Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society - Chapter 100 – Granting Freedom (7)

Chapter 100 – Granting Freedom (7)

The first thing that crossed my mind was that I had eaten tuna before, but this was the first time I had the reverse occur.

“Wait, now isn’t the time to be making stupid jokes…!”

It was slimy, claustrophobic, and irritating. The pressure of the tuna’s insides was no joke. What was this? Were my clothes melting? Acid!


The melting tuna must have dived back under the water after swallowing me, as water began to flow around me. Although things were chaotic, I first grabbed the top and bottom of the slimy walls, but it was so slippery that I failed. As if to quickly send me to its stomach, the surrounding walls wriggled and convulsed around me.


[Got it!]

My elementals loved me so much that they came out the moment I called their names. I was thankful, but it was slightly overwhelming, especially Ruyue’s response.

“Surround me with an Ice Wall! Make it especially hard!”


The moment Ruyue started, I activated my bracelet and equipped my armor. After wearing the armor, I realized I was almost out of mana. I took out a mana potion from my inventory and drank it while I struggled to keep my balance. This place sucked!

In any case, I now had some breathing room. Ruyue’s Ice Wall...