Incurable Pain - IP Chapter 94.2

IP Chapter 94.2

IP Chapter 94.2

Incurable Pain | Chapter 94.2

Bai Xunyin was looking at her phone, not seeing the dangerous look in his eyes. She only looked up with some surprisebut what met her eyes were Yu Luoyins magnified eyebrows and eyes, close enough to touch, and most thrilling of all, his kiss beside her lips.

Just like his scent, refres.h.i.+ng like lemon and mint.

Bai Xunyin unconsciously tightened her grip on her phone, her knuckles turning white, feeling like her heart was about to stop.

Was this how girls felt when they experienced their first kiss?

Nervous yet unwilling to push him away?

While the boy who acted without warning enjoyed the novelty, he licked his lips slightly while looking up.

Good student.

Yu Luoyin looked at Bai Xunyins clear eyes and couldnt help but smile.

Dont you know that when kissing, a girl should close her eyes?

Thats how you create the so-called atmosphere.

Bai Xunyin stared blankly at him for two seconds, and just when Yu Luoyin thought she might be angry and embarra.s.sed and would push him away and leave, the girl actually closed her eyes.

So obedient, like a doll-like kitten.

Yu Luoyin was stunned for a moment, then smiled lightly and lowered his head again.

Intimate contact was something that once experienced, one would want to taste again and again.

Even though Bai Xunyin couldnt speak, she could express herself through actionsshe also wanted to have Yu Luoyin.

By the time September came and the university started, holding hands, hugging, and kissing had become more and more natural for the two of them.

Naturally, both of them successfully entered Lan University, fulfilling their wishes to be cla.s.smates for four years.

It seemed like adding another layer of ident.i.ty to their relations.h.i.+p could always make things more exciting.

After their freshman year, during that summer vacation, Yu Luoyin took Bai Xunyin to a psychological clinic.

The doctor, named Lu Ying, smiled and earnestly warned, I will use hypnosis to take you back to the past

Bai Xunyin looked at her in confusion.

Hypnotherapy might be able to heal your trauma.

Lu Ying paused and asked, But it may require you to revisit the traumado you want to regain your voice?

Only then did Bai Xunyin understand Yu Luoyins purpose in bringing her here, and she couldnt help but feel a complicated joy.

Although she had already adapted to not being able to speak, it would be even better if she could return to a normal state, not being mute.

So Bai Xunyin nodded.

With Lu Yings gentle guidance and the help of the equipment, Bai Xunyin quickly felt drowsy.

Before closing her eyes, she seemed to faintly see herself from many years ago, still immature and fragile after the middle school entrance exam.

Lu Ying lulled Bai Xunyin to sleep, then quietly left the consultation room. Outside, she saw Yu Luoyin sitting on a bench, waiting.

She raised an eyebrow, Luoyin, your girlfriend wont wake up for a while. You should go to the lounge and rest.

Sister Lu, its okay.

Yu Luoyin smiled indifferently, then asked after some thought, Is there a good chance shell regain her voice?

The probability, as Ive told you before, is not high.

Lu Ying also smiled, honestly replying, It depends on opportunity, but

Yu Luoyin looked at her hesitating expression and narrowed his eyes.

What do you want to ask?

If she cant regain her voice, and she still cant speak? Lu Ying sighed, staring sharply at him.

Would you stop liking her?

Of course not.

Yu Luoyin answered without hesitation, with confidence in his voice.

I will only like her.

Thats good. Lu Ying sighed softly, feeling a little heartbroken when she thought of the things she had told Yu Luoyin about this girls past.

I like her not because shes pitiful, Yu Luoyin smiled, Its because shes worth liking, thats all.

And the knowledge of her past that he inadvertently gained only increased his pity for her.

Actually, its quite coincidental.

Before the college entrance exam, he got into the habit of escorting Bai Xunyin home after school. One night, he happened to encounter a few suspicious men sneaking around, peering towards Bai Xunyins house window.

With a good memory, Yu Luoyin immediately recalled these were the same sleazy men they had encountered during the Spring Festival when they came to find Bai Xunyin.

Yu Luoyin felt angry and without hesitation, he called the police.

In reality, it wasnt a big deal, but he intentionally exaggerated, claiming these people were intentionally stalking with the intention to rob.

Even if he was later accused of disturbing public security and making false reports, Yu Luoyin accepted it.

But Yu Luoyin never expected that he inadvertently helped the police solve a case.

These suspicious men turned out to be the swindlers who had lent high-interest loans before, and the leader had a pseudonym Liu Yiba, with a grim scar on his face that was truly frightening.

From the cursing of these loan sharks and the police investigation, Yu Luoyin pieced together Bai Xunyins past.

It turned out that these guys were the culprits behind Bai Hongshengs suicide and Bai Xunyins loss of voice all those years ago.

And this time, their risky move of lurking near Bai Xunyins home was to catch Ji Huiying, hoping to extort some money during this special time before the college entrance exam.

Fortunately, Yu Luoyin intercepted them by accident.

However, when the police officer in charge of the investigation happily told Yu Luoyin the outcome, he unexpectedly found the teenager expressionless.

No, it should be said that the delicate and sharp lines of the teenagers face were somewhat tense, even his jawline was more rigid.

The police officer asked with some confusion, Cla.s.smate, whats wrong with you?

Its nothing.

After a while, Yu Luoyin slowly replied, his face a little pale.

He regretted calling the police too early, he d.a.m.n well shouldve beaten the h.e.l.l out of Liu Yiba himself.

After that, he couldnt help but feel even more heartache for the girl. Yu Luoyin only realized afterwards how wrong his mindset was before.

Maybe it was guilt, he shouldnt have lied.


Hypnotherapy continued for many years.

Even after Bai Xunyin finished her bachelors, masters, and was pursuing her doctorate, she continued.

She felt that she would never be cured in this lifetime, but actually accepting this fact wasnt as painful as she imagined.

Because she had gained a lot, such as Yu Luoyin.

Bai Xunyin didnt know how Yu Luoyin persuaded his parents to accept her as a mute person, but last summer, when she had just graduated with her masters, they got married.

It was a natural and inevitable feeling.

Before getting the marriage certificate, Bai Xunyin had once asked him seriously: [Im a mute, do you mind having a silent partner for the next few decades?]

When love is strong, even if the beloved has a thousand faults, they can be overlooked. But marriage is about daily life, it requires going through decades together in the future.

Bai Xunyin didnt want him to regret it later.

But Yu Luoyin just smiled and didnt mind at all.

He only said, Bai Xunyin, you know, compared to the virtues you possess, not being able to speak is nothing at allbesides, I can talk enough for both of us, and you just have to tolerate me.

As he spoke, he s.n.a.t.c.hed the girls ID card and household registration.

Watching his slender figure, Bai Xunyin was pulled along and forced to run with him. She couldnt speak, but the smile on her lips couldnt be stopped.

It was a fervent and sincere pursuit of true love, regardless of consequences and without regrets.

No matter what happens in the future, she wont regret it.

Actually, boys like Yu Luoyin, Bai Xunyin initially thought he was just a dream from her youth, a mirage, an illusory image

But they had calmly sailed through so many years.

Perhaps one day, her voice would return, and Yu Luoyin would hear her voice.

After all, as Bernard Shaw once said, Miracles are in the eyes of those who believe in them.

Hope is always the most pa.s.sionate word.

Yu Luoyin suddenly woke up from his dream, feeling a strong tightness in his chest, sweat beading on his forehead.

His breathing was a bit rapid, he gasped heavily for a few breaths until Bai Xunyin in his arms stirred half-asleep, murmuring in dissatisfaction, Why is your heartbeat so fast in the middle of the night?

Her sleepy voice was m.u.f.fled, obviously not fully awake.

Bai Xunyin grumbled and then found a comfortable position in the mans arms and fell asleep again.

So she didnt notice at all that Yu Luoyin was experiencing a struggle with cold sweat.

It wasnt until he completely woke up from the dream that he realized.

It was already early morning, a faint light shone through the dark gray curtains, dimly bright.

Yu Luoyin stared at the ceiling for a long while, the dream he just had still fresh in his memory, unlike his usual dreams that he would forget upon waking up.

He knew that it must be the nightmare caused by his regret over the years.

In that dream, he and Bai Xunyin were always together in a parallel world, and he learned about the girls past in a different way, but he still couldnt heal her pain.

They lived sweetly but with some regrets, and it might not necessarily be better than now.

It seemed that every change in life was complementary.

After a while, Yu Luoyins gaze fell on the woman in his arms.

In the dark environment, he couldnt see clearly, but he instinctively leaned down and kissed Bai Xunyins lips.

Fortunately, they were still living well together.

Dont give up your original determination just because of one setbackShakespeare.

A Dream in a Parallel World: Complete.