Translator: Latte Editor: Sasha
Thats right, Anna nodded.
Peaches were sweet and delicious, but they had no magic powers in them whatsoever.
Madame, have you seen the dukes spirit?
I have. Would you like to know more about it? Elody asked, smiling.
Really? They say that its wings are bigger than a humans! Im dying from curiosity!
Elody wondered if she had heard those stories from the knights, for what Anna knew was only Ifrits adult form.
Well Ill just say that its fur is red.
Upon hearing Elodys short answer, Anna became even more curious.
After Cavilles return, all the servants became curious when they had heard that he could control the Spirit of Fire. However, they had never seen it before. So, they wondered if there were some sort of circumstances that made it difficult for people to look at the spirit.
Upon hearing the stories, the knights said that they had seen nothing of the spirit until the time when the territory of Urta had been defeated.
Elody also saw it for a while, and when she did, it was in the form of an adorable puppy, not its adult form. And Caville wasnt particularly happy when Elody and the spirit met. She thought that he was probably a bit possessive towards Ifrit.
Elody was a little disappointed by Cavilles attitude, but she chose to stay quiet.
Im going to tell this to Sir Byron. Ill be back, madame!
Yes. Oh, and can you check up on the knights while youre there?
Yes, Madame! Anna nodded and left the lab.
* * *
Just as Elody was worried about Heinz, Heinz had Elody in his mind as well.
Urgh, so annoying
Heinz was in great distress. He felt very strange.
He didnt know why but he kept feeling very sorry for the duchess.
The more he thought about it, the sillier he felt.
Me? Feel sorry for that woman?
Princess Larissa had been trapped in a dungeon after being kidnapped by Urta. She was more deserving of his sympathy.
But Princess Larissa isnt terminally ill
Princess Larissa only had good things in her future, along with the duke.
On the other hand the duchess fate was death and misery.
Heinz remembered how painful it had been for his sister
He sighed.
The other soldiers who stood by him started chattering with one another.
Hey, dont you think that the duchess is behaving a bit odd these days?
The duchess? Why do you say that?
Well, the servants kept visiting us, and every time, they would ask if were comfortable with the place or if we had any complaints. I wondered why they were being so kind, so I asked them. Do you know what they told me?
What? That it was all because of the duchess?
Yes! The duchess ordered them to take care of us!
Really? Us? What is that wicked woman planning?
Wicked woman? How dare this bastard talk so carelessly
Heinz was strangely upset by his subordinates words, but he himself did not understand why they felt offensive to him.
Ah, why should this be irritating me? Goddamnit. Its just a woman!
But she honestly wasnt that bad.
The letters she sent to the duke during the war
The rumors claimed that the letters had been intercepted from the temple. It was difficult to confirm if it was true or not, so Heinz thought of it as a lie. However, it no longer seemed like one. Instead, Heinz believed that it was now a fact.
And he began to think of reasons as to why everyone in the mansion adored the duchess so much.
He was going insane.
Heinz was too embarrassed and found it quite the feat to change his mind so abruptly. Now he wanted to defend her and makeup excuses for her.
It was ironic. He was now contemplating on whether he should support the duchess when he had no compassion for her at the start.
But whenever he saw her. She reminded him of his sister, who died a tragic death.
Heinz felt as if a heavy burden had been placed on his chest.
How did she get sick?
Argh! This angers me so badly!
Whats wrong, captain?
Shut up! Dont talk to me! Heinz glowered, making his way among his men and marching away from the training grounds.
* * *
Just as Elody was busy, Caville also had a full agenda.
In the morning, he had to check the security of the territory and went on his training with the knights.
Then, in the afternoon, he had to perform his duties as the lord of the land.
I thought my wife would stay by my side
But Elody said she was busy with her research, so she couldnt accompany him most of the time.
Either way, Caville couldnt complain as the relationship between the two had recovered.
His wife had been very sweet to him and treated him with the utmost kindness.
These were peaceful days
It was good that she treated him like when he was a child, but he still wasnt satisfied for some reason.
While reviewing some documents, Caville recalled one of Ifrits words.
I know I told you to pretend to be weak but why are you acting like a child?! Are you mad?!
Tsk! You were the one who mentioned it first. And isnt my relationship with her better now?!
Argh seriously, you idiot you dont have a single clue about stuff like this, dont you?! I told you, a husband shouldnt be cute and childish!
It was the same conversation as before.
Then what?
You cant end up looking cute! How old do you think you are?! Ten? You have to show her a different image of yourself!
Well, what kind of image?! Caville asked aggressively.
You have to be masculine! You arent as adorable as when you were a kid. You know that, right?!
Ifrit had suggested he show his abs before, but it had failed miserably. Ever since that day, Caville kept staring in the mirror with sadness.
Im not adorable.
He thought about it and got frustrated each time.
He knew he was attractive, but he wasnt adorable. It was depressing, but he had to admit it somehow.
Caville wondered about what he should do. How could he become more special to her?
He thought that maybe if he showed that he could manage the duchy responsibly
In fact, after seeing Cavilles efforts, Elody admired and even praised him. She was relieved that she could leave without any concerns. However, Caville did not know that.
He, on the other hand, was waiting for the guys from the Temple to come quickly.
So I can kill them all.
They must pay for taking away his wifes precious letters and medicine.
However, he could not live with the idea of doing it in front of his wife. He wouldnt go back to making that stupid mistake again.
He was thinking of letting Ifrit take care of them. After all, he did have to follow his orders for the rest of his life. Caville had put all of the necessary conditions in the contract he made with Ifrit. Therefore, the spirit king had no other choice than to follow his orders.
That, too, was thanks to Elodys teachings.
Caville hummed softly.
He thought of taking care of everything quickly and then going to the lab where his wife was working.
But his efforts soon turned out to be in vain.
In the afternoon, while Elody was experimenting with drugs. Caville was sitting next to her.
Suddenly, as if she would have remembered something important, Elody told him, By the way, Caville When the men from the temple come, you shouldnt take revenge or even think about hurting them, alright?
Why? He asked with a kind tone, pretending to be understanding and obedient when he was actually terrified of her discovering his plan. He was so shocked that he covered his mouth with his hands.
Elody smiled and stroked his head.
The temple is a very powerful force. It would be better if you ask for compensation instead. If you take revenge on them physically, then they will not remain still.
I want our territory to be in peace, Caville.
That was something Caville agreed with.
Ill try to figure something out, okay?
Yes, wife, He nodded quietly.
Elody was a good person, but she wasnt the type to let it go. She was also thinking about how to get her revenge. Sometimes, she would even plot things worse than death.
Oh, but you mustnt let the temple control you. You know that, right?
I know.
The temple wanted to use the power of Cavilles spirit. Thus they spread rumors saying that he was the son of God. When in truth, they were just using Caville as a political tool for their own benefits.
If he had to choose, the imperial family would be a better choice because the temple guys were even more twisted than the emperor himself.
And when the princess arrives, you have to be kind to her
Elody somehow learned the story of Princess Larissa and her interest in winning Cavilles heart.
After Cavilles return, Elody had never brought up the topic of Princess Larissa.
She didnt dare to talk about her because she was not ready to accept it.
However, she couldnt ignore this for any longer as she would have to leave soon.
But to her surprise, Cavilles reaction was cold.
And so, Elody decided to ask him again, About Princess Larissa they said that she has beautiful silver hair, right?
Caville was silent.
After a few moments of silence, he spoke, Wife.
I dont want to talk about her when Im with you.
Uh ah, yeah, I see, Elody nodded, embarrassed.
She couldnt even will herself to ask more about it as his response was frigid.
Caville knew well that the emperor wanted the princess to marry him. Even Brien mentioned it to him.
However, Caville was offended and upset. He was already married. He didnt understand why they were trying to separate him from his wife.
Caville would never tolerate them. Anyone who tried to separate him from her should die by his own hands. Even if his wife asked him not to do it, he would get rid of them all.
Maybe after that, his wife would be permanently uncomfortable with him, but it was way better than being separated from her for life.
The thought of never seeing her again
Brought him so much fear.
No one had any idea how difficult those seven years had been. He didnt want to go through that hell again. Those painful memories were like horrible books; one he left on the shelf to gather dust.
And when he saw her again, he finally had the chance to make new memories. Divorce was certainly not on his agenda.
Elody glanced at Caville while shaking the solution inside the flask. She still didnt understand why he reacted so coldly when she brought up the princess.
Has he not fallen in love with the princess?
Given that the war ended in seven years, it was not without the possibility. Otherwise, he would have already admired the princess so much that he wouldnt want to part with her.
Elody went on with her experiments for a long time whilst Caville kept staring at her.
Thus, a month passed by
And one day, a group of people arrived in the duchy
Princess Larissa from the Empire of Dayev was finally here.