Translator: Latte Editor: Sasha
Elody wore a puzzled expression.
I used to hold your hand every day. Why cant I do it now?
Cavilles voice sounded more hurt than anything else.
Elody didnt know what to say. Her mind was still surging through perplexity.
If the relationship between a man and a woman was that of a brother and a sister, it would clearly be natural for them to bond through physical contact.
However, these two had been separated for seven years.
Elody didnt change much, but Caville had grown from a young boy, who was literally smaller than his peers, to a man who was much larger than others his age.
They should naturally feel awkward about being intimate with each other, but Caville didnt seem to understand that at all.
This How should I explain it?
How should she educate his naive self?
Caville had never received sex education.
Stuff like this should be done with a lover. He should be doing it with the princess.
But she couldnt just say it nonchalantly
Elody sighed.
She was troubled. Not just because of this, but because of her stolen supplies and letters too.
But for now, she had to appease Caville first.
Its not like that, Caville. I just feel a little awkward sometimes.
Come on, lets hold hands again.
As Elody reached out her hand, Caville held it back.
Lets look into the issue of the letters later. For now, follow me.
Elody dragged Caville to the lab next door.
She was upset to hear that he had never eaten the red ginseng. She had worked so hard to make it for him, but it was stolen by someone else.
Elody handed him the red ginseng, or better known as red pill, to Caville.
Now, try this.
What is this, wife?
Its good medicine for your body.
Caville chewed and swallowed it without hesitation. However, he immediately crumpled his eyebrows.
Is it really that bitter?
Hes still such a child, Elody thought.
Although his build was huge, he was still childish. Elody couldnt help but smile at his cute reactions. She would actually feel a bit sad if his attitude had changed.
She thought that both his body and mind had matured, but it seemed that only his physical appearance had grown.
Caville still thought of himself as the same friendly kid when he was young, so his feelings were hurt when Elody avoided him.
Here. Eat this, too.
Elody took out another ginseng. It had better quality and was sliced and marinated in honey.
Come, try it.
As Caville opened his mouth, Elody laughed when she recalled memories of her feeding him.
Wife, wont this taste bitter too?
Of course not, it will only taste like honey.
Caville frowned. He was so cute that Elody began to laugh out loud.
Seeing her laugh made Caville smile too.
However, their fun time together didnt last for long.
Madame! Marie called.
After she saw the two, she immediately bowed her head.
Whats up?
Its urgent, Madame. A letter came from the Temple. And Mr. Sirka is here.
Really? What does the Temple want?
Im sure the Temple was the one to steal our letters. Caville grunted, his jaw tightened and his eyes flashed a warning.
Elody glanced at him. His beautiful smile had disappeared without a trace.
Oh, uh I guess thats to be expected.
Lets go there together.
Caville reached out his hand, and Elody grabbed it while trembling.
It was the same Caville, but she still felt a sense of unfamiliarity when she was with him.
How strange
* * *
As she gazed at the backs of the two holding hands together, Marie held back her tears.
She felt so betrayed by Brien. She had punched him in the nose, but she still thought that it wasnt enough.
Of course, as Brien had said, the two were like siblings.
However, they were married, and they had a strong relationship.
Elody was kind and beautiful, and her husband grew up so nicely, and even better than the servants expected. Everyone should feel grateful and proud for them.
The only thing left is for the madame to be happy
Her heart ached with unbearable pain, for the madames time left was short
Marie quietly wiped her nose and followed the two.
* * *
As soon as Elody returned to the office with Caville, she checked the letter.
This is ridiculous. What kind of bullshit Elody cursed as she read the outrageous letter from the Temple.
The Temple of Thysser, who worshipped Tvekra, had built temples all over the west continent.
There was also a temple in the Duchy of Cernoir. However, no priests were dispatched. So the temple was empty.
There were a lot of priests when the former duke reigned the land. But as soon as Caville succeeded the sovereign, the priests left.
This was what the letter said.
They would send the commander of the paladins all together with the cardinal to the Duchy of Cernoir
And it said that they would visit the mansion to greet him.
They obviously had more intentions than to just simply visit the estate.
The Temple of Thysser wanted to make Caville the war hero in their stead.
It was preposterous
Elodys expression sank after reading the last line.
It said that Princess Larisa of the Dayev Empire would also come with them.
Of course, she will.
Elody hesitated and gnawed on her lower lip.
She knew at first glance that the emperor wanted to marry Caville with his niece, Princess Larissa.
The reason was also obvious. He wanted to keep the Temple in check.
Elody pitied Caville, whom everyone tried to use.
But everything should be fine since the princess is there.
In the novel, the two were really inseparable.
They were destined to be with each other.
Elody and Caville werent exactly married anyway.
Aristocrats marriage was only valid when the documents were issued by the Temple.
If for instance, the couple were married as children, they had to get the Temples approval again after the two had become adults.
The divorce process was a bit tricky if the temple had approved it a second time, but not if it was only once.
When will he divorce me?
Elody stared at Caville.
Maybe after the princess arrives?
Elody was curious about their relationship, but she didnt ask.
Elody thought of Caville standing side by side with the princess. Someone who was as beautiful as a painting.
She should feel happy for them.
In the eyes of others, they were indeed a perfect couple.
It took about two months to get to the Duchy of Cernoir from the capital.
However, the letter said that they would stop by a temple in another province along the way.
So maybe about four months?
Her heart twisted and sunk with nerves when reading the letter, but she couldnt explain the weird feelings in her heart.
It was strange indeed
Elody peeked a glance at Caville.
As he read the letter with an expressionless face, a knock could be heard throughout the room.
Come in. Elody said before Sirka came out from behind the door.
Oh? My! Who is this? Sirka said, his eyes expressing delight.
Sirka happily approached Caville. However, Cavilles expression was sour.
Is that you, Your Grace? Ive heard about your return Wow, puberty hit you real good!
Yes. Caville shortly replied.
The atmosphere was chilly, but Sirka didnt mind it.
He just shrugged and proceeded to talk to Elody.
Madame, about the letters you asked before It was true that the Temple was behind it. I dont know about other peoples letters, but yours were delivered there.
I just heard the news. Then the Temple mustve taken all of my magic pills.
Yes, and since they are already distributed on the market, theres no risk of leakage, but.
Elody knew that she had been under the temples surveillance for years, but they had always been quiet. So Elody concluded that they would do nothing to her.
Sadly, she turned out wrong.
Wife, what do you mean? Caville asked with a gentle tone.
Its true. Theyve been keeping me in check ever since I developed and distributed the magic pills.
I see.
Cavilles gaze turned to the letter.
Even after the war was over, their time together just had to be interrupted by the temple.
Elody sighed before asking Sirka, Is that the only reason for your visit?
No, Ive also brought the bill.
Ah, is that so?
Yes, and oh! Ive also looked into the building you asked for. Its a perfect site for the greenhouse.
Elody glanced at Caville.
She had requested Sirka to look for a new residence after the divorce.
Caville stared at Elody with a puzzled look.
We are planning to make more g-greenhouses, Elody mumbled.
Then, she made a couple more excuses and took the documents from Sirka. Afterwards, she escaped by saying she needed to go to her study for a while.
And after Elody left, Caville observed Sirka from head to toe.
Nervous, Sirka glanced at Caville.
He was so cute when he was young
Now, he wasnt as cute as back then.
He looked terrifying.
Plus, Caville was possessive. Sirka still remembered the time when Caville got jealous at him for shaking Elodys hands.
Well, how have you been? I heard that you made a great contribution in the war. Thats amazing, Sirka spoke awkwardly.
Unfortunately, Caville only stared at him without an answer.
He didnt like him for some reason.
Yes, long time no see.
His answer was as cold as ice.
Caville looked sternly at him and an expression of hostility suddenly came over his face.
It was completely different from when Elody was here!
Is it just me, or did his tone drastically change?
Sirka wiped off the cold sweat that had started to appear on his forehead.
Madame When will you come back? How could you leave me alone with him?