Incurable Pain - IP Chapter 37.2

IP Chapter 37.2

IP Chapter 37.2

Incurable Pain | Chapter 37.2

After parting ways with the policewoman, she quickly followed the direction the doctor had just indicated.

Outside the ward, Bai Xunyin stared blankly through the gla.s.s window at Yu Luoyin, who had been bandaged and changed into hospital clothes, lying on the bed. She thought about what the doctor had just said

Soft tissue contusions all over the body, but not too serious, no internal organ damage, no fractures, the most serious is the knee bone fracture, you might need crutches for the next month.

Youre high school students? You wont miss school, but within a week, find time to come to the hospital for intravenous antibiotics.

Mainly because you encountered such a thing before the college entrance examination, its best to provide some psychological counseling to prevent psychological impact.

Bai Xunyin felt weak all over, and sighed softly against the cool gla.s.s window with her forehead.

She was still wearing a thin school uniform, her coat had long been lost somewhere during the running just now, and her hands were stained with Yu Luoyins sticky blood, which she hadnt had time to wash off.

Now that everything was settled, Bai Xunyin dragged her heavy footsteps into the corner of the restroom, where the chilly silence was only accompanied by the pungent smell of disinfectant.

The water flowed over her delicate white hands, and Bai Xunyin numbly felt the cold touch, was.h.i.+ng for a long time.

Until her phone buzzed in the pocket of her school uniform trousers, Bai Xunyin snapped out of her thoughts. She hadnt had a chance to call Ji Huiying during the tense two hours just now; her mother must be worried sick.

Bai Xunyin quickly dried her hands and took out her phone, and sure enough, the screen was flas.h.i.+ng with the word Mom.

She hurriedly answered the call.

Yinyin! Where have you been? Why havent you been answering the phone? Ive called you over a dozen times!

Ji Huiyings voice on the other end of the phone was so anxious that it was almost hoa.r.s.e, and she kept talking non-stop.

Yinyin, I was just about to call the police. Are you okay? Quickly reply to my WeChat


Bai Xunyin couldnt hold back anymore, softly saying while looking at the blood stains in her palm, Im okay.

Okay? You

Ji Huiying didnt react at first, but stopped halfway through her words. When she spoke again, Bai Xunyin could clearly hear her voice breaking, Yinyin! You can talk now? How can you talk now? Where are you? Say something to Mom quickly!

A series of questions left Bai Xunyin unable to cope, but her mothers unmistakable joy and tearful voice were the only comforting things tonight.

As one grows up, they realize that making the people around them happy is even more precious than being happy oneself.

Mom, its a long story.

Bai Xunyin couldnt speak loudly in the hospital, holding the phone close to her ear.

Ill tell you when I get back.

She was afraid that mentioning loan sharks and what had just happened would scare her mother and keep her up all night.

While dealing with Ji Huiying, Bai Xunyin heard a hurried sound of high heels in the quiet corridor, accompanied by a womans voice on the phone, Ive arrived at the hospital. You dont need to rush back. Relax and continue with your business trip. I just met with Luoyins attending doctor, and he said its nothing serious

It sounded like a family member of Yu Luoyin, but why did the voice sound somewhat familiar?

Bai Xunyin tilted her head in confusion, whispering into the phone, Ill be home in a while, before hanging up and quietly walking out.

Little did Bai Xunyin expect that she would see her idol at the hospital, dressed in a black suit. Gu Yuan suddenly appeared in the hospital, standing right where she had just been, looking through the gla.s.s window at Yu Luoyin.

She frowned, worry and impatience evident on her exquisitely made-up face, her fingers tapping the back of her phone incessantly.

Gu Yuan

What was her relations.h.i.+p with Yu Luoyin?

This was the second time Bai Xunyin had seen Gu Yuan, but she still stood stiffly in place, at a loss. She didnt even know if she should approach.

Gu Yuan seemed to sense that there was someone else in the quiet corridor besides her. She turned her head and happened to meet Bai Xunyins clear eyes.

There was a hint of surprise in the womans eyes, but soon, that surprise turned into understanding, along with a barely perceptible hint of disdain.

Given the timing, the scene, the blood stains on Bai Xunyins school uniform, and the information she had just heard from her a.s.sistants investigation, it wasnt difficult to guess who this girl was.

Gu Yuan swept her gaze over Bai Xunyin, her voice faint as she asked, Youre Bai Xunyin, right?

The older person asked the question, and naturally Bai Xunyin couldnt remain silent. She walked over and nodded, softly saying, Dean Gu h.e.l.lo.

Gu Yuan raised a delicate eyebrow. Do you know me?

Yes, I know.

Seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls are usually the most enthusiastic fans, but Bai Xunyin was never one to idolize celebrities. Gu Yuan was the only person in academia whom she admired, and it wouldnt be an exaggeration to say she was one of the motivations and goals for her academic advancement.

It was impossible for her not to feel nervous seeing Gu Yuan, especially now that she realized Gu Yuan was related to Yu Luoyin.

Dean Gu, your Academic Research on General Theory of Relativity published in newspapers and periodicals in recent years was excellent.

Bai Xunyin unconsciously grabbed the hem of her clothes, speaking softly, I have watched many of your lecture videos, so of course, I know you.

Gu Yuan fell silent, completely unexpected that she would meet a student who admired her academic work in such a situation.

For a moment, she felt the taste of complexity in her heartfew high school students would like physics, let alone like her as a professor. Even her son didnt like her.

But unexpectedly, she met a student who liked her academic work so much at this awkward moment. Bai Xunyins eyes were bright and clear, and nothing could hide the admiration in them, which Gu Yuan recognized as genuine admiration.

It made Gu Yuan, who had prepared a belly full of words, choke up in her throat, not knowing what to say.

After a while, she exhaled softly, her voice cold, Thank you for liking my paper Whats your relations.h.i.+p with Yu Luoyin?

Bai Xunyin was taken aback, Dean Gu? You

Hes my son.

Gu Yuan forced a smile, her sharp eyes fixed on Bai Xunyin, her words somewhat compelling.

So, I need to understand what relations.h.i.+p you have with him, I need to know why hes been following you for half an hour after school every day for the past half month, and I need to know why you and him were chased by a fraudster to Jiguang District today and ended up injured on the rooftop of a commercial building.

The corridor in the hospital fell into a dead silence, only the heavy breathing of the two people intermingled.

Bai Xunyin couldnt say anything, only murmured, Im sorry.

Theres nothing to be sorry about. Its because my worthless son likes you, right? Adolescents, they love to show off, think theyre heroes saving beauties

Gu Yuan thought about everything her a.s.sistant had just reported to her over the phone, and couldnt help but sneer coldly, He doesnt even know his own weight.

Bai Xunyin lowered her head in shame, squeezing the hand at her side tightly.

It was the first time she felt so ashamed, even though Gu Yuan hadnt said anything excessive.

Gu Yuan looked at her steadily, Bai Xunyins bright and clear eyes, despite the pale and haggard appearance after a night of turmoil, still couldnt conceal her extraordinary beauty.

Such a girl, attracting the pursuit of boys was a normal thing. Gu Yuan had suspected before that Yu Luoyins behavior was abnormal because of early love, and now it seemed that her speculation was confirmed.

She understood that it was normal for teenagers in the throes of p.u.b.erty to be attracted to beautiful girls, but understanding didnt mean acceptanceespecially now that Gu Yuan felt that Yu Luoyin had done irrational things because of it.

She asked in a deep voice, Young lady, I want to know if youre the girl who made Yu Luoyin give up the guaranteed admission to Lan University?

The guaranteed admission to Lan University?

Bai Xunyin suddenly raised her head, What? He gave up the guaranteed admission to Lan University?

Thats right. It sounds absurd, doesnt it? Gu Yuan smiled bitterly, her tone calm.

If youve watched many of my lectures, youre at least a student who likes physics. Intelligent people can have emotions like love, hate, attachment, and desire. Its normal, but once these things interfere with serious matters, then its no different from foolish animals.

Gu Yuans words were like pearls, and as she spoke, Bai Xunyin, a smart girl as she was, understood what she meant.

Dean Gu, Bai Xunyin took a deep breath, forcing a polite smile.

Actually, Yu Luoyin wanted to attend Lan University, and I will persuade him to accept the guaranteed admission.

Hes injured now, the doctor said his knee will take a month to recover, so he wont make it in time for the guaranteed admission period.

Gu Yuan smiled, looking indifferent. Young lady, at this moment, you probably understand a mothers feelings. If I say I want you two to keep your distance

I understand.

Bai Xunyin interrupted her, feeling a throbbing pain in her temple, trying to stay calm. Dean Gu, I understand what you mean, but can we wait until after the college entrance examination?

Gu Yuan was taken aback. What?

Dean Gu, I dont want to delay the college entrance examination, nor do I want Yu Luoyins mindset to be affected by this and affect his exam, as you said, he already missed one guaranteed admission spot, right?

Bai Xunyin smiled, her eyes staring at Yu Luoyin sleeping on the hospital bed.

With bandages on his head and adhesive plaster on his face, he looked delicate, like a little prince who had fallen into the world and endured all kinds of hards.h.i.+ps, albeit a bit naughty.

Bai Xunyins mind churned for a moment, just as Gu Yuan said, people have seven emotions and six desires, including love, hate, attachment, and desire.

Among these emotions, Yu Luoyin had given her all of them.

Of these, hate and love were the most.

Bai Xunyin even felt grateful to himthanks to him, she learned what greed was in just one year of high school, experienced the depths of despair, and also felt the extreme pleasure and joy of rebirth in adversity.

It was too stimulating.

Yu Luoyin had given her the sweetness of first love, and now she was no longer a little dumb girl. It was all thanks to him, so Bai Xunyin didnt want him to be distracted before the college entrance examination and end up failing.

She had her own considerations.

Dean Gu, Bai Xunyin blinked, gently saying, After the college entrance examination, well go our separate ways.

The remaining two months would be the last bit of selfishness before the bustling end.

In the seven emotions and six desires, there was greed, and everyone had their own selfishness.

You Gu Yuan looked at the girls calm and delicate profile, feeling a rare sense of surprise in her usually strong and cold heart.

She asked hesitantly, Are you serious?

Absolutely. Bai Xunyin smiled.

I wont bother him. You can rest a.s.sured.

Her promise to Yu Luoyin on the ambulance was a situational response; he was too persistent, but Bai Xunyin had no intention of reconciling with him because of this incident.

Even a fool could see how big the gap between them was, and it wasnt just because of a bet.

But no matter what, Bai Xunyin wanted to spend some time with himtime without deception or concealment from him. Its just that this time it was her turn to deceive him.

Dean Gu, Bai Xunyin turned around, smiling at Gu Yuan.

Thank you for letting me know you.

Perhaps the idol filter needed to be shattered, fortunately, hers shattered early.