two Lawsuits Aimed at Scientology," St. Petersburg Times, August 6, 2010.
[>] According to several reports: Personal interviews with Amy Scobee and Mat Pesch, Jeff Hawkins, and others; Lawrence Wright, "The Apostate," New Yorker, February 14, 2011.
"One of the most addictive": Kendra Wiseman, "Growing Up a Scientologist," Ex-Scientology Kids, February 8, 2008; removed from the website; hard copy provided to author by Kendra. Also available at Ex-Scientologist Message Board, exscn.net/content/view/39/52/.
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This book would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of Jann Wenner and Will Dana, my editors at Rolling Stone, who first a.s.signed me a story about Scientology in 2005 and then gave me the time and resources to develop it in a way few editors are willing to do. I am also indebted to the many others at Rolling Stone who offered their guidance and support, notably Sean Woods, Eric Bates, Jodi Peckman, Jim Kaminsky, and Coco McPherson.
My agent, Laurie Liss, was the first person to encourage me to expand my research into a book and helped shape the proposal as well as offer her tireless support and advocacy in the years since. Numerous individuals at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt made this book possible, among them Eamon Dolan and Webster Younce, who acquired the book and were early, and enthusiastic, supporters; the amazing Andrea Schulz, who saw the book from first draft to publication and worked relentlessly to make it the very best it could be; Lisa Glover, who managed production, and Susanna Brougham, who provided expert copyediting; and Christina Morgan, who took care of every other detail. In addition, an extra special thanks is due to Will Blythe, a longtime mentor and friend, for being the rare editor who can take a disorganized pile of pages and give them shape, structure, and depth. I truly could not have written this book without his help.
Of the many former and current Scientologists, academics, and researchers who spoke with me, I am most grateful to the woman I have called "Sandra Mercer"; without her insights, encouragement, and guidance, I would never have understood the first thing about Scientology. I am also deeply indebted to Nancy and Chris Many, who, over countless tuna sandwiches and cans of Diet c.o.ke, educated me about the Sea Organization, provided me with a library of Scientology texts and other doc.u.ments, and offered their house as a refuge and meeting place. A special thank-you also goes to Anne, Jeffrey, and Anthony Aylor; Chuck Beatty; Jason Beghe; Maureen Bolstad; Larry Brennan; Caroline and John Brown; Tanja and Stefan Castle; Neville Chamberlin; Art Cohan; Jana Daniels; Mark Fisher; Steve Hall; Jeff Hawkins; Marc and Claire Headley; Mike Henderson and Donna Shannon; Bruce Hines; Gale Irwin; Don Jason; Jason Knapmeyer; Dan Koon; Sinar Parman; Mat Pesch; DeDe Reisdorf; Glenn Samuels; Amy Scobee; Teresa Summers; Tom De Vocht; Natalie Walet; the late Alan Walter; Kendra Wiseman; Astra Woodcraft; and the many other former and current Scientologists who shared with me their joys, sorrows, fears, hopes, and disappointments during my five years of research into this mysterious and often incomprehensible church. That a number of them still value L. Ron Hubbard's technology, if not the organizational management of the Church of Scientology-and were eager to differentiate between the two-is a testament to the growing number of Scientologists who hope to form an independent, and free, movement. I wish them all the best of luck in doing so.
On the academic front, Drs. Stephen A. Kent and J. Gordon Melton, with their distinctly different views on Scientology, have each spent years painstakingly collecting Scientology's vast trove of doctrine, publications, and other materials; they made that research available to me. I am also deeply indebted to Kristi Wachter, who patiently scanned many of the key doc.u.ments on the Lisa McPherson case and posted them online, and to Mark Bunker, of XenuTV, for his ma.s.sive archive of news and video footage, articles, transcripts, and other materials. In Clearwater, Lee Strope and his colleagues in the law enforcement community proved invaluable when it came to understanding the Lisa McPherson case.
Of the many friends and colleagues who provided a.s.sistance and support, I want to particularly thank my father, Alan Reitman, a meticulous line editor and the man who inspired me to become a journalist and who never ceased to amaze me with his generosity, love, and guidance. Josh Hammer and Shannon Burke read early drafts of the book and offered valuable criticism, as did Richard Leiby, who knows more about Scientology than most journalists and shared his knowledge and insights freely. Nora Connor, my researcher, spent months synthesizing complex legal data and poring over doc.u.ments and transcripts; Alex Provan fact-checked every paragraph; Amelia McDonnell-Parry transcribed my interviews and also organized my office and files-not an easy task. Chris Steffen did additional transcribing and reporting. Raney Aronson at PBS's Frontline and Lisa Santandrea were amazing friends and sounding boards. To all I say thank you.
Finally, Lee Smith, an amazing journalist who understands better than most the emotional and financial costs of this profession, not only insisted I write this book but stuck it out with me through all the years it took me to finish it. Key chapters could not have been completed without his editorial guidance; the entire book could not have been written without his patience, encouragement, and most of all his love. Thank you for enduring ... and Bode, too.
* The issue of Time published on May 6, 1991, bore the cover story "Scientology: The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power," which accused the church of "Mafia-like tactics"; it remains one of the most scathing exposes of the church ever written. In response, Scientology sued Time and the reporter Richard Behar for libel, and lost, though the suit cost the publisher, Time Warner, millions of dollars.
* Hubbard, an avid Boy Scout, became an Eagle Scout at the age of twelve, making him the youngest Eagle Scout in the country at the time, according to the Church of Scientology.
* Staff at the New York Times would later tell the biographer Russell Miller that they had no record of ever buying any photographs from Hubbard or making any agreement to do so.
* The Church of Scientology has long held that L. Ron Hubbard had two war records, one possibly used as a front. In the official record released by the U.S. Department of the Navy, Hubbard's achievements are meager. But church officials have explained this by stating that most of what is in the record is falsified to cover up Hubbard's more sensitive and covert activities as a member of naval Intelligence.
* In 1969, in response to an investigation by the London Sunday Times into Hubbard's relationship with Parsons, the Church of Scientology issued a statement explaining that Hubbard had been sent to 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue by U.S. Naval Intelligence, a.s.signed to infiltrate and break up a so-called black magic cult. The church gave as evidence the fact that the Agape Lodge ultimately dissolved and that a number of high-ranking physicists a.s.sociated with Parsons were ultimately put on a U.S. "enemies list" and stripped of security clearance. A few historical facts support this claim: by the 1940s, a widespread anti-cult campaign was sweeping the country, and numerous groups and individuals suspected of cult activity, including Parsons, had been investigated by the FBI. But, as many of Hubbard's critics have pointed out, no evidence substantiates the claim that he was a.s.signed intelligence work, and though, because of his odd activities, Parsons's FBI file had grown quite thick, he retained top-secret security clearance until his death in 1952. Hubbard is not mentioned in connection to Parsons in any FBI papers.
* No evidence has been found in Hubbard's medical records to suggest he was ever crippled or blinded in World War II, or at any other time.
* Though Hubbard had been discharged from active duty in the navy, he remained a commissioned officer until October 30, 1950.
* With the halcyon days of the Parsonage at an end, Parsons and Marjorie Cameron moved into a smaller house in Pasadena. In 1952, at the age of thirty-six, Parsons was killed in a mysterious chemical explosion in his garage. It was, as many have noted, a fitting way for a black magician to die.
* Polly filed for divorce in 1947, still unaware that Hubbard had remarried. Later that year, he scandalized his parents by bringing Sara to Washington, where they settled, briefly, into the house he and Polly, and their two children, had once shared. The divorce was finalized in 1948.
* This is an actual scientific term defined by Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary as "a hypothetical change in neural tissue postulated in order to account for persistence of memory called also memory trace."
* In his first edition of Dianetics, Hubbard acknowledged "fifty thousand years of thinking men without whose speculations and observations the creation and construction of Dianetics would not have been possible," giving particular credit to "Anaxagoras, Thomas Paine, Aristotle, Thomas Jefferson, Socrates, Rene Descartes, Plato, James Clerk Maxwell, Euclid, Charcot, Lucretius, Herbert Spencer, Roger Bacon, William James, Francis Bacon, Sigmund Freud, Isaac Newton, van Leeuwenhoek, Cmdr. Joseph Thompson (MC) USN, William A. White, Voltaire, Will Durant, Count Alfred Korzybski, and my instructors in atomic and molecular phenomena, mathematics and the humanities at George Washington University and at Princeton." Later editions of the book, however, do not carry this acknowledgment.