This caused the bandit warrior to narrow his eyes slightly before shouting towards the forest, "It's fine that you are targeting us since we are bandits, but we don't even know who you are so why not even the playing field a bit, mysterious stranger." While the bandit warrior said this, he made eye contact with a few of the able-bodied bandits around him, hinting for them to keep their eyes and ears peeled.
A moment of silence followed the bandit warrior's words before they heard Kirou's words once more, "Now this is curious. I would have thought that the archer who informed you of me defeating that other party from earlier would immediately recognize my voice. Since it seems like he didn't, allow me to introduce myself. I am the werewolf that was minding my own business, searching for some monsters to hunt when that advance party belonging to your small village found me and demanded that I drop all my equipment before I scram. When I asked what the consequences would be if I didn't comply, they immediately launched their attacks on me and I'm sure you can figure out the rest." While saying this, Kirou's voice was laced with a bit of mirth, which wasn't lost on the ones listening to him.
The bandit warrior immediately turned towards the same bandit archer mentioned, who gave the bandit warrior a nod, confirming Kirou's words. This caused the bandit warrior to release a deep breath. It seems that their years of robbing others have come back to bite them since their usual actions have now put such a dangerous person on their tail. That said, the bandit warrior wasn't about to take this lying down as this wasn't the first time something similar had taken place. For now, he would stall for a bit while the few injured managed to recover.
As if seeing through the bandit warrior's plan, Kirou's voice sounded once more, "Anyways, now that I have explained myself, I think it's about time I reap those lives and move on from this area. I've got a busy schedule after all and there's just not enough time to deal with all of you today. Who knows?, Maybe I'll come back for you guys within the future."
Sensing that Kirou was about to make his move, the bandit warrior immediately shouted at the top of his lungs, "WAIT!!!"
Following that shout, the area experienced another bout of silence. Not knowing if the mysterious person was humoring him or just selecting a target quietly, the bandit warrior was about to speak when a voice entered his ears, "I'm listening. And this better be good, or I'll start with the people closest to your current position."
From the iciness in the voice, the bandit warrior could tell that Kirou was serious about his threat, especially since the area was now shrouded in a bit of killing intent. Clearing his throat, the bandit warrior spoke up, "Is it possible for me to trade the lives of the people you want to kill with information on where to find monsters within a few kilometers of this area."
The area went silent for a bit before a voice was heard, "And why should I trade away the lives of people I can take with ease at the moment for information on monster locations that may or may not be true? By the time I go to check them out, you and your men would have long since barricaded yourselves within that small village of yours, knowing full well I won't be able to launch a siege on you for long since I've already stated that I have a busy schedule. Do I sound like a fool to you, Axe Warrior?" Although the words came out in a calm tone, the bandit warrior, along with everyone else in the area, could hear the underlying iciness within those words.
The bandit warrior clicked his tongue as that was what he had originally planned to do. Now that such a move was no longer possible, he was prepared to do something crazy and have his group rush back to the village while he attempts to block the mysterious person targeting his group. This plan fell through, however, when he noticed that on quite a few of his subordinates necks, there was this faintly visible line of wire wrapped around each of their necks. This prompted the bandit warrior to immediately check his, not finding anything, which made his mood worsen as he could see that such a situation was constant for all of the weaker and injured members of the squad. Though he had no idea how or when they had appeared, he knew that their presence was anything but good.
The rest of the squad had no idea of this and the bandit warrior didn't notice that the only reason he could see them was due to Kirou's manipulations. Seeing that he was now aware of them, Kirou's voice sounded in the group's ears once more, "Now tell me, Axe Warrior. Why should I give up so many lives already in the palm of my hands for information that may or may not be true." This time, instead of the iciness from before, everyone could hear the mirth in Kirou's voice.
While the rest had no idea why the sudden change took place, the bandit warrior's pupils contracted slightly. This threat was clearly aimed at him. Gritting his teeth, the bandit warrior spoke up with a hint of reluctance in his voice, "I'm willing to trade information on monsters than recently moved into the area and swear upon my life with the u003cBlood Oathu003e about its authenticity, so long as you don't take the lives of my people."
Upon hearing this, the group of bandits was visibly shocked. They had no idea what the bandit warrior had noticed for him to be willing to make such a trade while under such a poisonous oath in exchange for their lives. Kirou, on his end, had no idea what a blood oath was, but judging by the group's reactions, he could tell it wasn't something simple. Just as Kirou was contemplating this, he received a message from the system.
[System: A u003cBlood Oathu003e is a sacred vow that uses a person's life as a guarantee. Should the person who initiates the oath lie about the contents of the oath or break the oath after making it, they will be struck down by a blood-red lightning bolt from the heavens, turning them to ash instantly. Due to this very condition, individuals would usually shy away from making such an oath when dealing with strangers as it limits their actions under the conditions of the oath while the stranger is free of any such restriction.]
Looking at the timely message from the system, Kirou now understood the implications of the blood oath. If he was being honest, this truly was a poisonous oath as it truly screws over the person making it. If said person was dealing with someone evil, making such an oath is the equivalent of forfeiting his or her life on the spot. Kirou could only shake his head at this thought as strange memories of his past once more resurfaced within his mind.
Shaking his head free of the past memories, Kirou's voice sounded once more, "As long as you are willing to make such an oath, along with leaving that archer to be my guide, I'm willing to allow you to leave with the remainder of your people."
Hearing up to there, the bandit warrior could only grit his teeth while giving the coordinates for the various new monster habitats that have been formed recently. Kirou listened to the end while watching as a few locations started being highlighted on his map. It was a total of five, giving Kirou quite a few options on where he should go after leaving this area to finish his quest. After the bandit warrior was done, he spoke up, "That's all that I know, stranger. I swear upon my blood and my life that this information is the truth."
After saying that, Kirou noticed a ring of red light appear around the body of the bandit warrior that quickly flashed a few times before fading away. Kirou took that to be the sign of the u003cBlood Oathu003e activating successfully. The fact that no red lightning bolt has struck him after a few seconds probably guarantees the authenticity of the information but Kirou wasn't gonna let them off so easily after they targeted him.
With the oath already done and in effect, Kirou made his wires visible for all to see, prompting the group to visibly pale at the sight of them. It was only now that the bandit warrior truly understood how dangerous of a situation he and his men were in. Visible to all present, there were, at least, three wires dedicated to each person in the group. As for those above level 30 like the bandit warrior himself, they each had ten wires dedicated to them at various parts of their bodies in places they wouldn't notice with just a casual check.
With all the new information brought to light, all the bandits in the group turned towards the bandit warrior in unison before shouting "Thank you, Boss" before they started leaving. Kirou no longer paid them any attention as the area now only had just the archer from earlier who was still pale and the bandit warrior doing his best to calm his breathing from the shock he had just received. While they were behaving like this, a figure gradually appeared from the treeline and approached the duo. Taking a look, the archer could let out a small voice, confirming to the bandit warrior that this was the werewolf that his party had run into earlier and got decimated by.
Kirou took a closer look at both the archer and bandit warrior while they did the same to him. This stalemate went on for a few moments before the bandit warrior spoke up, "How can I be sure that you won't go back on your word and attack my village after reaping the benefits of those areas?" The bandit warrior knew that asking such a question after the blood oath had already been made was quite pointless but he wanted to know the answer regardless. He wanted to have a bit of peace of mind on that subject. If Kirou's answer didn't satisfy him, however, he wouldn't mind risking his life in killing the figure before him at the moment.
Kirou could tell a bit of what the bandit warrior was thinking so he spoke up in a casual yet dismissive tone, "You don't know. You'll only have to believe that I'm a man of my word. Besides, I'm sure your a.s.sociate here has already informed you that it was your men that struct first which led to their demise. Whether or not you believe the same situation can happen to you is your problem."
Kirou's face then adopted a cold visage as his eyes turned frosty as he spoke to the bandit warrior, "Just know that if you lie, regardless of whether you die to the blood oath or not, not only will I kill the archer, I will be sure to wipe out your entire village next. Do I make myself clear?" As Kirou spoke, there was a hint of his concentrated killing intent leaking out of his body that made the entire area somewhat heavy.
The bandit warrior had, at some point, taken a step back unknowingly while the bandit archer was showing signs that he was unable to breathe. He looked at Kirou with a solemn expression, quite contradictory when you notice that he was ten levels higher than Kirou, before speaking, "I understand, stranger. I'll believe you just this once then."
Kirou eased up on his killing intention, allowing the bandit archer to regain his breath before turning towards him as he spoke, "Head to the clearing in which you and your group ambushed me. I'll be waiting. If you aren't there in ten minutes, I'll take it that you are going back on your word and I'll start making preparations to raise that village of yours to the ground."
While the bandit archer was confused, he wasted no time in rus.h.i.+ng towards the former clearing. As for the bandit warrior, he was staring a Kirou with an incredulous gaze. From what Kirou just said, the bandit warrior figured something out and was feeling dread while staring at Kirou's form. After a few seconds, the bandit warrior adopted a wry smile before speaking, "It seems that even with me making the blood oath, you still never lowered your guard even the slightest. You truly are a scary person, stranger."
A causal smile formed on Kirou's face as he responded, "That oath only bind you, not your men. I'd be a fool if I truly believed the words of a bandit at face value. This way, we each know the kind of person we are dealing with, Axe Warrior."
At those words, the bandit warrior adopted a casual expression of his own as he spoke, "It seems my men were truly blind to pick a fight with you. How could they challenge someone who was even more of a bandit than them and expect to live?" At this point, the bandit warrior released a sigh before asking, "What should I call you, stranger. I'd like to know the name of the person who'll be visiting my village in the future so that I can prevent another incident like this from happening."
Kirou looked at the bandit warrior with slightly narrowed eyes before shrugging it off as he spoke, "My name is Kirou. What should I call you, Axe Warrior?"
"The name's Jackson. Be sure to mention that name when you return to avoid such a situation. I don't want any more of my men dying because they are blind.," said the bandit warrior now Identified as Jackson.
"No promises, Jackson. Anyways, that will have to wait until after I take care of my business. Until next time." Following those words, Kirou's figure dissipated into shadows, signifying that it was just a shadow clone speaking to bandit warrior Jackson.
Jackson looked at the spot where Kirou's shadow clone just stood before releasing another sigh. It seems that his merry village had just escaped a tragedy, albeit barely, at the hands of that strange werewolf. For now, he would inform his men to keep an eye out for him in the future. Now though, he had to head back to the village and deal with the injured.
As he started moving, Jackson had thought to himself, 'I hope that werewolf's business isn't something that can be completed anytime soon and takes him far away from this continent. As he is now, I'm not positive I would be able to kill him outright and I get the feeling that the next time I meet him, his strength will have increased by great bounds.'
With those thoughts in mind, Jackson started praying to whatever G.o.ds would listen, hoping to never see that strange werewolf again.