Incurable Pain - IP Chapter 46.1

IP Chapter 46.1

IP Chapter 46.1

Incurable Pain | Chapter 46.1

In March, the weather in the north still required wearing a down jacket to keep warm, but Linlan was already in full bloom.

Bai Xunyin, who hadnt returned to her hometown for two full years, suddenly set foot on the damp soil of Linlan, feeling a sense of familiarity perhaps this was the best explanation for the phrase born and bred.

The afternoon flight arrived in Linlan past nine oclock, the sky darkened, stars twinkling.

There werent many people on the plane. Bai Xunyin stood in place and took a deep breath. The people around her were hurrying about, while she leisurely dragged her suitcase.

Bai Xunyin was prepared for the temperature in Linlan. She couldnt wear her wool coat from the north, so she simply draped a simple milky-white shawl over her thin s.h.i.+rt and wore thin jeans with canvas shoes.

Her two loose braids hung casually over her shoulders, looking innocent like a student.

No, even though she was twenty-four this year, she was still a student.

Perhaps because she hadnt left the campus for so many years, Bai Xunyin had always been accustomed to simple and casual clothes, and she was used to not wearing makeup.

In school, it was even simpler, alternating between two white lab coats she practically spent all her time in the lab.

Her roommate, Yu Wei, who loved beauty the most, had once ruthlessly criticized her as not knowing how to dress up, wasting a face that could overthrow nations and cities.

Bai Xunyin just shrugged it off.

She felt that she might be naturally lazy in some aspects, lazy to put on makeup, lazy to compete with others, so she didnt like the fast-paced city and life. Amidst everyones hurried footsteps, she maintained her own rhythm.

Until her constantly ringing phone broke Bai Xunyins leisurely pace.

She took it out and glanced at it. It was a call from Ah Mo, still ringing, and there were seven or eight missed calls from when the phone was off.


As soon as she answered, Ah Mos loud voice almost burst her eardrums, Why arent you answering my calls? Have you arrived or not?!

Ive arrived, Ive arrived.

Bai Xunyin quickly responded, afraid of angering Ah Mo by delaying, I just got off the plane.

Im at the T-parking lot.

Ah Mos voice softened a bit,Hurry up.

Hearing this, Bai Xunyin had no choice but to quicken her pace and said helplessly, You said you didnt need to pick me up.

Xinyin, I know you dont want to trouble me, but is this a joke? How could I not pick you up when you come back?

Ah Mo said as a matter of course, Hurry up and come over.

She hung up after speaking.

Bai Xunyin looked at her phones black screen and shook her head helplessly.

Ah Mo had studied forensic medicine for some reason when she was in college, and after graduating, she joined the police station. Dealing with police and various corpses every day had made her more and more decisive, almost saying one thing and doing another.

Bai Xunyin used to just follow her, but now she didnt dare to resist her.

She obediently dragged her suitcase to the T-parking lot. From afar, she could see Ah Mos cool Mustang the little girls car was different from other girls.

Ah Mo jumped out of the car and ran over, giving Bai Xunyin a bear hug, almost knocking her down.

I missed you so much!

Ah Mo buried her face in Bai Xunyins neck, tears and snot flowing freely as she complained, Xunyin, youre so heartless! You didnt come back for two years!

Bai Xunyin patted her head helplessly, comforting her like she would a child.

Whats the difference? We talk on WeChat every day, dont we?

Hearing such insensitive words, Ah Mo couldnt help but glare at her, How can it be the same!

Why did you come back? You dont even have a place to stay.

Bai Xunyin smiled indifferently, as if she were talking about someone elses business, Theres no short-term rental for more than a month, and my grandparents started a homestay in the ancient town. Theres not enough s.p.a.ce usually, so why bother coming back and causing trouble?

These were things Ah Mo already knew.

But every time Bai Xunyin referred to herself as trouble, she couldnt help but feel sorry for her.

Its different now. Ive moved out and rented a house on my own!

Ah Mo declared proudly, like a liberated serf singing. She pulled Bai Xunyins shoulder and said boldly, Darling, youll live with me! Well live together from now on!

Bai Xunyin just leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, not refusing Ah Mos proposal.

She didnt have a house in Linlan, so she could only stay with Ah Mo for a while. Afterwards, she would apply to enter the research inst.i.tute with her professor, and the school would provide welfare housing, so naturally she could move out then.

Ah Mo felt like she had been favored by this kiss, feeling a bit light-headed.

She excitedly bounced around,The little fairy kissed me. This is treatment that many big shots and handsome guys who pursue you cant enjoy

Ah Mo was naturally aware of Bai Xunyins complete lack of romantic history in college, so she was even more proud.

Hehe, who made the favorite person of everyone only like her!

Xinyin, do you still not have anyone around you?

While waiting at a red light, Ah Mo, who couldnt change her gossip nature, brought up the topic of love life again, With your looks, I guess not even a prison can hold all the people who pursue you.

What a magical metaphor?

Ah Mo was indeed a forensic expert.

Bai Xunyin shook her head, No, what about you?

She didnt want to dwell too much on this topic and naturally changed the subject.

I actually do.

Ah Mos compa.s.s hadnt changed after many years, naturally responding to her touch, her bright face beaming with a sweet smile.

Sheng Wen has been pursuing me recently!

This answer completely caught Bai Xunyin off guard, and she couldnt help but be stunned for a moment, Sheng Wen?

Yeah, he came back to Linlan two years ago. Ah Mo mentioned Sheng Wen, her eyes filled with undisguised excitement.

We hadnt been in touch before, but we happened to meet during a case recently, and he started pursuing me.

But of course, I cant just let him chase after me easily. I suffered a lot in high school, so I must pay him back in full!

Ah Mo clenched the steering wheel tightly, her voice resolute and gnas.h.i.+ng her teeth it seemed she was angry recalling her bitter experience of chasing boys in high school.

Bai Xunyin blinked, and after a moment, she hit the nail on the head, You still like him.

Of course.

Ah Mo seemed to deflate like a punctured balloon, her forced air dissipated, I tried dating in college, but it always felt off. When those guys held my hand, I felt nauseous. But when I saw Sheng Wen do you know that hormonal rush feeling that comes back again?

She sighed resignedly, I feel like Ive planted myself on him for this lifetime.