M'Murry, S.; June 10, '61; disc. for w'ds, Dec. 3, '62.
M'Elhany, R.; June 10, '61; disc. for w'ds, Dec. 29, '62.
M'Elvain, R.; June 10, '61; disc. for w'ds, Jan. 15, '63.
M'Call, Alex.; Feb. 8, '62; disc. for w'ds, rec'd at Fred.
Milford, J. P.; Aug. 26, '62; trans, to 190th.
Monnie, F. H.; Sept. 21, '62; trans, to 190th; disc. at expiration of term.
M'Murry, R.; Feb. 8, '62; trans, to 190th; disc. at expiration of term.
M'Camy, J.; Feb. 24, '62; trans. V. R. C., Dec. 21, '63.
Miller, Isaiah; June 10, '61; died Aug. 13, '62; bur. at Point Lookout.
Martin, Wm.; Sept. 21, '61; died of w'ds. Sept. 17, '62.
M'Bride, W. A.; June 10, '61; killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, '62.
Martin, P. G.; June 23, '61; deserted Mar. 20, '63.
Patterson, H. B.; June 10, '61; must. out with Co.
Pearce, J. M.; June 10, '61; disc. for w'ds, Oct. 29, '62.
Pearce, R. C.; Aug. 26, '62; died Dec. 13, '62; bur. M. A. C., D. C.
Pettigrew, A. J.; June 10, '61; died July 11, '63, of wounds rec'd at Gettysburg.
Porter, J. R.; Oct. 5, '61; died Sept. 25, '62, of w'ds rec'd at Bull Run, Aug. 30, '62.
Rhodes, G. M.; June 10, '61; disc. on sur. cer., Aug. 23, '62.
Rothmire, G.; June 10, '61; disc. Sept. 12, '62, for wounds rec'd at Gaines' Mill.
Rinker, Wm.; June 10, '61; disc. Sept. 12, '62, for wounds rec'd at Bull Run, Aug. 30, '62.
Russel, D. H.; Aug. 26, '62; trans. to 191st.
Rosenberry, J.; June 10, '61; died at Macon, Ga., Dec. 24, '62, of wounds rec'd at Fredericksburg.
Russel, O. H. P.; June 10, '62; died at Richmond, Dec. 31, '62, of wounds rec'd at Fredericksburg.
Sloan, Wm.; June 10, '61; must. out with Company.
Seaton, Amos; June 10, '61; must. out with Company.
Shryock, S, P.; June 10, '61; pris. May 5, '64; disc. Mar. 5, '65.
Say, Hon. H.; Oct. 7, '61; trans. to 191st.
Stevenson, J. H.; June 10, '61; killed at South Mountain, Sept.
14, '62.
Schmidt, C.; June 10, '61; killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, '62.
Shepard, J. M.; Sept 21, '61; disc. for w'ds, Feb. 24, '63.
Taylor, J. L.; June 10, '61; must. out with Company.
Thompson, W. S.; June 10, '61; disc. on sur. cer., Aug. 2, '62.
Thompson, J.; Oct. 13, '61; killed at Gaines' Mill.
White, Allen; June 10, '61; killed at Wilderness, May 5, '64.
Company D, 11th P. R. V. C.
Wm. Stewart, Capt.; July 5, '61; w'nded 2d Bull Run; killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, '62.
Jacob Baiers, Capt.; July 5, '61; disc. April 9, '64, for wounds received at Gaines' Mill.
Jas. P. Boggs, Capt.; July 5, '61; Brev. Maj.; wd. twice, pris.
once, must. out with Co.
J. S. Kenedy, 1st Lt.; July 5, '61; disc. June 13, '63, for wds.
received at South Mountain, Sept. 14, '62.
Jesse Donaldson, 2d Lt.; July 5, '61; died at Alexandria, Va., May 5, '62.
J. O'Harra Woods, 2d Lt.; July 5, '61; killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 63; N. C., sec. C., grave 35.
Wilson R. Potts, 1st Sergt.; July 5, '61; disc. sur. cer. June 10, '62.
Wm. C. Coleman, 1st Sergt.; Sept. 8, '61; trans. 190th to 1st Lt., Co. I; must. out June 28, '65.
Robt. Ash, Sergt.; July 5, '61; disc. sur. cer. June 10, '62.
Jn. Ganz, Sergt.; July 5, '61; must. out with Co.
Sam'l J. Chrisley, Sergt.; July 16, '61; killed at 2d Bull Run, Aug. 30, '62.
Jac. B. Kinsell, Sergt.; July 5, '61; died Jan. 20, '63; wounds received at Fred.; Alex, grave 691.
G. W. M'Gaughey, Sergt.; July 5, '61; died Rich. Feb. 10, '63, wounds received at Fred., Dec. 13, '62.