In the middle of a dark closed s.p.a.ce, I am alone, holding my right arm.
Holding it to suppress it.
I can only make a beast-like groan. I desperately grab on to my rampaging right arm with my barely controllable left arm, with the nails biting into it.
I am desperately trying to suppress the [Power] that is trying to get out from me.
"C, Cease it... You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"
It is like I am drowning in a dark feeling. A dark voice from deep within. Destroy, destroy everything. My heart is filled with an urge to cause destruction.
The personality known as me is being overwritten.
Eaten by its own power.
A purgatory h.e.l.lfire capable of burning even G.o.d.
Its name is –––
"You are being kinda loud."
The electricity in the clubroom was suddenly turned on.
The lamps shone, our literature clubroom was made clear.
There is a well-used locker and a relatively new replacement table that was bought last year. There is also a huge steel shelf with a countless number of books narrowly lined up side-by-side that was given (forced on) to us from our uppercla.s.smen.
"I could hear you from outside the room. What are you do... It's only you here Andou?"
"Sta, Stay back Kanzaki Tomoyo... Nay!
"'Nay' is... And also, stop calling me by that name."
"Hurry up and flee from here! I... I won't be able to stay myself much longer!"
Tomoyo was staring at me with contempt as I was crouching on the floor while holding my right arm.
Staring at a pitiful person.
"...Tch. Maaan"
The fun had disappeared, so I got up. While scratching my head with my right arm (it wasn't actually aching), I stared back at the girl who was staring at me with a cold gaze.
Kanzaki Tomoyo.
Her hair reaches down to about the shoulders, hanging spa.r.s.ely around the collar of her blazer. She has a neat and pretty face, but because of her rather harsh look and grumpy-looking lips, you get a strong-willed impression from her.
Well, she has a strong will at least.
Same as with me, she is a member of this literature club.
"You really don't know how to play along. Like, not at all."
"What is with that response? Could you not make it look like I am the one in the wrong? No matter how you look at it, you are the one being weird. Just what were you doing here in the dark?"
"My right arm was aching and my dark side was awakening."
"Ah, I got it, it was just your usual make-believe."
"Call it 'simulation', not 'make-believe'! How do you plan to fight your inner self when the day comes where your arm begins to ache?"
"I won't be fighting, and it won't be aching. Really, I don't know how you can be in full chuuni mode every day without getting tired of it."
She coldly brushed off my pa.s.sionate persuasion and sat down at the table. She is treating me coldly as usual.
She is always calling me "chuuni" and making fun of me. Well, a tolerant guy like me wouldn't get mad over something like that. Besides, someday she will be attacked by "them" and when that time comes, my dark side will play an active role. Kuku.
"Really. Even though you bear the last name 'Kanzaki', you still don't understand my view of the world."
"Ha? Hey you, stop making fun of other people's name."
"I wasn't making fun of it! On the contrary, you could say I am jealous."
"That's disgusting!"
The name "Kanzaki" is way too cool. It's G.o.d! G.o.d! If you have a name with G.o.d in it, you have already won at life.[1]
"Kanzaki" would place within the top 5 of my list of cool last names.
On the other hand, mine is... "Andou". Humph. It's ok. It's just a temporary name.
"It's your fault that I've begun to hate my last name a little."
Tomoyo said that with an annoyed look. Since I had been standing by myself the whole time, I sat down on a folding chair and faced her.
"And also, Andou."
She rested her chin on her hand while looking at me with a serious look.
"If you don't keep your chuuni simulation stuff under control, you'll turn into the boy who cried wolf. In the 1 in 10 000 chance that something does happen, it would be bad if no one believes you. We are all now part of that world after all."
"...Hmph. I know. That's the reason for these simulations."
"Ha... You don't get it..."
She dropped her shoulders disappointed. But I am well aware of what she wanted to say.
We, who have awakened to supernatural powers for real, are no longer normal people.
Half a year ago –––
All of us in the literature club lost consciousness when a mysterious light suddenly filled the club room.
And when we regained our consciousness, all five of us could use supernatural powers.
It was at that time that I awakened to my
Obviously, we all fell into great confusion. Suddenly awakening to some unexplainable powers. Who could blame us?
What could have been responsible for awakening us to these powers? Even now, we don't know.
Could a supernatural ent.i.ty worthy of being called a G.o.d have granted them to us? Or could it be that, there was some trigger that awakened these sleeping powers within us?
But, whatever the reason may be, I was honestly ––– happy.
I have always wanted to set foot into an extraordinary world. I was confused. I was scared. But I was far more rejoiced.
Isn't it super awesome to be able to use supernatural powers?
Day after day, I have dreamt of having supernatural powers, and now, I finally have one.
Is there any guy who wouldn't get excited about this? The answer is nope!
Thus, we distanced ourselves from our everyday life and set foot onto a world of supernatural battles –––
"––– which we never did."
Tomoyo said this with a sigh mixed in while sipping tea from her cup.
"...Guess so, huuuuh."
I also drank my tea in the same way while making a deep sigh.
Admittedly, ever since we awakened to our supernatural powers, nothing has happened.
Nothing at all.
At first, we lived in fear of not knowing what would happen from now on. But, after a month had pa.s.sed, the atmosphere became like "Hey, nothing has happened has it?"
It went on like this, months pa.s.sed and we reach the present time.
We, who have awakened to supernatural powers, reached the conclusion that nothing will be happening. As a result, we lead a very normal everyday life.
"Sure wish something would happen."
"Just give it up already. Hoping won't help. We have waited half a year and still nothing."
"Nono. I bet that, in order to decide who the Mamodo king will be, 100 kids from the mamodo world will start a battle."
"Nothing out of Zatch will happen."
"Then, people from around the world who, similar to us, awaken to supernatural powers will be drawn to each other and have bizarre battles."
"Things out of Jojo won't happen either."
"...It's been on my mind for a while, but you are a pretty big otaku."
I brought up a deep topic. It came unexpectedly as well.
"Don't call me otaku. My brother likes shounen manga, so I just read them since we have them."
Hmph. She denies being an otaku like this every time I point it out, but I am 100% sure she is an otaku. I mean, if you can understand the meaning of chuuni, you are already an otaku right?
And, at this point of the conversation, I had run out of tea. I got up from my chair and went to the teapot in the corner of the room.
"Andou. While you are at it, make some for me too."
I turned around at her words. At that moment, my hand accidentally came in contact with the tea container. The green tube got knocked over and was falling off the table. Since the lid was also open, I was about to witness a big disaster. And even though I just bought the tea three days ago –––
"Geez. Be more careful."
At the next moment, literally the next moment, Tomoyo, who was supposed to be sitting on her chair, appeared in front of me in an instant. The tea container I knocked over was being held in her hand.
I could not perceive her movement at all.
A movement which could not even be captured on video.
"...Did you just use your
Kanzaki Tomoyo ––– She can manipulate time. While she can't turn back time, she can accelerate, stop, slow down and fast forward it at will.
What probably just occurred is that, when she saw me knock over the tea, she instantly stopped time, casually got up from her chair and caught the tea container.
It's a very basic explanation. It is a power that is like "The World"[2] and "Clock Up"[3] combined.
"...Well, yeah, I did use it, but could you do something about that chuuni naming?"
Tomoyo said this with an annoyed look when we got back to the table after having brewed more tea.
I am the one who has been coming up with all the names for all the members' superpowers. Everyone were like "It's not like we need a name for our superpowers", but I firmly opposed that kind of thinking and gave everyone's superpowers wonderful names as presents.
Honestly... All of them are the same...
They don't understand the importance of having a name for your superpower in a supernatural battle.
Well, since I was the one who named them, half of their powers are essentially mine.
"The relation between the characters and the readings makes no sense in j.a.panese."
"Hmph. If you have a problem with it, why don't you name it yourself? If it makes more sense than mine, I'll approve it."
"It's not like I need your approval."
"Everyone else seems fine with the names I gave them. You are the only one complaining."
"...It's not that they are fine with it. It's just that coming up with a name on our own would be painful, so we have just been putting up with the chuuni ones you came up with."
Tomoyo is such a tsundere.
She just can't be honest.
"By the way, your trademark phrase is 'Be plunged into the valleys of time and forever wander around'."
"I don't need something like that!"
"Fufu. In other words, you don't really care about your own power and, since it was such a long time ago, want to see mine instead?"
"I didn't say that! You just want to show off yours don't you!"
"Heheh. So be it. If you insist that much, feast your eyes on my
By the way, it's not "I'll show you", it's "feast your eyes on". It's an important point.[4]
I relaxedly clad myself in an atmosphere fit only for a king while standing up. Tomoyo had an extremely annoyed face, but that didn't bother me.
I removed the sealing shackles equipped to my right hand.
"Ehm. You have never worn that glove with "seal" written on it before have you? You obviously just took it out of your pocket and equipped it."
"I am the true ruler of all things chaotic! I beseech thee, chaotic h.e.l.lfire slumbering within this body, born from the chaotic darkness! Devour mine fles.h.!.+ Nourish on mine soul! The time is right, manifest thyself in this chaotic age!"
"The incantation is too long! And there is too much 'chaotic' in it."
< p="">
"You're stopping there?! You might as well have finished saying everything after all that!"
Tomoyo leant forward and retorted, but I sat down on my chair broken-hearted. I see... Maybe my "Seal removal incantation" should only have up to two "chaotic" in it after all.
"You are picky about the dumbest things."
"Call it being eager to improve myself."
"You are fundamentally putting your efforts in the wrong things. Sigh... On the bright side, your power really seems to be making all your dreams come true."
"Hmph, sure."
Tomoyo was probably saying that sarcastically, but, in spite of that, I nodded exaggeratedly, and then I held up my hand and activated my power.
A black flame appeared from my right hand. Its burning fire spread itself throughout my palm, dancing like it is refusing to stay in one form.
While it is holy in nature, it is also dyed deep in sin. This contradictory aura is contained in this fire... is what it feels like.
A flame of the dark that burns as if scorching that very darkness itself.
So cool! This black flame is so cool! I, who lit this black flame, am so cool!
>. All it does is produce a black flame from your body. This is like the most useless power ever."
As if to crush my dreams, Tomoyo coldly pointed that out.
That's right. My power is just being able to bring out a black flame. And also, this flame is not even hot and therefore, its offensive power is nil. It's as if it was illusionary, not even able to burn a newspaper.
Specifically, you could describe its temperature as a day where you would say "It's a little bit warm today isn't it?"
In reality, the hottest fire is a white fire, but in manga and anime, a black flame exceeding a white flame as the strongest flame is common fact.
But the hotness of my
> is inferior even to a match.
...It really is a useless power, but I don't care much.
Because, it's cool!
"––– Ah! d.a.m.n it! I activated my power without chanting my seal removal incantation!"
"Not like it matters anyway!"
"That won't do! If I leave out my seal removal incantation, I will... uuh... uhm... yes, my existence will be erased!"
"You obviously thought that out just now didn't you!"
d.a.m.n it! I made a blunder there.
> can't be activated without the seal removal incantation. At least that is the setting I am going with.
No. That just now didn't happen. It does not count.
"Also Tomoyo. Don't just retort to everything. Would it kill you to play along a little? Follow the others' example."
"How about no? And the others don't play along with your chuuni antics either."
"That's not true. The others generally play along with it."
"Hmm. Then, let's try it and see."
She challenged me with a glare.
I glared back and said those words with the edges of my mouth raised.
Part 2
And with that said, let the experiment start.
Tomoyo hid near the door, while I was on standby in the middle of the clubroom.
If any of the other members are coming towards the clubroom, Tomoyo will give me the signal, I will do the "My arm is aching and my dark personality is awakening" simulation I did before and we will watch their reactions. This is our experiment.
The other members had various reasons for being late, but they should be coming anytime soon.
After a few minutes had pa.s.sed, Tomoyo mouthed the words "Someone is coming" to me. I made the same "GUH, AAAAAAAAAH!" as I did earlier.
"Yoo-hoo! I ran a bit late because I was on cleaning duty and ––– Juu-kun?!"
After energetically opening the door and greeting everyone with a smile, Hatoko's expression was instantly filled with surprise.
She paniced and hurried to my side.
"Wh-Wh-Wh-What's the matter, Juu-kun? Are you okay? Do you have a tummy ache? Maybe it's appendicitis?! Is it appendicitis?!"
"Sta, Stay back, Ha, Hatoko... Nay!
"Over...? You're wrong. I'm Hatoko."
"GUH, AAAAAAH! My right arm!!"
"Right arm?! Your right arm has appendicitis?!"
"I don't have appendicitis. There is no such thing as appendicitis in your right arm. And I don't have any problems with my internal organs. Uguaah!"
"Are you okay Juu-kun? Just hang on! I am calling an ambulance right now!"
"Don't do that! This joke is going too far ––– I mean, j.a.pan's medical treatment won't be able to do anything about this."
"Then, how about treatment from outside j.a.pan? Maybe organ transplantation? Do you need an appendix transplantation?"
"No. An appendix transplantation wont help. Urgh... So hot... My body is burning. Not literally, but from inside."[5]
"You feel hot?! Okay, just wait a bit."
After saying that, she raised both her hands. And then, a floating ball of water appeared above her head. By using her power, she manipulated the humidity of the air and controlled it.
Kus.h.i.+kawa Hatoko –––
"No! Wait! Hatoko...!"
I returned to my normal self and stood there as the ball of water was dropped on me. "Gurglurglruglr". I tried struggling my way out of the water prison I have been locked in, with no effect.
Guh! The water got into my nose!
"Alright. That's enough."
At the next moment ––– I was grabbed by Tomoyo and dragged out of the water prison. Because she could manipulate time, she did it all in an instant.
"To, Tomoyo. Thank you sooo much. It was sooo scary. I thought I was going to drown."
"Don't suddenly act like a weakling! Hey! Stay away from me! You are wet! Hatoko! Hurry up and dry up this idiot! And turn off that ball of water."
As Tomoyo yelled out that, Hatoko turned off the ball of water and dried up my clothes and hair and such. By manipulating the humidity, the air was returned to normal once more.
After that, we explained the situation to Hatoko.
"Ooooh. So Juu-kun was just playing pretend again. You really startled me."
"It's not pretending. It's a simulation."
"Sim, simula...? Yep. Pretending."
The carefree Hatoko. Is pretty bad when it comes to hard words in English.
Kus.h.i.+kawa Hatoko.
With gentle eyes and a talkative mouth. She has a warm and comfortable atmosphere. She gives off the image that she is always smiling.
She is a member of the literature club and my childhood friend. Because our homes are in the same neighborhood, we have been going to the same school since elementary school. You could say we have an inseparable bond.
I joined the literature club because Hatoko invited me.
In this high school, you are obliged to join a club. Since I didn't know which culture-related club to join (a sports club would be impossible for me), I just went along with Hatoko's invitation without thinking much about it.
> is too demonic a superpower for you. I recall prohibiting you from using it without my permission."
"Oh right, I do remember you saying that. I completely forgot."
"Good. As long as you understand. Be careful from here on."
"Yep. I understand. Umm, O... What was it again?"
>. Don't even dream about forgetting it."
"Yep. I won't forget even in a dream~."
...No, you got the meaning wrong.[6] Well, whatever.
Kus.h.i.+kawa Hatoko can control the five elements earth, water, fire, wind and light as she will.
The controlling of the humidity in the air was merely one end of her power.
Ruptured land, raging rapids, crimson h.e.l.lfire, fierce storms, holy light.
All of that in her hands.
...Come on, five is a bit too many don't you think? It's cheating. I, who can only bring out one black flame, got nothing compared to that.
My power is not something an elementary schooler would think of when they talk about what would be strongest superpower.
Seriously, share some of it with me.
Furthermore, she can bring out flames with far higher offensive power than mine.
"Andou. Just because it's similar to your superpower doesn't mean you should prohibit her from using it."
"Y-You idiot. They are not similar at all. It doesn't bother me either."
"Well, just admit it. Your power is just a cheap version of hers. It's just a flame with zero offensive power."
"I wonder why Juu-kun's power is so dull~."
Tomoyo's sarcasm and Hatoko's innocent words were stabbing my heart.
d.a.m.n. I'll remember this. I'll leave you all speechless when the time comes where my power evolves and saves us from a pinch.
By the way, "Juu-kun" refers to me.
My first name is ––– Jurai. It's an exceedingly cool name. That's why I want everyone to start calling me by my first name, but it's not going too well.
"Tomoyo. Isn't it time you started calling me by my first name?"
"Don't want to. Because, your first name is hard to p.r.o.nounce. Andou works fine."
And there you have it.
Hatoko has always called me "Juu-kun", so that's a bit hard to change.
"Even so, your name, Jurai, is a pretty unique name isn't it? What is its origin?"
"Kuku. A good question. If you insist that much, let me tell you. But, don't regret it later. There are not many who have heard the true meaning behind my true name and lived to..."
"You see... Juu-kun was actually scheduled to be born in June and his name would have been 'Jun'. But, the schedule was delayed to July and that's why it became 'Jurai' instead. Isn't that right, Juu-kun?"
"Aah, I see.
> and
"His name means 'Longevity is coming'.[7] It's a pretty fortune-filled name."
d.a.m.n you Hatoko. Saying unnecessary things.
My true name is "Guiltia Sin Jurai".
The name of my power may be
>, but it is actually a cursed lightning.[8] Since ancient times, black flames have been known as accursed lightnings and have been loathed in the worlds of h.e.l.l.
"Guiltia" derives from "guilty", meaning "sinful". "Sin" derives from an alternate reading of the j.a.panese character for G.o.d.[9] Furthermore, "Sin" is p.r.o.nounced the same as the English "sin", giving it a double meaning.
That is to say, I naturally carry two times as much sin.
...Being sinful makes me so cool.
Ah~, I really atone for it.
"So what you are saying is, just because you have a slightly unique name, which you didn't even choose yourself, you made it mean a lot of other things it didn't and you became a chuuni."
Tomoyo looked at me with a pitying look. A gaze as cold as a blizzard. I averted my eyes. And then Hatoko cut in.
"By the way, are we still playing pretend?"
In response to those words, Tomoyo and I looked at each other. "Isn't this enough already?" is what I got from her eyes.
She had completely gotten tired of this.
Hmph. Well, since it's a good opportunity, I might as well try it on the remaining two.
Part 3
Tomoyo and Hatoko hid near the door, while I was on standby in the middle of the room.
After a few minutes, a new member visited us.
But it wasn't through the door. As always, she appeared ––– by creating s.p.a.ce.
Through the warped s.p.a.ce, a girl with a delicate atmosphere around her could be seen. With a well-shaped face and a pet.i.te body, you get the impression of a western doll. She was holding her beloved squirrel plush-doll in her small hands.
I pushed down my right arm the same way I did before.
"What's wrong, andou?"
The little girl Chifuyu-chan curiously said that while looking down at me with emotionless eyes.
"S-Stay back! Don't come any closer, Chifuyu-chan!"
She indifferently said that, let me be, walked away and sat down on her seat which had her favorite cus.h.i.+on laid out on it.
"Uguaaah! Don't come any closer! Forget about me!"
"I said okay."
"Don't come any closer no matter what!"
"You're so persistent."
She indifferently said that in a persistent manner.
Wait a minute. That's not right.
"Uguh... Maybe, just maybe... By 'Stay back!', I mean 'I want you to come here'..."
When I murmed that second part, Chifuyu-chan tilted her head stupefied.
"You see, when the protagonist is about to be devoured by the dark forces, he will scream 'Stay back!' to not get his comrades involved as well, but they will certainly come to him anyway. That's what comrades do. If they really didn't come, the protagonist would probably get irritated... Uguaaaah!"
"It's too complicated and I can't understand what you are saying."
"You see, this situation is like what a comedian means when he says 'Absolutely do not press this b.u.t.ton' when doing the opening to a sketch. I actually want you to come over here, but I can't say that as the protagonist... Guaaaah..."
"andou... Is your head okay?"
"It's not my head, it's my right arm..."
"Alright. That's enough."
Tomoyo and Hatoko revealed themselves from the corner of the room. Tomoyo spiritlessly clapped her hands and gave a signal saying it was over. She then spoke to Chifuyu-chan with a friendly voice.
"Sorry about that, Chifuyu-chan. You had to play along with that dummy."
"No problem. andou is always weird."
"You're so good, Chifuyu-chan. Playing along with Juu-kun and such. Good girl."
As Hatoko stroke her head, she smiled a little while looking happy.
Himeki Chifuyu.
She is not a student in this school. She is a fourth grader at a nearby elementary school. She is the club adviser Satomi-sensei's niece. Previously, she came here once in a while to play.
Half a year ago, the day we awakened to supernatural powers, she had, by chance, come to our literature club to play. At that time, she awakened to supernatural powers together with us. Since then, the times we have been together have been many and she always comes here to play after school.
There is some distance between here and her elementary school, but since she has
>, the walking distance doesn't matter at all.
"Move a little. Tomoyo. Hatoko. I'm sleepy so I'm going to bed."
The two girls girls got up from their chairs and walked to the corner of the room.
Chifuyu-chan held up her hand.
And with only that, a luxurious bed appeared.
Being frilly here and there, it was a bed fit for a princess. There were many plush-dolls on the bed. She went into the bed, hugging the squirrel plush-doll (By the way, its name seems to be 'Lissun'. A unique naming sense I must say) she has been holding all the time and went to sleep.
Her sleeping face is like that of an angel.
Himeki Chifuyu's power is that of creation. Any sort of material or even s.p.a.ce can be created as long as she wills it.
The s.p.a.ce distortion from before was a "gate" for warping. Since she can freely create s.p.a.ce, she is able to travel around via warping.
She can basically create anything. And if she calls upon the planet's memory, it seems like she would be able create anything, even things she hasn't seen for herself.
...What in the world is planet's memory? That is the feeling you get, but that is something only Chifuyu-chan would know.
"Isn't it about time you understand, Andou?"
Tomoyo said that triumphantly.
"No one is going to seriously play along with you."
At the sight of that triumphant satisfaction, I grind my teeth. d.a.m.n it. Having come this far, I can't back down now.
"It's too soon to give up, Tomoyo! There is still
> left."
Part 4
Once again, the three others hid in the corner of this room (Chifuyu-chan was still sleeping, so we let her be). I stood in the middle of the room, preparing myself.
I'm feeling it.
The atmosphere filled with mana, life force, aura, ki and things alike.
This time, it will be different.
Because this time, Chifuyu-chan has, with her
>, made the room completely soundproof. Before, I were not allowed to be too loud.
I am not an idiot who is a nuisance to others. I am a person who bears time, place and occasion in mind.
Now that I have asked Chifuyu-chan to make this room soundproof before going to sleep, I have nothing to fear.
No matter how loud I am, it won't be heard from outside.
In other words, no matter how much my right arm aches, it won't be a problem.
"Kuku. My arm is roaring. No, maybe I'm mistaking it for aching?"
...In the corner of the room, Tomoyo and Hatoko are whispering while looking at me, not caring much. Well, that's fine. If you care, you lose.
And, after having completely lost interest in this, Tomoyo waved with her hand, signaling to me that it is time. I've been waiting for this!
I screamed with all my might!
The moment the door opened, a woman flew forward to me and grabbed my aching right arm. I said something like "Stop it! You will regret it if you touch my arm", but shortly after, she splendidly threw me over her shoulder.
"Really! What is it now, Andou-kun? Suddenly making such a weird scream! Don't be a nuisance to others!"
This room is soundproofed, so it's okay, is what I wanted to say, but I couldn't and instead, I let out a "Uguoooh..." while holding my back. This time, it's not a fake scream, but a real one.
I was lying on the floor with cramps and twitching, while our club president, Takanas.h.i.+ Sayumi-san looked down on me and was angry.
"You never know how to control yourself. Only little kids are allowed to be rowdy and get away with it."
Takanas.h.i.+ Sayumi.
It is not the popular last name "Takanas.h.i.+" that has been recently appearing in mangas and light novels because of it being unusual and interesting, but the "Takanas.h.i.+" which means "Expensive pear".[10]
She has glossy hair and the face of a grown-up. In combination with a good style, she emits an atmosphere of an adult. Her posture and her polite way of talking don't give off a shard of vulgarity, but show her intellect instead.
She is a third grader, one year above me and the club president of this literature club. She is usually pretty soft, but she gets angry easily, making her scary.
She has been practicing Judo, Aikido and such things with her father since she was a child and mastered the power called the "Whip of Love". Though the shoulder throw she used on me just now could be withstood even by someone like me, who knows nothing about Judo.
Well, it doesn't change the fact that it still hurts.
"Y-you're wrong, Sayumi-san... Just now, my right hand was aching."
"Then it should be ok if I mark it out for you."
"Mark it... No, that's not it. My other personality..."
"What relation does that personality and your right arm have?"
"No, that's thinking a bit deep... No, it's a casual relation..."
"Then clearly explain this relation. If it is convincing enough, i'll apologize."
"...Sorry. There is no relation."
Standing firmly while staring at me, I lost to her pressure and said that. This is bad. This is Sayumi-san's scolding mode. In front of her overwhelming aura, I reflexively ended up sitting in a straight up posture.
"Andou-kun. Do plan to be a chuuni forever? Are you not already a high school second-grader?"
"No, it's not like I am a chuuni. So, I would appreciate it if you stopped making me out as one..."
"..." A silent pressure.
"...No, I'm sorry. I am a chuuni."
"Really... Oh, and I heard from Satomi-sensei. Andou-kun. When she warned you about about not paying attention in cla.s.s, you answered back with 'But can't you hear it, miss? The voice of the wind calling.', which made her punch you."
"There was also that time where you acted strangely and said 'What?! Can't you see it, miss?!'."
This is bad.
Sayumi-san is an honor student. She being all cute and such around Satomi-sensei = she gets to hear all those stories.
"And that time where you yelled 'This is bad! Everybody, take cover!' and hid under your table."
That time, not even one person followed me. I felt so lonely.
"And that time where you said 'Hooh? You dare give me orders?' and almost got killed."
...Just thinking about the punch Satomi-sensei gave me that time sends a chill up my spine.
"And that time where you said 'Oh, I'm sorry, Mommy' and everyone just laughed their sides off at you."
"That has nothing to do with being a chuuni!"
She lectured me in that way.
"Hatoko. Has Andou always been like this? Even like during cla.s.s?"
"Yes. He has always been like this. Ah, but, he is usually obedient in front of a scary person. In high school, it looks like he only fools around in Satomi-sensei's cla.s.ses."
"...You are really an idiot. No common sense at all."
While saying sad things, Tomoyo and Hatoko got out from the corner of the room.
"Oh, Tomoyo-san, Hatoko-san. And also, Chifuyu-san."
Tomoyo briefly explained the situation. After hearing it, Sayumi-san said "Well, I did thhink it was something like that anyway." while being a little bit surprised.
"Ugh. My back is killing me. Could you use your
> to fix it up, Sayumi-san?"
"No, you will have to endure it like a man. I threw you in a way that wouldn't cause any serious injuries."
While rubbing my back and asking her, she flatly declined.
Takanas.h.i.+ Sayumi ––– Is able to return things to their original form.
It doesn't matter if it's a living creature or an inanimate object. Someone could be wounded, ill or have a wrecked body. It would only take her a moment to return them to their "original form".
An easier explanation could be to think of it as "Crazy Diamond"[11] or Inoue Orihime's "Phenomena Rejection"[12]. Something like that.
Anyway, all five members have now been a.s.sembled.
> Andou Jurai.
> Kanzaki Tomoyo.
> Kus.h.i.+kawa Hatoko.
> Himeki Chifuyu.
> Takanas.h.i.+ Sayumi.
Translation Notes and References
Jump up↑ Tomoyo's last name is "神崎". "神" is the character for G.o.d.
Jump up↑ A power from JoJo's bizzare adventures that allows one to stop time.
Jump up↑ A power from Kamen Rider Kabuto that allows one to move at high speed.
Jump up↑ Andou uses "魅せる", which actually means "to charm". It is read the same as "見せる", which means "to show". In other words, a pun. I just went with "feast your eyes on" since it is impossible make a pun out of it in English.
Jump up↑ Andou uses "灼ける" to describe how he is burning. He then points out that it's not "焼ける", but "灼ける". They basically mean the same thing and are read the same way. In other words, another pun. Impossible to translate literally.
Jump up↑ Andou uses "ゆめゆめ", which means "by no means" and is read "yumeyume". Hatoko takes it as "夢", which is read "yume" and means "dream".
Jump up↑ The name Jurai uses these characters: "壽來". "壽" is the character for "longevity" and "來" is the character for "come".
Jump up↑ 黒焰 actually means "black flame".
Jump up↑ "神", which means G.o.d, can be read as "s.h.i.+n". "Sin" and "s.h.i.+n" are p.r.o.nounced the same in j.a.panese.
Jump up↑ The popular one uses the characters "小鳥遊", while Sayumi's last name uses the characters "高梨". Both are read the same way.
Jump up↑ A power from JoJo's bizzare adventures that allows one to restore objects to their original form.
Jump up↑ A power from Bleach which Orihime can use. Through the combination of fairies, she can heal others.