In The Age Of Mythology, I Evolved Into A Stellar Behemoth - ~


Ask for tickets at the beginning of the month

Today, July 1st, about two months after the book was released, the total number of words has reached more than 900,000, and the average daily update is about 10,000 words.

I think this is enough to ask everyone for votes (laughs).

I usually read everyone's comments, such as 'explosive update', update 'several chapters' and so on.

Actually, I also want to explode more and update a few more chapters. After all, for full-time authors like us, writing more will pay more.

But the problem is that one day 4D is already my limit.

I get up at 8 o'clock every morning, write until noon, have a meal, sleep for half an hour, and then continue to write in the afternoon, and can write two chapters of 8,000 words before eating at 6 o'clock in the evening.

During the meal, I have to take time to think about the direction of the plot.

The time at night is to revise. I have been revising since 7 o'clock. After finishing the revision of two chapters every day, it is almost one or two o'clock in the middle of the night. It is too early to finish before twelve o'clock.

The basic chapter should be revised for at least two and a half hours, or three hours.

Brothers in the fan group can testify that I usually bubble up in the group at 8 o'clock in the morning, and I go to bed after I finish my work at one or two o'clock in the evening.

Of course, saying so much is not to complain, but to tell my brothers that one day is already the limit.

After all, even if the cows are squeezed like this every day, they won't be able to squeeze out excess, right?

Closer to home, we will continue to rush in July, and just get up every day, unless the body is unbearable and we will not ask for leave.

Okay, I finished writing the testimonials for votes, and I will continue to modify the update tomorrow morning. Brothers, remember to vote for it.

Lei Yan Dilong's receipt pocket: ()

(end of this chapter)