Imperial Commando_ 501st - Imperial Commando_ 501st Part 50

Imperial Commando_ 501st Part 50

What would he be doing now?

Darman was certain that he wouldn't be standing here in a shower stall when his son needed him. Kal'buir Kal'buir was a wonderful father, a kind and patient man, and the best example of how much you could change the galaxy when you didn't accept the hand you were dealt. was a wonderful father, a kind and patient man, and the best example of how much you could change the galaxy when you didn't accept the hand you were dealt.

But he had a lot of other clone sons all relying on him, and he let too many Jedi spin him sob stories and take advantage of his guilt about Etain. Darman was feeling worse by the hour about all those Jedi being under the same roof as Kad.

Etain wouldn't have wanted it. That reason alone was enough for Darman to do something now now.

He was going to Mandalore-which he always thought of now as back back to Mandalore, even though he'd never been there-and he was going to be a proper father to his son. to Mandalore, even though he'd never been there-and he was going to be a proper father to his son.

Darman wanted to stay at Kyrimorut, but it was obvious that it was going to be a more dangerous world now that the Empire had dug in there. It was no place to raise a kid who was half Jedi.

Darman now knew firsthand what would happen to Kad if the Empire's dark side spooks got a whiff of him. Roly Melusar was a great guy who knew exactly what needed doing, but Darman couldn't wait that long for the revolution.

Got to do it yourself.

He was going back to Mandalore to take his son, and then get away somewhere that nobody could find them. He was a commando; he was great at extractions, and if he wanted not to be found, he was pretty good at that, too.

Sorry, Kal'buir Kal'buir , but you've got too much on your plate at the moment. I missed the , but you've got too much on your plate at the moment. I missed the first eighteen months of Kad's life because nobody even told me he was mine. first eighteen months of Kad's life because nobody even told me he was mine.

Darman had it all planned now. He didn't even have to sneak out of the barracks. He'd been tasked to find Altis, and Melusar had no idea how easy that was going to be for him.

"Dar, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Keep your hair on."

He turned off the spray and toweled himself dry. Niner gave him a worried look and dropped his voice to a whisper.

"Dar, you need to stop worrying about the Jedi. Kal's on the case. He'd gut anyone who so much as looked at Kad the wrong way."

"I know."

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. Let's go see Holy Roly. I've had an idea."


"Bet you I can persuade him to let us carry out an op on Mandalore."

Niner just stared as if he was checking Darman's eyes for signs of madness. Darman found it hard to be anything less than totally honest with his brother, but Niner was a worry-guts, and what he didn't know couldn't hurt him. If Darman leveled with him completely about what he had in mind, then he knew what would happen; Niner would try to stop him. He'd do it out of love, but he'd get it all wrong. He just didn't understand how much having a kid changed everything.

It was okay to keep a few cards up your sleeve if it saved your brother from harm.

Niner had kept things from him for exactly the same reason.

"That's your desertion plan?" Niner said at last. He whispered so quietly that Darman could just about see his lips move. Maybe they should have switched to Mando'a Mando'a-but too many of the Kamino commandos would understand that, too. "Just stroll out with an Imperial vessel and a full fuel tank?"

"That's about it."

"What about Rede? Or have you got a plan for convincing the CO it just needs us?"

Darman was pretty sure he could do that, too. He pulled on his fatigues. "Let's go see."

"If we end up taking him," Niner said, "then we better be clear what's going to happen to him when he works out we're doing a runner. He won't want to desert."

"He's a blank sheet. He'll respond to a sensible argument."

"No, he's not a blank sheet blank sheet. He might be a Spaarti job, but he's a man like us. You've seen how fast he learns. What if he really objects? What if he turns us in?"

"Then I'll do what I have have to do." to do."

Niner's face fell. He never did like that kind of dilemma. He tied himself up in ethical knots about duty, and he found the really dirty work-turning on his own kind-one step too far. Darman didn't want to harm a brother, but he'd shot two covert ops troopers because it was a matter of them or him, and Darman was trained to survive at any cost.

I've got a son to worry about now. I'd shoot the whole Imperial Army if I had to.

"There'll be a better way," Niner said.

"Well, you think about that, and I'll work on Roly."

It never occurred to Darman that Melusar might have gone home at this time of night.

And he hadn't. He was still sitting in his office, poring over intelligence reports. The man had a mission, a quest, and at its heart it was about family-a family that had been taken from him. Darman understood that perfectly.

Is he married? Has he got kids? Or can't he face that until he avenges his father?

Darman didn't ask. He rapped on the door frame, Niner fidgeting behind him, and waited.


"Got five minutes, sir?"


Darman waited for the doors to close behind them and stood in front of Melusar's desk. Whatever he said next, he would be dragging Niner behind him. He had to be sure it was worth that risk.

How can I lie to Melusar, after all he's been through?

"I think I can find you Altis and his people, sir," Darman said. "In fact, I'm sure I can.

Niner and I just need to find some old intel contacts."

He didn't look at Niner. He didn't need to. He knew his brother's pulse rate had just gone through the roof.

Melusar nodded. "Go on."

"We need to go to Mandalore."

Melusar looked slightly puzzled. "Very well. Is there anything special you need from me?"

Darman had been expecting to argue his case for being let off the leash. The new army wasn't like the old GAR. He was taken aback. This This was how much faith the commander put in them. was how much faith the commander put in them.

I can't betray this guy. It's not right. But I have to get my son to somewhere safe.

"Just your permission, sir," Darman said.

"You have it. Tell me what you need and I'll make sure it gets supplied without any awkward questions." Melusar pulled out a datapad and tapped it. "Are you planning to take Rede? Might be easier than leaving him here to speculate."

It sounded like an order. Darman wasn't going to push his luck and make an excuse for refusing. And Melusar had a point. Rede would ask questions, and the last thing anyone wanted was for other commandos to realize that Squad 40 was off the roster for unexplained reasons.

"It'll be good for him, sir," Niner said. "I'll make sure he doesn't get into any scrapes."

Niner turned to leave, but Melusar beckoned Darman back.

"Whatever the Jedi did to you, Darman, remember what they say about a dish best served cold." He gave Darman that look-head slightly tilted, eyebrows raised, chin down-that said he'd thrown his lot in with his troops, 100 percent. "Vengeance makes you take crazy risks. I know know. Remember- cold cold."

Darman felt the guilt starting to eat him alive. "Got it, sir."

He didn't say a word to Niner until they got back to their quarters. He checked that Rede was snoring like a vibrosaw before he even risked a whispered conversation at the far end of the room.

"I know it's no different from what we planned to do before," Niner said. "But I feel rotten lying to Holy Roly. And Rede."

"I'm not lying," Darman said. "I'm going to give Melusar all the Jedi he wants."

Yes, Darman would. And if that didn't fit with Jaing's plans for finding some Jedi an escape route-it was too bad.

His son came first.