Incurable Pain - Chapter 100 - The End

Chapter 100 - The End

Chapter 100 - The End

Incurable Pain | Chapter 100

Sleepless First Love

It had been almost a month since they returned to Linlan from Xishuangbanna, and life remained largely unchanged, like a calm river flowing steadily without any major disturbances.

But it never stopped.

Until the eve of Christmas in early December, when the calm surface of the river was suddenly disrupted by a stone thrown insparking waves, originating from a hot topic that emerged on Weibo, quickly spreading across the entire internet.

Bai Xunyin was wrapping up an experiment, working tirelessly day and night, her mind foggy, only to be reminded by Ah Mos chatter to check Weibo.

Yinyin! Hurry, check Weibo, theres hot gossip!

Her voice couldnt hide the excitement, leaving Bai Xunyin perplexed when she hung up the phone.

She wasnt someone who usually browsed Weibo or similar entertainment apps, but she knew that hot topics there usually revolved around news related to celebrities.

What could it have to do with her?

Bai Xunyin curiously opened Weibo. The first trending topic prominently displayed: Man Offers Reward to Find His Mysterious Savior.

Accompanying the text was an image of the man they had helped in Xishuangbanna, describing the events of that morning.

From the news and interviews, it was apparent that after the man woke up from surgery, he learned from bystanders that he had collapsed and was on the verge of death before being saved and taken to the hospital, with the medical expenses covered by a kind-hearted person.

Moved to tears, he was determined to find his savior.

However, Yu Luoyin and Bai Xunyin had truly acted anonymously out of altruism. They had rushed off without leaving any contact informationthey never sought any grat.i.tude or reward, always doing what they felt was right.

But this also meant the man couldnt contact them and had to seek help from the television station.

In todays society, there were too few people who performed good deeds anonymously, especially saving lives without seeking recognition. When the man contacted the local television station to find his savior, the situation immediately gained attention.

The television station staff easily obtained the surveillance footage from that morning.

And the reason it became a trending topic was precisely because of this surveillance video.

The video vividly captured Yu Luoyin rus.h.i.+ng to help the man after seeing him collapse outside the supermarket. His actions were swift and decisive, clearly indicating someone with medical expertise.

But for most netizens, what caught their attention was Yu Luoyins face.

Being an uncontested school gra.s.s since his school days, Yu Luoyins handsome appearance was undeniable.

And now, the statement made by Yu Luoyins sister, Yu s.h.i.+tian, claiming his face hadnt been tested by a camera screen was completely debunked.

The blurry surveillance footage still couldnt hide the mans striking appearance, his sharp and delicate facial features, and even the slight frown as he bent over to help, all drew significant attention.

Not to mention, he was also saving a life.

Such a handsome guy, comparable to an internet celebrity, selflessly saving lives without seeking recognitionno wonder netizens were ecstatic, pus.h.i.+ng the topic to the top of the trending list.

Some even left comments swooning over him.

Wow, whos this handsome guy? Is he the male lead from a runaway novel?

Soon, the hashtag #RealLifeRunawayMaleLead also began trending.

Bai Xunyin clicked and casually scrolled through the comments, feeling somewhat amused. The focus of netizens had s.h.i.+fted entirely to Yu Luoyins face, and who remembered the initial plea of the patient seeking his savior?

She hadnt antic.i.p.ated that the man Yu Luoyin had saved a month ago would be so determined to find them, even going to the extent of seeking help from the television station

If only they had left some contact information back then.

Ms. Bai.

Just as Bai Xunyin was contemplating whether to call Yu Luoyin, a colleague called her from behind, Come over here.

Interrupted by work, Bai Xunyins thoughts were quickly diverted. She responded and put her phone away.

In fact, she didnt know that even if she called Yu Luoyin now, she wouldnt reach him.

Since the trending topic started early in the morning, his phone had been inundated with calls from who knows who, nearly exploding those with chaotic calls.

At first, Yu Luoyin didnt understand what was happening. It wasnt until he returned from the clinic to his office and heard several colleagues chattering about the trending topic that he pieced together what had happened.

Understanding the situation, he couldnt help but laugh wryly. Yu Luoyin had no intention of becoming an internet sensation and promptly turned off his phone.

Tsk tsk, since its already trending, might as well enjoy the fame, a colleague remarked, shaking their head, It could also promote our hospital a bit.

Yeah, Xiao Yu doesnt look any worse than a celebrity anyway

Everyone, Im feeling embarra.s.sed by all this praise.

Yu Luoyin chuckled lightly, feeling embarra.s.sed as he said, Any more, and I wont be able to eat dinner.

He had had enough of flattery.

His colleagues also sensed that Yu Luoyin wasnt particularly thrilled about suddenly becoming an online sensation. After exchanging glances, they playfully changed the subject and left.

The office finally quieted down for a moment.

Yu Luoyin let out a sigh of relief and silently dialed Bai Xunyins number with his slender fingerswhether or not hed actually be able to reach her was another matter.

Before he could even dial the number, the office landline started ringing insistently.

Yu Luoyin glanced at the number and reluctantly answered, h.e.l.lo

Xiao Yu.

It was the directors hearty voice, quite amiable, Come to my office now.

Yu Luoyin had a pretty good idea of what the director wanted to talk about.

He sighed and had to get up.

Once in the office, as expected, the director brought up the trending topic on the internet and praised him extensively

Treating patients and saving lives is our duty as doctors, Xiao Yu, you did exceptionally well this time. In recent years, there has been tension in doctor-patient relations.h.i.+ps, with many people stirring up trouble online. Its rare to see such a positive influence. Its nearing the end of the year, and youve ended it well for our hospital.

Yu Luoyin felt burdened by such high praise.

Director, youre exaggerating.

He smiled faintly, shrugged nonchalantly, I just did what I should do.

Exactly, this is what doctors should do!

The director was delighted to hear this, couldnt help but praise, But you dont need to be too modest. I ran into the vice president earlier, and even he heard about this. He said he wants to commend you. Make an effort for this years selection of outstanding young professionals.

That was basically a hint.

Yu Luoyin couldnt help but feel emotional about the Internet era nowadays.

If it werent for these two trending topics thrusting him into the limelight, even if the hospital knew about what he did, it would have just been some verbal praise.

Now, with everyones eyes on the hospitals actions, on what this so-called runaway male lead would do next, even the hospital internally was planning to give him special recognition.

In reality, what use were these empty accolades?

Yu Luoyin found it uninteresting. He listened to the directors endless talk about you might have to accept an interview and the patient wants to meet you, what do you think? with one ear in, the other out.

He merely smiled and said, Director, Im a doctor, not a celebrity.

He didnt need the approval of those unseen people online.

Nor did he want to market himself for the hospitals image.

Suddenly becoming an unwitting internet celebrity was annoying.

In the evening, back at home, Yu Luoyin vented his frustration to Bai Xunyin, holding her tightly.

He found the people online boring, and the hospital had too much time on its hands.

Countless good deeds happened in the world every daywhy focus on what he did?

Listening to him, Bai Xunyin couldnt help but laugh.

You still dont understand, she said, having read many comments on Weibo in the afternoon, knowing what netizens were really interested in, They just find your face more striking. Compared to the story of a doctor saving a life, its just an added bonus.

Although the latter was more touching, people were often attracted to s.h.i.+ny things.

After all, most people thought beauty was the scarcer resource.

With Bai Xunyins words, Yu Luoyin felt somewhat better.

He touched his chin, self-satisfied, and said unabashedly, Ill admit it if you praise my looks.

Anyway, if its bothering you, just ignore those online comments.

After all, there were plenty of people like them who didnt bother with trending topics. Bai Xunyin shrugged indifferently, In a while, those messy news will be replaced.

We just need to do one thing.

Yu Luoyin paused, Hmm?

Maybe you should privately contact that patient.

Bai Xunyin, feeling a bit tired, softly said before falling asleep, After all, he really wants to thank you. Give him a chance

At this point, only that patient seemed genuine.

As Bai Xunyin had predicted, a few days later, there were no exciting developments in the handsome doctor incident. No one dug up which hospital the runaway male lead was from, and public attention naturally s.h.i.+fted to new hot topics.

Yu Luoyin returned to his quiet life.

After finding a suitable time, he contacted the patient they had saved.

After introducing himself, Yu Luoyin heard the mans pleasantly surprised voice over the phone, Dr. Yu, Im really grateful to you. My whole family is very grateful to you.

For a moment, Yu Luoyin felt a mix of emotionsgetting feedback from the patient seemed to instantly alleviate all the discomfort acc.u.mulated over the past few days.

He felt a bit thankful for that trending topic for the first time.

But there were also consequences.

For a while, his friends around him would call him handsome doctor, teasing him with the high praise bestowed upon him by netizens.

The hype came and went quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was New Years Eve.

December 11th.

Little cub

There were many people setting off fireworks as usual on important days. Bai Xunyin stood by the French window, holding onto Yu Baiqi, watching the colorful sky, Isnt it beautiful?

Yu Baiqi waved his chubby fists enthusiastically, Beautiful!

After tonight, our little cub will be a year older.

Bai Xunyin took the opportunity to educate him gently, So in kindergarten, you have to listen to the teacher and be a good boy.

Youre also saying son.

Before Yu Baiqi could respond, Yu Luoyins light laughter came from behind, Youve grown a year older too.

He didnt know when he had walked over, his footsteps as light as a cats, and his long arms lazily encircled Bai Xunyins waist.

But very few women remained indifferent to the words age after turning ten.

Bai Xunyin pursed her lips at his words, placed their son on the ground, patted his bottom, and let him play on his own.

Then, she playfully nudged the waist of the man behind her.

She frowned, So what if Im a year older?

Whats the big deal?

Yu Luoyin was unusually pleased to see the irrational and coquettish side of the usually cool woman.

He chuckled as if he couldnt contain himself, Id love for us to be eighty all of a sudden.

With time pa.s.sing, they would spend their whole lives together.

Yu Luoyin was accustomed to speaking sweet nothings, and his words of endearment were sincerely heartfelt.

Bai Xunyin couldnt hold back her smile, her lips curving showing a faint dimple.

The man felt a bit ticklish as he looked at her, and seeing that no one was around, he leaned down and planted a kiss on her.

Wife, Happy New Year.

Yu Luoyins voice was low, I want to give you a special New Years gift.

Bai Xunyin looked up at him with interest, What?

I want to give you, Yu Luoyin embraced the womans slender waist warmly, his hands trailing down to her flat stomach, and he smiled, I want to give you a little sister. How about that?

Yu Baiqi had been muttering about wanting a little sister for a long time, and he was quite excited about it.

Bai Xunyins fair cheeks flushed slightly, and she casually turned away from him, pretending not to care, How is that giving me a gift?

This kind of gift was clearly something Yu Luoyin wanted for himself.

Although she might have wanted it a little bit too.

Yu Luoyin lowered his gaze slightly and, seeing the slender and graceful swan neck of the woman in his arms, he leaned down to kiss her gently, murmuring, Youre adorable.

Whether smiling or pouting, she was still adorable.

Bai Xunyin felt a bit uncomfortable and shrugged, Is adorable a suitable word for me?

Yu Luoyin smiled faintly and remained silent, answering silently in his heart: Yes, incredibly suitable.

He couldnt help but recall a scene he witnessed in the hospital that afternoon.

A few nurses were watching a movie called First Love in the break room, sobbing uncontrollably.

As he pa.s.sed by, he heard them talking

Waaah, first love is always the best, but mine ended in high school!

Me too, first love is just a moonlight flit!

If only someone could stay with their first love forever, for a lifetime, its so enviable.

But life is so long, you cant predict what will happen. How many first loves can really last?

Yu Luoyin stopped in his tracks.

He turned to look at those emotional girls and said with a bit of envy, Some can. My wife and I are each others first love.

Then he was chased away by those girls with a knife out, dog killer att.i.tude.

As he ran, Yu Luoyin couldnt help but laugh.

He always remembered when Bai Xunyin was ten years old.

Her teenage charm was like a tender thorn, enticing and irresistible. Once attracted, you couldnt help but feel unable to leave.

Yu Luoyin had thought she was the most adorable person in the world at the time.

Those girls were right, first love is the most beautiful.

And Yu Luoyin was grateful that his first love hadnt slept, forever pulsating.

Youre the most adorable. When I say it, I dont have time to think about it, but after thinking about it, I still say it.


The End.