Inma no Hado chapter 253: Marital decay
“d.a.m.n! Wh, What are you saying!! Such a thing, I can't forgive you!!”
There weren't many people in the cafe bar in the evening, but still a couple of guests are looking at something. The bartender is also surprised at first by the angry voice that suddenly raised and then looks annoying.
“Noisy…. Calm down…. People around us are watching…”
The man who screamed saw another man speaking in a calm voice and was about to raise his voice again, but he confirmed his surroundings and finally endured. However, the temples are moving in an unsympathetic manner, as it seems that he cant suppress his anger rising inside. It is the same as in middle school days, but Kenichi is slowly rolling the gla.s.s in his hand while drowning.
“Lend Keiko! You can do that!!”
Even while excited, the volume of the voice is dropping and s.h.i.+oya is glaring. In the past, it would have been a bit tedious, but now it feels less scary than hair.
“So-so. Calm down…. It is up to Ogawsan whether it is okay, so she may refuse my invitation if she wants…”
“So…what are you thinking about inviting someone else's wife!”
“Didn't I say that? Instead of me subrogation your debts, you just have to tolerate me eating with Ogawsan. Of course I'm not obsessed with Ogawsan. I don't even know if it's okay or not…. If it's not good, I'll give up…”
In contrast to Kenichi who continues to talk calmly, s.h.i.+oya still doesn't calm his anger. But on the other hand, he also understand that he cant refuse it.
“You know that I loved Ogawa since I was in middle school, right? I had always wanted to date her from that time. That's why I want to make that dream come true”
Drinking his laphroaig on the rocks while listening to Kenichi speaking, s.h.i.+oya gradually cools down.
“Aren't you thinking of putting out your hand on another man's wife?”
“I haven't thought about that…but, do you think that it might be so, do you think Ogawa will betray you?”
“That's right! Keiko is in love with me. She won't betray me!”
“So it won't be a problem, if Ogawa eat with me and I will instead pay your debt. Of course I will pay even if Ogawa doesn't say okay”
“…Is, Is that so? If Keiko refuses, will you pay?”
“Yes, I'll pay. I wish I could even acquiesce to my invitation, but never say this to Ogawa. If you're going to make a promise like this to me, I'll make sure you don't talk about it.
“I, I can't say that, I guess…. It seems like it was okay to lend him for debt.”
If s.h.i.+oya keep calm and think about it, it looks like an extremely convenient condition. Keiko doesn't have a good relations.h.i.+p with such an otaku, because of the deep darkness surrounding him and she will never betray s.h.i.+oya by any chance. Even if she accepts the invitation, it will be just a meal. She just have to shut up and miss it. That alone will eliminate the borrowing book written by the yakuza.
“But…why do you make such a condition? Even if you keep silent on me, you'll be able to lure me in…”
“That's easy. I don't want you to mess with me later. If you don't know me, I'll invite you, and Ogawa will be so poor, right? I don't want to see her hurt by you…”
s.h.i.+oya's anger gradually calms down to Kenichi´s answer with enthusiasm.
“So much…did you like Keiko so much?”
“Oh, of course. Ogawa is my first love. I would change everything for her…. If I can be with her a little, I will be so happy”
Kenichi, who sat in a quiet cafe-bar counter, smiled for the first time after coming to this store.
“Well then, dear…. I will go. I will try not to do that, but I will contact you if it seems to be late…”
“Ah, I understand…”
“Then, please…”
s.h.i.+oya´s wife leaves the entrance of the home. Her appearance in the bright sun s.h.i.+nes brightly in the back light. They have been dating since middle school and it has been nearly 20 years, but s.h.i.+oya think it's beautiful when he sees his wife who has been dressed in this way.
When we went through the corridors earlier, there was a slight smell of colon. It should have been his wife's favorite and a special one. Seeing his wife doing makeup and dressing up in a good mood, s.h.i.+oya felt complicated since the morning.
“Ke, Keiko…”
“What…? Yes Yes, don't drink too much during daytime…. Recently I´m really increasing the amount of alcohol……”
s.h.i.+oya cant feel any cloudiness or confusion from the expression of his wife who answers as usual.
He also says something, but the door shuts in front of him. His wife who put on a upset more than usual and wore makeup and dressed up beautifully went out without turning around. At that time, s.h.i.+oya noticed. What was he trying to say?
(I cant say I love you so much…)
As they have been together for 20 years, he cant say such words. But today he wanted to confirm it and the words came to his throat. Still, s.h.i.+oya couldn't say it in the end and stands alone in the corridor.
(She told a lie to me…)
The fact is stuck in his heart.
Today is Sunday. A call from Kenichi, his former cla.s.smate, announced that he would invite Keiko for a meal this day. Then Keiko went out saying that she would go out shopping with her college friend on this day. s.h.i.+oya doesn't know if Kenichi succeeded to invite Keiko. However, if Keiko is okay with it, she will be lying. If so, why did Keiko go out lying to her husband?
(And…so happy…)
Before going out, Keiko took a bath and carefully dressed. Because she spent more time than usual, she was clean even if she looked at herself. Watching his wife preparing while singing fast, his heart is being eroded by a dark feeling. If it was for Midou-san, why would she enjoy it so much?
(No way…no way Keiko…)
It was a fact that everyone in the cla.s.s knew that Kenichi had favored Keiko since middle school. Moreover, Keiko hated that and she should have hated that man to the point where it could be splintered. That's why s.h.i.+oya can't believe that Keiko was invited by this man and she was excited.
(After all she really is only meeting a former cla.s.smate, but how much makeup does she need to wear to meet her friends? Taking a shower…but that's it…)
The speculation calls for distress and s.h.i.+oya´s mind becomes full of jealousy and suspicion. Confidence that this should not happen is eroded by black doubts. It seems that the bond between this couple which has been built for 20 years collapse as if being attacked by a strong acid.
s.h.i.+oya is running right now, chasing, and being driven by the urge to take Keiko home. Or he may want to call or email her to see where she is going. Absolute confidence that has supported him until now. s.h.i.+oya is stunned as he realizes that the basis is too weak.
When I go to the kitchen with flat steps, he opens the refrigerator and takes out a beer. The time is still 2 o'clock. s.h.i.+oya, who sits without force on the sofa, is completely exhausted and drowns in alcohol during Sunday daytime.
(It's late! What is she doing!!!)
Looking at the clock, it was around 11 o'clock in the night. While sitting on the sofa in the living room, s.h.i.+oya is annoyed with red eyes. There are empty beer cans on the living table and floor and the new whiskey bottle is half empty.
Because he drank without taking any food, he was drunk with alcohol. Still, he cant get drunk completely because of his wife who hasn't come back home yet.
(What is Keiko thinking of not sending a single email!!)
He heard that she might be late, but he didn't expect it to be this much. s.h.i.+oya get rid of the gla.s.s of whiskey without much help as frustration.
(Today…with that guy…)
Imagine Keiko being alone with Kenichi, the front of s.h.i.+oya´s eyes will turn red with jealousy and hate. His wife is playing around with another man, leaving her husband alone until such time.
(If it is such a thing, I wouldn't have agreed to his conditions…)
In exchange for a debt of 8 million yen, s.h.i.+oya promised to admit that his wife was invited. He thought that his wife, who should love him, would refuse and he thought she wouldnt stay so long for the meal. It has been more than eight hours now and during that time no contact has been received from his wife or cla.s.smates. In the meantime, s.h.i.+oya was annoyed all the time, suffering from black doubts.
And he knew it. How he loved his wife. They've been married for more than 10 years, but her beauty is no different than in the past. s.h.i.+oya has been fooling around with his wife, but he has never been serious. It may be a selfish way of saying, but his cheating partners were just a play.
At that time, the smartphone vibrated with a characteristic vibration. When s.h.i.+oya who raised his face took it from the table, he stared at the mail text written there.
『Sorry for being late. I'll be back a little later』
He feels a little relieved to the short and incoherent sentences. However, anger comes out immediately and he sends back an mail asking questions.
『Where are you? It's too late! Come back soon!』
s.h.i.+oya sends this mail and wait for a reply, but nothing comes back after waiting for a while. Then, he sends it three times in a row, but there is no reply or even a notice that she has read it. s.h.i.+oya is getting more and more frustrated.
He drinks up at a quick pace for a while.
And when the time to frustrate has pa.s.sed. A light beep sounded to let him know that a mail arrived. s.h.i.+oya, who once again drank whiskey, quickly took up the smartphone. But what was displayed there was not from his wife. It was from that old man who was his former cla.s.smate who used to be dark and dignified. s.h.i.+oya reads the text and his head gets white at once.
『Thank you for the meal』
Screaming so loudly that it can be heard in the neighborhood, s.h.i.+oya knocks down all the things placed on the table. The sound of a broken gla.s.s shattering is hear in the quiet room. He is driven by a black impulse that cant be suppressed and he runs wild in the living room. His hands and feet are injured with gla.s.s fragments, and blood flows from there and turns red. s.h.i.+oya was like a demon in the valley of h.e.l.l.
It was past twelve o'clock in the middle of the night when Keiko returned home. The paper bag held with both hands is full of clothes bought with her female friends. Among them aren't only clothes for herself but also presents for her husband.
“I'm sorry…. I'm sorry I'm late…”
When she said that and opened the front door, Keiko came in from the back and a shadow appeared. Of course it was her husband, s.h.i.+oya, but the situation is strange. His face is pale, his whole body is somehow b.l.o.o.d.y and the corridor also have blood marks.
“De, Dear! What are you doing!!?”
“Shut uppp!! This f.u.c.king guuuuyyy!!!”
Suddenly, when she suddenly heard a scream, s.h.i.+oya screamed, and she was scolded by the burn and sideways. Keiko who had a concussion for a moment shed blood from her nose and mouth and fell to the ground.
“Hiiiiiiii!!! Noooooo!!!”
“What have you done up to now? Aaaa!!! This b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!!”
Keiko who is made a horseback riding in the hallway which entered a few steps from the entrance, was scolded many times. Consciousness jumps to the violent violence of her husband and she is only lying in the hallway in a huddle.
“Were you done like this!! Where and what did you do!! Aaaaaa!!!!!!”
Torn up the elegant two-piece forcefully, the stylish lace underwear also is violently removed. s.h.i.+oya breathes a rough breath while emitting the smell of alcohol as it is and attacks his wife's body.
s.h.i.+oya who got excited abnormally rushes at his wife with the look of a demon. Since he penetrates into her v.a.g.i.n.a that isn't wet at all, the genitals of each other are torn and fresh blood flows out from there. The good thing for Keiko is that she was almost unaware at this time. If her consciousness was clear, she would have been screaming from too much pain.
The next morning. When s.h.i.+oya, who was lying in the hallway, woke up, he was in a state of waste. The corridor and walls were full of blood. There are traces of crawling here and there, and a number of paper bags are scattered and spit up the contents.
The pain in his hand was intense and his hands were swollen purple. When he looks closely, pieces of gla.s.s are also stuck in them.
(What…what happened…?)
He doesn't remember last night's event. so he only shakes his head to the left and right. His memory is missing because of alcohol and he tries to understand the situation desperately.
(Ah! Ke, Keiko !!!)
At that time, he remembered suddenly. He woke up because his wife came home late at midnight and violently attacked her. His head became simmering with jealousy and anger and he saw her and knocked down Keiko, who was surprised. And then…
(Keiko…where is Keiko…)
He attacked her with his own desires and remembers somehow when he let go of her. Since there is no memory from there, he thinks that he has completely lost consciousness at that point.
s.h.i.+oya strongly regrets what he had done, but it is already late. Even though he was drunk, he cant change what he did. Looking for the figure of his loving wife wandering in the house while feeling a sense of backness.
The corridor wasn't in a great condition, but the living was even worse. The well-organized room is messy, the centrally placed gla.s.s table is broken into pieces and pieces of gla.s.s are scattered throughout the room.
“Hey…Keiko…. Where are you…”
s.h.i.+oya searched all inside the house, but in the end there was no Keiko.
– Next chapter