Your world is boring.
Indeed, he did not know how to show how surprised I was. However, what most surprised me Sagami s.h.i.+zumu-kun was that identified himself as the ‘thirteenth’ .
This number is very important.
A common person insurance ask ‘What is important to be number 13?’ , But when it means being the thirteenth group Hajime-kun, the story changes. Changes completely.
Thirteen …… It is the favorite number of those who suffer from Chuunibyou!
It is the number that most prefer, than even zero!
It is an abominable number that is usually avoided in the west. It is the number that is above 12 which is the most important number in the s.e.xagesimal system. Judas, who betrayed Christ, sat in seat number 13. ── are many theories about why the number 13 is the preferred chuunis.
The number of bad luck, thirteen.
?! Hajime-kun really gave that number this person !?
The thirteenth of the 12 wings of darkness, even the favorite number of those suffering from Chuunibyou, is not something you would wear to identify themselves ……
In that case, this handsome boy, I wonder how talented is ……!
“The relations.h.i.+p between Kiryuu-san and I …… Well you can say that we are childhood friends. Although, I must say I have a childhood friend of the same s.e.x is something really depressing. ”
Sagami-kun said “I am very grateful to his mother.”
Seems to be known as Hajime-kun, I decided to receive him as a guest. I poured some juice and sweets, then I sat on the couch in front of him.
When I finished introduce myself,
“Sorry …… Although this should not ask a woman, could you tell me your age? You know, I think it would be easier to talk if we knew our ages. By the way, I have 16 years. I will fulfill 17 years old this year. ”
Sagami-kun asked me a question in a tone very polite. no longer trying to hide or change my age, I answered properly.
“I’m 22 years old.”
“… What ?, You’re an old woman.”
“No, it’s nothing. So 22 years. You’re a grown woman. I think I’m getting a little nervous. ”
¿Q-What will was that? … For a moment, I felt that told me something terrible.
Although he still had doubts, Sagami-kun started the conversation quickly.
“The Faerie War and the superpowers. I heard the details from Kiryuu-san. However, I am not a person with powers. ”
“Hey? So what you said before. That appeared to be the name of your ability. ”
“Ah … that put me Kiryuu-san on their own. I have not aroused any power. ”
As he expected Hajime-kun.
“Therefore, I am not partic.i.p.ating in the war. Ah, but I have seen Leatia-chan once. Although rather, it was Kiryuu-san who brought us without asking. ”
“Hey, I see.”
“But after our first meeting, Leatia-chan has not recurred me … That time … I said ‘no human A girl finally appeared to me!’ , While shedding tears of happiness.”
“… Ehh, I see.”
It is the same as Hajime-kun said. At that time, their relations.h.i.+p was tested as known me.
“It is true, as we talked about that, Leatia-chan can disappear at will, right?”
“If. Well, she may disappear freely, although it depends entirely on if you want to be visible to someone. ”
“In other words, right now, there is a possibility that Leatia-chan is here but this invisible, right?”
“Hm … Well, I can not say it’s impossible ……”
“I can not see it, then there is a possibility that Leatia-chan this in front of my naked, right?”
“… Why do you think it would be naked?”
In that, Sagami-kun closed his eyes and put his hands forward. He seemed to be playing something, then began to move his fingers.
“…… Right now I’m touching b.r.e.a.s.t.s Leatia-chan. Right now I’m touching b.r.e.a.s.t.s Leatia-chan. Right now I’m touching b.r.e.a.s.t.s Leatia-chan, now mismo── ”
He started saying some very nasty things with a terribly serious expression. I feel that your energy is like that of a monk training under cold water from a waterfall.
Uaah … What I can do?
This guy really makes me nauseous.
“Oh Im sorry. I got distracted.”
It seems that Sagami-kun noticed that was bothering me, so I stopped what I was doing quickly.
“…… Then, Sagami-kun, why are you here today?”
“There were some unavoidable circ.u.mstances. Kiryuu-san told me never to come here … no matter what, they never come without reason. ”
“Unavoidable circ.u.mstances ……”
This guy had the number 13 ── Someone considered a hidden existence, had reason to appear. I wonder what will it be──
“Yesterday, I heard the rumor that a high school girl had an accident incontinence here. So I had to come no matter what. ”
Uaah, it is dangerous. Certainly, it’s a real pervert.
Although he is young, he is handsome, seems to be popular …… but his head is completely out of control.
“Hey, ehhh, I can not believe that such false and baseless as this rumor has spread.”
For the dignity of Fan-chan, I decided to give my best effort to deceive him. The damage to the wall was repaired by Akutagawa-kun, while Fan-chan was in charge of cleaning the floor. If I deny it, surely this Hentai-kun will give up and will go ── At least I thought.
“Ah, okay feign ignorance for the sake of your partner.”
Sagami-kun spoke.
“But I’ve already served my purpose.”
“When I entered this place, I could smell the aroma of deodorant floor. At the time I smelled that smell, I knew the rumor was true.I figured deodorant used by someone incontinence problem. After that, the rest was easy. I just had to find the point where the smell was stronger deodorant. ── there surely would be the point where the incontinence problem occurred. ”
That reasoning so calm and precise me gag!
Everything in it makes me nauseous!
I wanted to stand up and leave, but my hips did not seem to react.
What did he do Sagami-kun at the point where incontinence occurred ……? Mm, I think it best not to ask. Although answer anything, just make me see h.e.l.l. If anything he said something like ‘This flavor is indescribable flavor!’ , I escape without hesitation completely barefoot.
I wonder if Fan-chan will be fine.
Once you know this, you may want to kill.
“Well, this is the reason for my visit. Then, Saitou-san, why are you here today? ”
“I …… I came to leave something.”
I put the bag on the couch with playing Donjara 2 . Sagami-kun had a curious expression.
“They like to play games like that in this place?”
“Ah good. There is a good reason for this …… do not know how to explain … ”
Since Sagami-kun does not seem to be a person with powers, I think it should omit mention the issue of 「F」. For now, I’ll tell youabout how Hajime-kun planned to fight alone against a great opponent.
“… Mm. So acted alone. I see. That way they play so limited it’s definitely something that would Kiryuu-san. Although I like bondage more games in March , well that’s apart. Then, Saitou-san, bought the Donjara because he told you …… ”
Sagami-kun cut what he was saying and looked at me with a cold stare.
“It seems that you always obey Kiryuu-san, right?”
“… Huh?”
“Taking the trouble to help and listen to someone ── I must say that is a great quality, but is not it Kiryuu-san only an ingrate?”
“I-Ingrato …”
I was about to stop me. However, I controlled my annoyance and sat on the couch again.
Calm down, I have to calm myself. If I lose control now would be counterproductive.
“Saitou Hitomi. And I remembered. I’ve heard from you for Kiryuu-san several times. If I’m not mistaken, you are a known high school, right? ”
“Yes, but ……”
I wonder what he said about me … Surely, Hajime-kun said something unnecessary about me. Insurance said something like I’m like a mother scolds him for everything ……
“That person, always says. ‘Hitomi is a good extraordinary woman’. ”
“──¿¡Ugh !?”
My head was about to boil.
My cheeks turned red.
Lie, lie, can not believe Hajime-kun has said something behind me, as he always behaves very rude way with me, I thought I also spoke ill of me behind my back!
A good woman … hehe.
“… You seem pretty happy.”
Sagami-kun seems to have noticed. No, I must not let this pervert play with me. I tried to put a serious expression. However … no matter what I do, I could not help but smile.
Since I am a good woman … hehehe.
” ‘Good woman’ . You might think that is a compliment, but what do you think was the real intention of Kiryu-san to use those words? ”
To me, I could not help but relax, Sagami-kun smiled wryly.
“This is a theory of mine ── but a good person, in most cases, refers to a very suitable person.”
“A person very convenient?”
“Why is a kindhearted person loved by others? The answer is easy. It is because the person is very convenient. They are gentle and generous, they can not leave someone in trouble, accept good way any favor you ask them …… Someone as good as that, his only fault is to be very suitable for other ── And it is because people find a those of good heart and very useful pampered with praise. If you want to know the reason is because if those people of good heart are increased, it would be very convenient. ”
“That’s … how to say, is a very clever point of view.”
That reminds me, Hajime-kun also said a similar thing.
He said that everyone insists that you ” to become adult” because an “adult” equals a “very convenient for society person” .
The world, the universe, “What am I?” Or “Why should not kill people?” , One does not think of unnecessary things like that an “adult”one must work hard and be a contribution to society, It should be someone terribly convenient for others. Therefore, people compliment the fact you’re an “adult” .
That person is good because it is convenient.
… Well, I think it is a way of thinking chuuni terrible.
I remember I said I was just making excuses for not working.
“It may be a witty point view, but you can deny it?”
“… What are you trying to say?”
As I felt some resentment, I said.
“I’m a ‘desirable woman’ by Hajime-kun.”
“I do not deny it. However, I do not want you to misunderstand me, I do not mean to make fun of you. On the contrary, I’m worried about you. Hitomi-san. Would not you like rebelling ── to being convenient Hajime Kiryuu woman? ”
“Rebelling, huh ……?”
“Complex Rebellion.”
Ignoring my anger, Sagami-kun just said those words.
“The Messiah Complex is relatively famous. The Messiah is El Salvador. In other words, it is a person who can not help but help others. ”
I’ve heard it.
── Messiah Complex is one where the person feels a strong desire to save others.
I do not know much, but I have heard it is a term to describe a good person, but it seems to be a feeling that comes from a certain weakness of wanting to prove his own existence.
“Complex ── Rebellion is the opposite. Indicates a person who can not help but rebel against this world. His purpose in life is to contradict common sense, feel like criticizing what is natural in the world. Only opposing the world in this way, they can test their own existence. ”
Rebellion complex.
In other words ── is the best quality of Chuunibyou. It is the maximum level that can not be corrected.
The destination for the person who was not elected in this world.
The final destination of a person who can not get anywhere.
Having said that, Sagami-kun smiled quietly.
“… Hajime-kun said that?”
“If. The impression I got was so. … That person was probably not chosen in this world. So persists in that of ‘elected’ so insistently. ”
That seemed funny. Sagami-kun began to smile.
“What Kiryuu Hajime ──no, which Kiryuu Heldkaiser First Luci want is not an obedient p.a.w.n nor a devoted subordinate ── let alone a desirable woman. A conflict following the conflict. A rebellion following the rebellion … This man just wants a place and an opponent where he can use his power chuuni to máximo── ”
I remember what happened in the car a few hours ago.
Although he was beside her, she looked Hajime Kiryuu someone who was not yo──
“Well, quite frankly, it’s none of my business romantic situation between you. Romantic comedies of two people who have spent 20 years not interest me at all. ”
He is saying that while sighing, Sagami-kun drank the rest of the juice. He put the gla.s.s on the table and stood up from his seat.
“Thanks for the food. So if you’ll excuse me, I’m pulling me. ”
I jumped off the couch and stopped to Sagami-kun, who was already retreating.
“T-I’ll make you a direct question … SS-Sagami-kun, what do you think of me?”
…… Although it was what I asked. I can not believe that such a question has come out of my mouth so naturally.
A convenient woman.
So far, unfortunately I have been described and also the fact that I can not answer anything about it is even more regrettable … My confidence as a woman is in tatters, I wonder if perhaps I do not look like a woman, that uncertainty is killing me .
“Hey, what do you mean?”
“M-I mean as a woman, I mean. I am cute? I am beautiful? I want you to answer me honestly …… ”
Although I say it, I think you do not look so bad. I have endeavored to maintain a good style.
Not being able to see my right eye is a serious and complex, but if you do not pay attention to that … (At least, laugh at me for not being able to see out of one eye), well, honestly, I think it is a trait quite s.e.xy.
“Let me see … You really have 22, right?”
It’s okay. Having 22 years it is still considered to be young. In addition, I have a child’s face. Every time you buy sake, have to confirm my age.
“Mmm. I’ll be honest to the end … In my opinion, tú── ”
I held my breath and wait for the words of Sagami-kun.
Soon, with a sheepish smile, he gave me a straight answer.
“──Estas out of the question.”
Somehow, I felt that something broke.
“Honestly, you ‘re out of discussion. Hobiron for short. Just kidding.”
An innocent impression of an innocent bystander, became the edge of the sentence. My pride as a woman had been crushed completely.
After several horas──
In the bar with darts which was our base. Fallen Black was met.
Excepting Kiryuu Hajime and Sagami s.h.i.+zumu ── the number zero and the number thirteen, all wings, from the first to the fifth, were gathered.
“Wait, wait, Hitomin. Why did you call us so suddenly? ”
Playing with your smartphone in one hand, Aki-chan spoke vaguely.
“Did longer wanted nothing to do with me? Neither the Committee nor Kiryucchi heard what I said … Ahh, heavens, I have zero motivation. ”
“K-Kiryuu-san will fight alone against「F」… I heard from Leatia-chan. Really, he always, always acts very selfishly …… ”
Next to Aki-chan, Fan-chan in her gown nurse sat.
“Hitomi-san. For your information, I will not follow Kiryuu-san. ”
Toki-kun was sitting on the couch and had put on the table feet.
“If this guy wants to commit suicide, you can do so freely. So, if it die, it will be his fault. I will not follow that idiot. ”
“… I feel the same.”
Akutagawa-kun was sitting in the corner. He agreed as he stared at the screen of your game.
“… If Kiryuu-san was defeated, not just Fallen Black, the Faerie War also end … System can not be defeated by anyone …”
Everyone looked with a disinterested expression.
Whether in the Faerie War, either in Kiryuu Hajime, they had lost interest in everything.
“Hitomi-san. If you talk, can you do it faster? ”
“True true. Hitomin, what it was the reason to call? ”
“If. It’s okay.”
To Toki-kun and Aki-chan, who asked me to hurry up, I nodded slightly. Then I walked to stand in front of Akutagawa-kun, who was in the corner of the room.
As always, he was wearing his headphones.
“Akutagawa-kun. Since this will be a very important conversation, could you remove your headphones? ”
“… Huh?”
“The headphones, take them off.”
“… As I’ve said many times … I have the low volume, so I can hear everything they say.”
Sighing, he told me about a selfless way.
“… Please positions or headphones, what you going to say will not change for anything. So … no problem, right? … Or perhaps is there any disadvantage I use headphones? ”
“Once, take them off. It is common sense. ”
“… Common sense. Ah. First, what is common sense? I think the definition varies depending on the persona── ”
I extended my hand to Akutagawa-kun, who was making excuses for anything. I took his headphones and started to pull them off.Then the cable broke in half.
Akutagawa-kun opened his mouth.
“… Huh? Wait, that these hacien── ”
“Take them off once and for all, silly!”
I shouted ──con all my strength.
In maintaining human relations.h.i.+ps, my personality was that of the person concerned. And reaches the limit of that. I felt something inside me was disappearing.
“Your display of complaints and grievances is really irritating! Take off your headphones when you’re talking to someone! It’s common sense! You must be more considerate of the other person! ”
Akutagawa-kun had a confused expression. Not himself. All members had the same expression. They seemed to be surprised with my personality change.
But, I do not know!
My anger has calmed down yet!
“… Hey, wait, Hitomin … What? Why did you lose patience so suddenly? ”
I felt Aki-chan was scared. Then, turn in his direction.
“Stop talking!”
I shouted again.
“You should not be so stuck in front of your elders! I will not let you behave like that! It shows more respect! We are not in Europe or America! ”
“Hiii. L-Lo sient … ”
“With respect.”
“P-Please excuse me.”
Then, I turn my gaze to Fan-chan by chance.
“You, the nurse with incontinence problem there!”
“Incontinence problem !?”
“You … you … Mm. Nothing in particular.”
“Nothing in particular!? You called for a very unpleasant moniker only for nothing !? ”
I do not have anything in particular you want to correct a Fan-chan.
Since it was called a nurse with incontinence problems, he began to mourn. However, the guilt does not appear in my chest, I have only feelings of anger burning like lava.
“… Oh dear … You and others are always doing irritate me …!”
── I’m losing patience.
Like that day in high school. When I lost my patience and kneed him that fool.
My blood has become terribly cold. My whole body has reached the temperature of dry ice.
I mean!
It is not impossible to lose patience in this situation !?
Hajime Kiryuu incomprehensible. Young people who make fun of me. A group that is not unified. The enemy organization is the strongest. But more than anything, the incomprehensible Kiryuu Hajime.
Ah, either this or that, nothing goes right.
Why do I have to scratching my head as a manager of a small company in trouble !?
Besides, the Sagami s.h.i.+zumu is a pervert!
What do you mean I’m out of the question? Out of the question! And even worse, Hobiron !?
“All of you always … are making fun of miiiiiiii!”
“E-Wait, Hitomi-san, what happens? You do not seem to be yourself … ”
“Silence! Who do you think I am!? It’s me!? ?! Did I accept that some young missing respect me !? I mean, it’s your fault, Toki Shugo! ”
“Ah? Oh? What have I done …? ”
“What you said the other day! ‘The only one who can hold a conversation you. Kiryuu-san is incomprehensible, the girls are very noisy and Akutagawa has communication problems’ … ”
“It’s true I said that … but what’s wrong with it?”
“Why do not you included me when you said ‘girls’ !?”
Toki-kun was surprised. However, continued unheeding.
I’ve been worried for a long time.
I’ve felt resentment for long!
“Include Me in the group of girls! Even a 22 year old is considered a girl! If it’s a girl, then it’s a girl! ”
I shouted from the bottom of my soul.
── members were more than surprised. a terrible atmosphere felt throughout the bar.
“Mm, Mm … Fallen Black. I have a statement to all members. ”
I declare the following heedless.
“From now on , we will ── who will crush「F」.”
I felt that the atmosphere in this room change.
“Hey … wait a minute … ah, no, I mean, please wait a moment, Hitomin … san.”
Aki-chan intervened.
“So you want us to cooperate with Kiryucchi after all?”
“It is not like this! We do not do anything with that guy! We will destroy 「F」 faster than Kiryuu Hajime. We will antic.i.p.ate the‘solitaire game’ that fool. That is the most important!”
“Do nothing.”
Hajime-kun told us that. We gave an order like that.
Who cares.
If you act on your own, then I also will act on my own!
“Did you not hate !? Let’s Kiryuu Hajime, that patient’s Chuunibyou, who underestimates us completely! To me disgusts me! You really disgusts me! That subject only formed this group for fun and to kill time! Do not think of anyone but yourself! There is not a more useless worldwide leader! ”
I let out my anger, throwing a punch at the wall. A dull sound. Though it should grieve his fist, not those things came to my mind.
My eye was burning. An intense feeling controlled all my body, ran through from head to toe. It’s a complicated feeling, not even myself can explain.
Is this anger or sadness? They are jealousy or arrogance?
Or perhaps, it is just simply love?
── It’s just that somehow, Kiryuu Hajime is irritating.
Irritant, irritating, irritating!
Why? Why? Why?
?! Why this man does not look to me !?
“It’s time to rebel! It’s not treason, is rebellion! Hear all, just shut up and follow me! I’m going to humiliate Chuunibyou the patient who does not understand anything you! I’ll do look like an idiot! ”
Now it is OK. Now I understood.
Such a convenient woman he will not turn to her.
Someone like that can not enter the view of Kiryuu Hajime.
This man is obviously an enemy rather than a friend. It is not someone with whom you can cooperate. He is someone who thinks only of combat.
Well, okay, so much.
Therefore ── I will become your enemy.
This man who lives in his delusions. I’ll show you what a good woman.
I will write in his soul to the person named Saitou Hitomi.
I will never forget it. It will be in the depths of him.
Oblivious, actuée firmly.
“Stand up! Spread your wings! Fallen Black! ”
Kiryuu ── Hajime no, Kiryuu Heldkaiser Luci First.
Black wings you you gathered. Tonight, they cover my body.
I will root out the wings of this fallen angel ── and send straight to h.e.l.l!
” Him Fight with me! Rebélense quickly to that silly and join me! Quickly crush 「F」 and System. And then when Kiryuu Hajime comes, we will tell ‘It’s your big moment, right ?! ‘ We laugh enough of it in your face! ”
This proposition was the rebellion of the second in command of the organization.
The confusion was seen in the eyes of all. Fear, discomfort, doubt, suspicion … all had their own opinions. Each member must be holding many feelings.
“──Que stupidity.”
Slicing through the silence, a shrill voice sounded tight. Toki-kun lowered his feet, which had put on the table, and gave me a sharp look.
“Humiliating that b.a.s.t.a.r.d? That’s is just a screen. This is only part of your childish revenge, what do you really intend? ”
That piercing gaze was like a sharp knife, and for a moment I felt fear. Toki-kun, in terms of combat power, ranks second within the organization. The words of Hajime-kun, ” I do not want to have to fight you” were not a joke.
Usually turn away my eyes fearfully. However, today I was clenching my teeth tightly. I looked at my left eye without blinking and only my left eye with a sharp look back.
Toki-kun just made a sound “Hmph” and stood the couch. Putting their hands in their pockets, way to me.
“But, well ── want to make a childish revenge like this, certainly I annoy the b.a.s.t.a.r.d. So I do not think is a bad distraction. ”
On his lips, a powerful smile had formed.
“Unlike that fool, you have better ability to be a leader, Hitomi-san.”
“It is true……”
Aki-chan got out of his chair.
“Kiryucchi has been exceeded slightly. Do not you think you are taking very lightly to the others? Deserves a punishment for escape from reality, Let’s show a little how bad is the reality. ”
Fan-chan was followed.
“Y-Me too, I also want to take revenge on Kiryuu-san … I also think it is a detestable person. I mean, with the help of all, I want to teach a lesson to Kiryuu-san. ”
Akutagawa-kun was the only one left. Finally he gave up and gave a big sigh.
“… Ah, this feeling … I wonder what will be … well, so for now I’ll do what I say Hitomi-san …”
“Zigzag Jigsaw” ── The power of the attempted stabbing.
“Head Hunting” ── super power a.n.a.lysis.
“s.e.x Eclipse” ── The power failure personality.
“Dead s.p.a.ce” ── The power of niche market.
Four people with powers. Four wings. All under my command.
“Thank you all.”
I nodded slightly and prepare my mind.
“Come on, is the beginning of the rebellion.”
Rise of such a convenient woman is something rarely seen in history.
I’m going to protest against the fallen angel who rebelled against G.o.d’s angel.
Saitou Hitomi. 22 years old. Fourth year in college. Blood type A.’m Aries.
The first member of Fallen Black. The second in command in the organization.
“Eternal Wink” ── The power of infringement of view.
My first love ── Kiryuu Hajime.
“I’ll show you the true evil eye that guy.”