Inma no Hado chapter 264: Teacher Training Night
(After all, I'm getting a lot of attention…)
While receiving a lecture in a large conference room, Ryohei Anzai, an english teacher at Ellis young ladies academy, feels gazes at first glance looking at him here and there and he exhales a sigh of exasperation. As everyone here is a high school teacher, it is a gathering of common sense people. So there is nothing outright, but he still feels the eyes of many people right away.
(Hey, again…. How many times do they have to look over here…. Are they even listening to the lecture?)
Ryohei is the one who raises the shelf and curses. Looking back at those here, the men who return the gaze. Many men have been looking at him since a while ago, from old people who can already be said to be elderly to young men who are still in their twenties.
(Well, understandable…. I'm not exactly what men are looking at, even if I notice…)
It is not exactly him who the men are looking at. He also glances at the person ahead of the men's gazes with a glance and sighs for the beauty. It's about the extraordinary beauty who is taking a lecture next to him. Junko Yos.h.i.+kawa, also an english teacher at Ellis young ladies academy, has the eyes of all men in this room which are nearly 70 people nailed at her.
Ryohei and Junko are partic.i.p.ating in a training seminar for high school teachers. From today they will stay at a training center in a university city in the northern kanto area for two nights and three days and receive training on high school education in the form of a training camp. The training is divided by department and only english teachers are present at this venue. Today they are given a lecture by an educator and from tomorrow it will be a discussion and presentation divided into groups.
And along with Junko, Ryohei took a seat at the lecture, but many men had a surprising face to see such a magnificent beauty and noise was created. However, Reiko herself was completely unaware of such eyes and reactions around her and she spoke intimately with Ryohei until the lecture started.
(Well, these faces were a sight to see…)
The gaze of wolves who feel jealousy of Ryohei who talks with such a beauty who appeared so suddenly intimately even have a murderous intent. While listening to her comfortably, Ryohei deliberately made a loud voice and exchanged a friendly conversation with Junko.
Junko is a colleague teacher of himself and k.u.miko who he just married a while ago. However, the other day he went to a french restaurant with this pretty female teacher without telling his wife and then he was alone with her in a bar until midnight. At first the att.i.tude and tone of Junko was that of a colleague at school, but along the way, it became a friendly friend tone with alcohol included. It happened by coincidence, but their hometown is the same and their age is similar, so in a short time they met in a row.
Then they got closer at school. Because they are in charge of the same subject, they spend a lot of time together, working together and naturally the distance is getting closer and closer.
(Such a great beauty is…maybe?)
Ryohei Anzai is a handsome man and has been popular since he was a student. The women who he has dated were uninterrupted, sometimes even two or three at the same time. He thinks that his experience with women is richer than other men of the same age and he has confidence in the treatment of a female mind. Ryohei is convinced that his instinct is telling him that Reiko has an interest in him.
(Next time, can I take a move…?)
Junko has an att.i.tude and words that clearly show a gap in front of Ryohei. Although they only had one meal, he thinks that there is a good chance to go for a second meal.
(I have to try not to expose it to k.u.miko…)
Ryohei is thinking that even after being in a relations.h.i.+p with k.u.miko.
His new wife, k.u.miko, was the best woman he chose from among the many women he has been dating. His favorite type of a woman matches with her bright and gentle face that let flowers bloom and her character is impeccable. The only drawback is that k.u.miko has few s.e.x experience and she is like a tuna in bed. However, even when he thought that she would develop from now on, he could say it was rather fun. Of all the women Ryohei had ever met, he believed that his wife, k.u.miko, was the best woman. Until the moment he meet Junko who is next to him.
(It may not be possible during this training camp. As k.u.miko is also here…)
The training lasts until late at night and there is also a bar at the hotel where he is staying. Ryohei thought that he could possibly have a chance, but in this training camp, his wife, k.u.miko, who is a science teacher at the same school, also partic.i.p.ates.
(But the room is different…maybe…. No No, it is impossible to get back if it is find out by all means. There is also Midou-sensei…)
In addition to Ryohei, five other teachers from Ellis young ladies academy partic.i.p.ate in this training. With Junko and k.u.miko, and the Kenichi Midou, there are also Miwako Kawasaki and Saegusa Noa, who are staying at this hotel. However, male teachers have a.s.signed rooms in the main building of the lodgings, while female teachers have rooms in the annex.
(Well, I'm not worried…. We promise to eat together again next time…)
Junko said that when they said goodbye to each other last time, to invite her to a meal again. Ryohei has already looked out the seafood restaurant in the bay area with a beautiful night view, so he is going to invite her there next time.
When he looked at his side again, Junko also looked at him and laughed. Her expression is full of love and it feels like she is showing it to her lover. Feeling comfortable and ignoring the hateful eyes from the surrounding, Ryohei was excited about the great night's premonition that comes, while listening to the lectures.
Night of that day. Ryohei went back to his room late at night, took off his jacket, sighed and sat down on the bed. Taking off the pants while cursing he remained in his underwear.
(Tsk…. Even though she was invited to the bar, bothersome insects were also invited…)
After eating together, Ryohei asked Junko Yos.h.i.+kawa to the bar while pounding whether she says yes. However, he thought that he would be drinking alone with her, but many male teachers from other schools came over and they surrounded Junko. All of them wanted to show off to approach Junko even a little, so they flocked around her like a verminus gathering in a streetlight. From the beginning, they are all high school teachers in the same position, and some of them were familiar. So Ryohei couldn't be evil and he had to stay with them all the time. And after a while Junko said that she would go back to her room and Ryohei wasn't able to progress forward. The other men were happy to talk to Junko, but for Ryohei who was trying to get closer to Junko on this occasion, it was a time to suffer.
(Well fine…I will take a bath and then go to sleep…)
From tomorrow morning the training camp will be there as well. Unlike lectures, tomorrow it will be training divided into groups. Unfortunately, he is in a different group from Junko, but it is a hard program from morning till evening. Although it was a little early to prepare for it, Ryohei decided to go to bed early.
Ryohei hears a growl somewhere. He heard that as he was asleep and slowly awake in the world of awakening.
(What…? Where is this coming from…)
He felt a sense of discomfort in the feel of the sheet that was stiff and when he opened his eyelids, he could see the ceiling in the dim room. It's an interesting inorganic thing that has no special features that are different from what he usually is used to. Awkward sprinkler is installed in the center slightly back.
Just like a diver who was diving in the sea went out of the sea, Ryohei gradually recognizes the surrounding world. He remembered that he was staying at a hotel and today he came to a university city away from Tokyo for education and training.
At that time, he hears a voice again and wake up at once. It is clearly the voice of a person. That was also a female voice.
(What…? What is it…?)
His room is dark and there is neither television nor radio on. That means that the woman's voice was heard from another place, but he didnt notice for a while that it was from the next room.
『No…please stop…aaaa…』
At last Ryohei realized that the voice was meaningful and at the same time he realized that it was clearly that time and Ryohei felt that his heart bounced in the dark room. He went close to the wall and listen. The woman's erotic voice is heard clearly from the room on the left side across the wall.
『Aaa…th, that place…. Not good, please stop…』
It sounds clearer than before, probably because he had his ears around. The woman has voiced a refusal like a cry from the moment whether she is being teased by someone who is with her. However, the voice was clearly thin and sweet, indicating that the woman wasn't seriously resisting.
(What…? Are they looking an adult video next room or what…?)
It was past 2 o'clock when Ryohei saw the clock at the bedside. He went to bed early, so he slept for several hours.
『Not good…Sensei. That…that place…aaaa…』
Ryohei hears the word "Sensei" and gives a glimpse. And I remembered that moment. This hotel is almost filled with teachers who are partic.i.p.ating in this training camp. Of course there are female teachers in a video too, but there will be no such coincidence.
(Hey hey hey…. Then, isn't it a video?)
One thing that can be considered. He doesn't know who it is, but the male teacher who is staying next to him pulled a female teacher into his room.
(I'll do it well. I don't know who I'm, I'm ashamed if I'm doing this kind of training …)
All on this floor are male teachers. The female teachers are staying in the annex, so it is only bold to bring them here. If there is a woman, it will stand out alone. Ryohei really admires the behavior of that man in the next room. However, a voice that exceeded the surprise was heard as if it was about to strike from the next door.
『That…not good…. I…I have a husband…aaah…nooo…』
(She has a husband…? Hey, wait a minute…. Does this mean they have affair?)
Ryohei is deeply moved by the woman and her partner who make a sweet and good voice. However, thinking that way, he thinks that it may be a chance. After all, this is a place away from Tokyo, and it is convenient for men and women without a road to enjoy themselves. He only has to care about the eyes of the male teachers on the same floor.
Ryohei put an ear on the wall next to the bed to listen to the voice without leaking his presence. Sometime his eyes are completely covered and his crotch is starting to have a slight heat. He and listens to the affair scene of the unknown man and woman and the excitement which is heard clearly.
『Th, that's….. Because, voice…my voice comes out…. Stop…so intensely, don't lick…. Voice…my voice will be heard…』
In his imagination, the married teacher opens her legs on the bed and the male teacher sucks on her crotch. From the situation, both must know that this hotel walls are thin. And ordered by the man, the woman desperately tries to suppress her voice. Nevertheless she feels like she's being embarra.s.sed by the fact that she is pleasured on her crotch by that man.
(Do it…. I also want to do it…)
Ryohei has been dating so many women, but he has never slept with a woman who has a lover or husband. However, like the man next to him, he is excited when he thinks of taking away a woman of another person and making her his thing, so that blood of desire flows into his p.e.n.i.s. That is exactly one of the dreams of a man.
『Aaa…. More than this…more than this and I will be scolded by my husband…by my husband…. Nor good…nor good, that's it…. Hiiiiaaaa…』
(Ooooo!! Having s.e.x!!? I want to have s.e.x!? Dammnn!!!)
The female married teacher who shakes her head and denies makes resistance only in form. The body of that mature woman is suppressed and the dark naked man sinks his d.i.c.k inside her p.u.s.s.y, that's the delusion which Ryohei has.
『Noooo…. So…don't move so much…. Aaa…such a depth…hiiiii…』
Sometimes the indecent voice is reduced, probably because the voice is restricted desperately with a hand or a futon. However the woman who is drained by pleasure leaks a yell from having s.e.x with a man other than her husband. Is s.e.x with that man so good or is her s.e.x life with her husband so poor?
(Both sides are possible…)
Ryohei decides that way without hesitation. And while the standard question that a man who listens to it may ask, the most exciting speech in the cuckold scene is released from the mouth of the married female teacher.
『Aaa…. Good…Sensei…. Better…than my husband…much better than that person…. Aaaaa…coming in the interior…thereee! The interior so good…』
The married woman who rejoices with the man with an open confession whether the desire finally exceeds her shame. Ryohei has seen these lines in a erotic manga many times, so he really listens to that voice and his excitement becomes max.
(Not good…it has acc.u.mulated…. It is likely that I´m c.u.mming…)
Recently, because he was refused by his new wife, k.u.miko, he hasn't had s.e.x for a long time. Originally his wife´s menstrual disorder was severe and she who consulted a gynecologist regularly had complained of pain when having s.e.x when they were not married yet. Therefore, to not overdo it when k.u.miko's physical condition is not good, the couple decided to discuss about it.
(k.u.miko, too, if she only would become so lewd…)
His wife was a tuna with a weak response during s.e.x, probably because she had little s.e.xual experience. Ideally, while keeping the daytime ugliness, Ryohei wants her to be more active like the married woman next room. Perhaps because he had imagined that, he couldn't suppress his excitement that was rising and took a tissue from the bedside.
『Aaaa…my voice…my voice can be heard…. Aaaa…great….great coming…aaaaa…』
It is probably doing the intense piston movement. The noise of the bed screeching. The lewdness of the married woman who heats up more and more with it. If he holds on to his own excitement, he is about to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e.
『Hiiii…. Not good…inside…inside is awful…. Poke that place, I…I…ahiiii!!!』
The man from next door seems to thrust his p.e.n.i.s to the depth which hasn't been reached by her husband yet and the married female teacher makes a high voice over the wall. Imagining a p.e.n.i.s going in and out of the wet and dirty v.a.g.i.n.a, Ryohei speed up his hand that is holding his p.e.n.i.s. The climax is approaching and the voice of that woman becomes louder more and more.
『Sensei…aaa c.u.mming…. I´m happy. Aaaa…』
While listening to the s.e.x from next door and getting excited by the imaginary situation, Ryohei also starts counting down to his e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n. He doesn't know who it is, but bringing a married teacher to his hotel room during education and training and don't caring about the surroundings, that must be a great man. That's why Ryohei feels intense jealousy and envy from the man next door who realizes such a dream.
『Hiiaaaa!!! c.u.mminggg!!! I´m, cuummiinngg!!!』
Ryohei released a large amount of s.e.m.e.n with a pounding according to the eclectic cry of the beauty that is heard. The white sperm is received by the tissue and gradually becomes heavy with pulsation.
While being immersed in the pleas of pleasure after e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n, the next room becomes quiet soon. Ryohei who sighs while wiping his p.e.n.i.s with a tissue.
He imagined the s.e.x of the married woman and the man next door which he doesn't know and m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed. The excitement is awakened by it, and at the same time, a fierce slumber strikes.
『Aa! Aa! Noo…th, that…continue like that…. Not good…Sensei…. Don't poke the inside so much…great…. Aaa! Commingg!!!』
When Ryohei dived into his futon, he heard such a voice from the neighbor again. He slowly let go of consideration before long to the BGM of the lewd voice of the married woman while thinking that he do well inwardly.
– Next chapter
Inma no Hado chapter 265: Next room
A light electronic sound is ringing. Waking up slowly with the sound of the hotel's built-in alarm clock. It is 7 o'clock when Ryohei looks at the pillow base watch, before he raises his body on the bed.
It is fine weather today. As the early winter morning sun is rising, dazzling light is falling around the square curtain, brightening the not so large hotel room.
(Ah, I slept well…. Well, I c.u.mmed yesterday…)
He sees the tissue curled up on the side board at the bedside and think of its cause. Ryohei got excited, m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed and then fall asleep without a dream.
(Well then, I take a shower first and afterwards eat something…)
When he decides on that, Ryohei gets off the bed with his underwear on. Because he was sleeping in a room that he used to heat, he was sweating during the night.
Ryohei who tried to take off his underwear and go to the bathroom stopped his movement hearing a faint voice. It was clearly the voice of a woman, and it was sweet and sober and sensual.
(…Hey hey….these guys, are you still doing it?)
Ryohei listens to the unbelievable voices and gets stunned in his room. Last night, he noticed that the person next door was having s.e.x just around 2 o'clock. The fact that he can hear their voices this morning means that those two had s.e.x all night. Of course, they might have slept on the way, but even if Ryohei went to bed, they continued to have s.e.x, until this morning before he got up, so they must have bottomless strength.
“Aaa…already…let me rest already…. I'm sorry…aaaa…, again…I'll come again, I…I'll come again…”
(Are these guys insane…? We have been training all day long since the morning and they still had s.e.x all night long?)
The female voice continues with the same tension as last night. While listening to it over the wall, Ryohei really drowned rather than be excited.
(Don't they think they´re going overboard…. f.u.c.king a married female teacher…)
There is no doubt that the man and woman from next door are teachers who are partic.i.p.ating in the training camp. The woman called the other party a “teacher” and above all this hotel is reserved for the training camp only. Moreover, the woman is a married woman because she said that she has a husband. Ryohei doesn't know if the man in the next room is single or not, but he is sure they are having an affair anyway.
Even when he was taking a shower and drying his hair, he could still hear the next room voices. He thought it wouldn't be heard only by himself but also in the other rooms around, but Ryohei remembers that this room was the second from the end. In other words, there is a room on the back side where you can hear the lively voices now, while a wall is on the other side.
(Do these guys know about that…)
“Noooo…not good…. Inside…not inside…. If so, what should I say to my husband…. Yaaaa…”
The moment Ryohei was going to the breakfast room, he heard such a loud voice. It is a scene where the man tries to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e in the v.a.g.i.n.a of that married woman without hesitation.
“Sensei…. Forgive…that alone…just forgive me…. Aaaa…hiiiiii!!! Inside… just inside is not aaaaaa!! Hiiiiiii”
“Hey hey, they are already messed uo…”
Involuntarily speaking out. The creaking of the bed, which Ryohei heard without having his ears on the wall, stopped with the scream of the woman reaching her climax. That man from next door in the womb of that married woman and it is completely out of order. Silence reigned for a while. However, after a while, Ryohei can hear the noise of the bed and the sweet voice of the woman again.
“Aaa…Sensei…. It's like this… still, it's so terrible…aaa…it's going to be strange again…aaa…”
“Do as you wish…”
Ryohei was surprised at the abnormal man and woman who doubted common sense and shook his head while leaving his hotel room.
Ryohei went to the breakfast room on the first floor of the hotel, a large round table was placed inside the large area, where the teachers were eating together. There are nearly 500 teachers partic.i.p.ating throughout this training, so this place that isn't narrow is quite crowded. The partic.i.p.ants are 70% male and 30% female. The reason why most teachers are somewhat younger than mid-careers is that this training mainly targets teachers with less than 10 years working experience.
(Yos.h.i.+kawsensei is…)
It wasn't his wife k.u.miko who he was looking for first, but his female colleague who is a super beauty. They separated at the bar yesterday night, so he just looked for her with his eyes. He stood at the entrance of the hall and looked around, but he couldn't see her l.u.s.trous appearance.
“Sensei!! Anzai-sensei!!”
When Ryohei heard a voice calling his name, he saw Saegusa Noa and Miwako Kawasaki who work for the same school, and they waved in his direction. There are several young men around them, who have a complex face looking at Ryohei. When he comes near, the men carry their dishes and move quickly.
“You are also here. Would you like to eat with us if you like?”
Miwako with her pretty face says so without hesitation, and next to her, the cool beauty, Noa, smiles with her red framed on her face. Of course there is nothing wrong with Ryohei. After taking his dish, he sits in front of those two.
“It was good for Anzai-sensei to come here. Those people came up suddenly and were very persistent since yesterday…”
Miwako's “people” must be referring to the male teachers who has been here before. After seeing Miwako and Noa who came together in the training camp, many male teachers would call out to them to get a chance. No matter what, Miwako and Noa are different types, but they are beautiful and among the many female teachers who are numerous, their beauty is outstanding.
“Where is k.u.miko-sensei? Aren't you together with your wife?”
Miwako asks with an innocent expression.
“Yeah. Well, our rooms are different…. She is always waking up early in the morning, so maybe she is coming soon?”
Ryohei who was having breakfast with two beautiful teachers, felt the stinging eyes of the men around him with a good att.i.tude. He feels a sense of superiority and he remembers while speaking now that k.u.miko also said something. The training started at the same time, but he didnt see her face since yesterday afternoon. They are in the same training center. So he can see her anytime, so he doesn't need to email or call her. He didn't feel that need.
Then, while talking for a while, they ate breakfast. It was only Miwako and Ryohei who talked, Noa was quiet all the time. Somehow he felt that she looked bad, leaking her voice or turning red. Is she having that day?
“Then, Anzai-sensei…. Because Saegussensei seems to be physically ill, we will return to our room now…”
As Miwako stands up while saying so, Noa also stands up. There will be a little more time until the start of the training, so they will be resting in their room until then. The eyes of the men around flew like an arrow again as the two stood up.
(Ah, both are such beautiful women and they both look like this, so any man will want to look at them…)
The two female teachers at Ellis young ladies academy has been a.s.signed at the same time as Ryohei and their style and outstanding beauty are excellent. They also show it this morning, as they both wear tight suits so that you can clearly see the lines of their bodies on their tight clothes. Moreover, the skirt is a super-mini tight skirt, so you can see their underwear if they bend a little. As teachers who work at a school, it is a very bold dress.
(They, why don't they wear these clothes at school…)
The impression when he first met them wasn't so flashy, as they have worn plain clothes before. Miwako in his memory wore clothes that had a slight childish taste and Noa was wrapped in a serious, dusty suit. In any case, Ryohei remembers that they haven't worn such provocative dresses in front of his eyes before. For a short moment he saw the beautiful mini skirts lined up in front of him at the desk and he swallowed his spit without knowing why.
The skirt length is very short by both of them, especially that of Noa is micro-mini. Their legs wrapped in black stockings are long and their thighs are moderately thick and whipping. The hips on top of it are well-knitted and well-shaped and the tight skirts are tightly wrapped around them and the panty lines are clearly visible there.
(Wow…. What a good morning…)
Ryohei swallowed his saliva reflexively. Two people who he is supposed to be familiar with from school on a regular basis, are totally different, so his eyes become nailed at them without notice. That would be the same for teachers from other schools. Inexorable number of eyes are directed to these two bodies.
“Ah, k.u.miko-sensei is here…. And Yos.h.i.+kawsensei also…”
Looking back at the entrance to Miwako's words, as the word said, two well-known beauties were coming into the hall side by side.
“Yos.h.i.+kawsensei! This way!”
Both women who noticed the voice of Miwako who shouted while holding the tray in her hand came straight to her side. Ryohei can see that the eyes of the men around him are even hotter and that they are slightly wrinkled. That's not too bad. Because two beautiful girls like Miwako and Noa meet two other dazzling mature women.
“Ah, everyone was together…”
Junko breaks her intellectual look and laughs pleasantly. Her eyes are so beautiful that the tremor comes and Ryohei who matched her gaze has something run down his back alone. It is not only her beauty that attracts attention. She still wears a tight suit that stick to her body, so the violent, s.e.xy lines of her body are obvious.
“Good morning, sensei”
“Good morning”
Three people exchange morning greetings. At that time, Noa returned to her room by saying she goes ahead and Junko and Miwako continued to talk happily while standing.
“Good morning, dear”
“Ah…good morning…”
His wife, k.u.miko, next to Junko, saw Ryohei and smiled a bit while talking to him. On the other hand, Ryohei is conscious of being in front of Junko and returns an insane greeting as if they were just colleagues.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Ah, yes…I slept well…. How about you?”
“Not so good…because the pillows are different, I didn't sleep well”
While Junko is talking with Miwako, Ryohei continues talking with his wife. Of course he loves his wife from the bottom of his heart and he would have had a more heartwarming conversation than usual. However, he is worried about Junko listening to their conversation, so he cant suppress how it becomes weird.
“What happened? Your face is a little red?”
Still, he realized that k.u.miko's appearance was a little different from usual, probably because they normally lived together.
“Ah…yes…. No problem…. Since I got into the bath after I got up a while ago, I might have felt a little hot…”
“Is that so…. That's fine then…”
The face of his wife who smiles is heartwarming and her eyes are moistened as if it had oil in it. Maybe because of that kind of expression, that kind of familiar expression that he usually is used to, she looks somewhat s.h.i.+ny this morning. It seems that female pheromones overflow from her body wrapped in a pink blouse.
(She…isn't she really s.e.xy today…?)
Half a year has pa.s.sed since they got married, but Ryohei still hasn't noticed the gestures and expressions that his wife shows in front of him. It is a change that is too subtle to be expressed in words, but there is something that still makes him feel that his wife changed.
k.u.miko looks at himself with slightly wet eyes for some reason. And as she sits next to him, she reaches out and grasps his hands. You can see that her body is shaking a little.
“Wh, what happened…?”
“Uuh…. There is nothing…. Because I couldn't meet you yesterday, I was only a bit lonely…”
His wife who holds his hands tightly shows affection while giving out a sweet voice. In spite of the fact that this is a public presence, she doesn't get embarra.s.sed and looks down with her face.
“Well well…. It's good to be close in the morning…”
“It's really envious, to show off like that”
Despite the words of the other teachers in the surrounding, k.u.miko won't let go of him. It is as if she knows that Ryohei´s heart is fluttering with Yos.h.i.+kawsensei and he is desperately trying to make a relations.h.i.+p with her. While holding such a weird guilt to such delusion, Ryohei could not do anything while sitting in the chair of the breakfast room.
– Next chapter