Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse - Chapter 3204 The Quantification of Autarchy! I

Chapter 3204 The Quantification of Autarchy! I

Chapter 3204 The Quantification of Autarchy! I

The Gladiators' Arena.

Its golden sands gradually became painted with crimson-gold blood that glimmered with Existence.

The Royal Existential Omniversal Simians on the thrones of the audiences roared with fervor at the battles that showed the weavings of the very peak of Existence.

The Ent.i.ties of other Omniversal Lineages- Citizens of the Commonwealth from a myriad of Omniverses, all had the same feeling of valor and glee as many Gladiators came and went.

Others finished their battles amicably, while many more were brutal as the opponent had their existence entirely shredded, destroyed, or devoured.

At this moment.

"You are a child! I can see it in your Existence! You dare stand before me who has lived for millions of years?!"

The roar of a ma.s.sive Existential Omniversal Octopoda echoed out as thousands of tentacles unfurled, but from abovema.s.sive golden Pillars of Destiny surrounded by arcs of colorless brilliance thundered down and locked every tentacle in place.

Floating above the golden sands, Henry Osmont clasped his hands on his chest as he uttered out.

"The Destiny of your Existence has been written in stone."


Utilizing the thin strands of the Authority of the Laborer accessed from his father, Henry rewrote the Destiny of an Autarchical Equivalent Stage Ent.i.ty to something he deemed.

And the Destiny of this Existential Omniversal Octopoda was to be devoured by the Pillars of Destiny surrounding it as its whole Existence would be an offering towards his Father!

Every strand of his attack carried the Authority of the Laborer- it meant that the Will and Intent of the Existential Omniversal Lumen Emperor was observing everything as if he were on the battlefield himself.

His Father.

Below the golden sands of the Gladiators' Arena, in the enclosed s.p.a.ce with floating thrones around a circular table, many prompts were floating in front of Noah.

|Enough a.n.a.lysis has been made with multiple subjects exhibiting the Autarchical Equivalent Stage to formulate a fairly accurate distinction of power within this Stage, applicable to all Sources of Existence.|

A lot of samples were observed by Noah personally, from when Henry and others had their matches, and as he simply continued to silently a.n.a.lyze all the Autarchical Equivalent existences in this domain.

And after careful consideration and a.n.a.lysis, a mostly accurate quantification of the power of Autarchical Existences was made!

|Initial entry into the Autarchical Stage allows an Ent.i.ty to utilize this apex authority of Existence commonly displayed with a colorless hue in a process that alters their Existence entirely. This enactment is akin to the building of a foundation that allows them to easily alter their surrounding Existence in absolute ways that cannot be overcome unless someone of similar power is present. This is the Autarchical Existence Foundation Stage, or simply the subject is a Foundation Autarch.|

|After enough time with the respective System of Existence continuing to enhance and elevate the level of the Autarchical Existence, they enter a vast Stage where they acc.u.mulate more and more Autarchical Authority in their existence- their Existence undergoing constant changes in this period as their usage of the colorless authority becomes much more complex. This is the Autarchical Existence Acc.u.mulation Stage, or simply the subject is an Acc.u.mulation Autarch.|

|Lastly, the stage where most of the observed Protectors of the Commonwealth seem to be in- the last Stage of Autarchy before a comprehensive jump is made towards another realm entirely, and the last defined stage under the umbrella of the Existential Dominium Realm. At this stage, the manner and usage of Autarchical Authority is one that could easily overcome anyone below it, with their outlook on Existence expressed and ensured heavily as they cannot be easily erased even with another Ent.i.ty at the same stage. This is the Autarchical Existence Apogee, or simply the subject is an Apogee Autarch.|


Three levels of Autarchy!

This was how Noah outlined a simple quantifying of the Ent.i.ties he came across.

A Foundation Autarch, an Acc.u.mulation Autarch, and lastly- an Apogee Autarch!

The vast majority were Foundation Autarchs.

Henry. Sona. Piety.

The Ent.i.ty that he decimated first in the Arena, Adaman, was someone within the early rungs as an Acc.u.mulation Autarch.

And then there were Ent.i.ties like Protector Antonio.

Unfathomable in their power as Noah knew he couldn't eradicate them just yet.

Ent.i.ties such as him were Apogee Autarchs as their brilliance was undeniable.

And they stood just below the next Realm of Power.

One that when Noah looked at the illusions of the terrifying figures seated on the Nine Thrones, he made a simple a.n.a.lysis.

'The next realm of power if one is capable and lucky enough to exceed Autarchy of the Existential Dominium Realm'

|The Omniversal Realm has been selected as the distinction for the next stage of power succeeding the Existential Dominium Realm.|



The Ent.i.ties that were far out of grasp for the current him.

The upper echelons of the Commonwealth!

He could only theorize regarding this stage as at this moment, his own power was still growing as it could be grouped in the Acc.u.mulation Autarch Stage.

With him though, there was always the factor of discrepancy.

Unlike others, he didn't just have a single System of Existence- with the a.s.similated Systems of Existence so far scaling his Atlas heavily and unpredictably!

It was why even at this momenta ma.s.sive Existential Omniversal Octopoda was smashed to bits with the radiant Pillars of Destiny.

From above, the Nuntius Eshkeri roared out as always.

|Victor- Henry! The Natives of this Omniverse remain undefeated! Who would it take to stop their relentless advancement?!|

A bellow of showmans.h.i.+p echoed out from above, but in front of Noah's eyes- a brand new set of prompts came down.

|The Source of Existence of the Existential Omniversal Octopoda has been a.n.a.lyzed and is not sufficiently different enough to be placed in its own Mundi of Power.|

|The System of Existence of Aquatinium is being a.s.similated into the First Mundi of Power.|

Uniquely, he had yet to come across even a single System that was fully a.n.a.lyzed to be deemed sufficiently different.

He knew one of them to be under the banner of the powerful Simian Protectors, but their a.n.a.lysis wouldn't be done unless he had one decimated before him.

But this whole time, every System of Existence he came across was not deemed sufficiently different as he wonderedwhen would something unique actually appear?