Translator: Latte
Caville grabbed a small wooden sword, he shifted his gaze towards Elody. She could see his anxiety showing through his trembling hands. To reassure him, Elody would occasionally wave her hand and give him a comforting smile.
While Caville continued with his training, Elody spent her time reading books about magic pills that the maids brought from the library.
Its surprisingly not difficult to make magic pills. In fact, she was capable of comprehending the contents without complication.
Perhaps, it was all due to Elodys innate intelligence.
She closed my eyes and tried to recall the procedure of creating magic pills. She brushed through the list of ingredients and procedures.
The key to making magic pills is the amount of mana. It is essential to inject the precise proportion of mana into the pills. Not to mention, the quality of mana is also very important.
Fortunately, Elodys born with the power to manipulate the earth and wind mana. It is the perfect setup. Alas, she was destined to be a villainess with a horrifying end. Regardless, its still a useful ability, so she could consider it as a gain for her.
Now the real problem is the ingredients. she needed numerous kinds of herbs and berries.
The seeds can be formed with magic, but where will she be able to grow them?
I wish there is a greenhouse near the mansion.
Truth to be told, the dukes mansion does have a greenhouse, but it has been a long time since anyone has utilized it.
It would require a huge amount of funds to repair the greenhouse. Itd be great if she could expand the size as well.
I have to take some of the savings in the vault.
It originally belonged to Caville, but
Ill sell tons of medicine and repay him later.
(Elody continues to watch Cavilles training session.)
After much deliberation, Elody set her gaze back to Cavilles little figure.
Caville was a knight who was known for his swordsmanship skills, he was brilliant enough to make a big impact in the war.
It was described in the novel that Caville was unbeatable in a fight.
He was astounding, either his power or skills, both are formidable. Nevertheless, the Caville in front of her was nothing but a child.
I cant believe hes growing up so fast.
Tears welled up in Elodys eyes when the realizations hit her.
Huh? But Isnt the training too hard?
Today was his first lesson.
So, of course, he should be learning the basics, like the swordsmans stance and how to properly wield a sword.
But how come hes already learning how to spar?
Somehow, Sir Vedos class seemed to be different from the usual swordsmanship class.
Stand up, my lord.
Brien Vedos was very strict and cold-hearted. Even when Caville had fallen to the ground numerous times, he wouldnt reach out his hand to him. Instead, Caville had to get back up on his own.
Caville raised himself slowly, tears welling up in his eyes.
Seeing Cavilles pitiful face, Elody clenched her fist, trying to stop herself from running up to him.
Its nice to watch my boy grow up but still! Hes crying!
Elody glared at the harsh instructor, but he didnt heed Elodys silent protest. He went on with his lessons regardless of the piercing glare.
Caville fell a few more times, and a while later, dirt smeared all over his body.
His clean crisp attire had become an unrecognizable dirty rug.
Halfway through the lesson, Caville looked to where Elody was.
When I saw his anxious eyes, my heart ached, yet I didnt step forward and kept enduring the upsetting scene.
You have to grip the neck of the sword. Now, once more!
Brien pointed the old wooden sword at Caville whos fallen again.
As time went on, Cavilles expression began to crumble.
What are you crying for. Brien muttered with discontent.
Elody jumped up from her seat.
I cant stand it anymore!
Sir Vedos!
Brien finally shifted his cold gaze to Elody.
Unlike her initial composure, all the maturity in her face had vanished and morphed into an angry expression.
I told you before. Caville is afraid of adults! Why would you point your sword towards his neck like that? Dont you know how scary it is for a traumatized child to be held at gunpoint?
I didnt hit him.
Threatening him is the same as hitting him! I order you to train Caville with care until he gets used to it! It is still the first lesson!
I understand.
Brien Vedos scratched his head due to the troublesome demand.
He felt odd because his usual training method was through strict and demanding practices.
It was also the first time hes ever been scolded by such a young girl.
But as Elody said, the student was an abused child and had struggled with trauma.
Brien had no experience of meeting abusive adults when he was young. In fact, he had never been afraid of them. So it was understandable that he could not empathize with Cavilles pain.
Even so, there was nothing wrong with Elodys words.
It would be more efficient to teach with moderation until Cavilles able to adjust himself.
Caville was such a difficult student that Brien had to reconsider his teaching method.
Even so, Brien had fun teaching him.
Cavilles eyes were full of fear and he always looked as if he was on the verge of crying.
In the eyes of others, he wouldve been deemed as a coward. But Brien knew he was far from a coward.
Brien could see that underneath his fears, he would instinctively look for the opponents weaknesses. It felt as if he was looking at an inexperienced young cub thatll grow into a monstrous beast.
It sent a chill down his spine when Caville gave him such a menacing look. It was his first time to experience such feelings.
Brien expected the upcoming training to be interesting.
Oh, dear Lord! His knees are bruised!
If only it werent for that overprotective-parent-like duchess.
Elody rushed towards Caville who had fallen to the ground. Caville unwittingly stretched his arm around Elodys neck.
Ah, Im tearing up again.
As Elody hugged Cavilles small figure, the dark clouds that had been accumulating in the sky, slowly started to create pitter-patter raindrops around their figures.
Thank you, Sir Vedos. Its raining, so lets call it a day.
yes, madame.
Get on my back, Caville.
Elody headed to the castle with small Caville lying on her similarly small back. Brien could only look at both of the figures dumbfounded.
* * *
Elody hurriedly headed to the bathroom where the maid had prepared warm water. Then she stripped Caville of his garments.
Caville was still afraid of adults, so she washed him herself.
Even though he has been well fed, his figure was still scrawny and frail. He looked as if he were only about four or five years old.
Is the water too hot?
Caville shook his head silently.
She saw deep cuts as she scrubbed his back gently with a soft sponge.
The first time Elody washed Caville, she was shocked to find countless wounds marring his body
The director of the orphanage often locked up the children in a room and abused them.
Recalling the odious man, she swore to avenge Cavilles wounds.
She gritted her teeth. She used to have similar scars across her body.
Count McClaire, Elodys father, was a violent man. Whenever he was in a bad mood, he would beat up his wife and children, creating scars on Elodys body.
The marks on his thigh looked the same as hers.
Caville, do your knees hurt a lot?
Cavilles eyes welled up again as he recalled what had happened earlier, yet he didnt let his tears fall.
Now that I closely observed him, he doesnt cry that often.
It was admirable to see him trying to contain his tears.
Suddenly, an awful thought crossed my mind.
Caville, did the orphanages director and his friends scold you if you cried?
Caville nodded slowly, affirming her suspicion.
She felt sorry for him. It may be commendable to see a child holding back his tears. But to force someone to stop crying is just inhumane and wicked.
Suppressing ones emotions does not eliminate them, rather, it makes it more difficult for the person to manage their feelings when other challenging situations may occur in the future. Worse-case scenario, the pent-up feelings could manifest into escapist behavior and give rise to physical and mental illnesses.
Caville, you dont have to hold back your tears.
You can cry. Theres no one here that will scold you.
Of course, I may scold you sometimes but I wont force you to stop crying.
Yes! Ill listen to you, wife.
Then you have to keep your promise.
Elody continued to scrub Cavilles body with care.
Honestly, she could ask for the maids assistance, but shed rather wash him herself.
She didnt want anyone to find out about the bruises on his poor body.
After the bath, Elody clothed herself with silk garments.
She left the bathroom and saw Caville, he was dozing off in front of the warm fireplace and his head fell to the side every once and then.
She laid out a blanket and wrapped it around him.
Feeling the soft blanket wrapping him, Cavill woke up. He looked up to me with his eyes wide open, blinking, trying to rid his sleepiness away.
Caville, come, sit here. Ive told the maids to bring you some vegetable soup.
Cavilles hand peeked out from the blankets. He picked up the utensil and spooned the hot vegetable soup thats been brought in by the maids. Watching him eating attentively, Elody called out to him.
Caville, when the instructor pointed his sword towards you. Were you frightened?
Yesit was scary.
Have you ever been hit before?
Yes. It hurts a lot.
Caville answered with a nod. Elody held Cavilles hand and said, The instructor wont hit Caville.
Yes. He will not hit you.
But its still scary.
Dont worry, I will never allow him to hurt you.
She clenched her fist with determination, then she looked at Caville.
Caville, you know. Those people whove been bothering you.
The adults whove hurt you, theyre worth nothing, she said firmly.
You, on the other hand, are worth more than you think. Those adults? Theyre nothing. You dont need to fear them anymore.
Still, Im scared.
Dont be. Ill make sure to punish them for all the bad deeds theyve done to you! You dont have to be scared anymore.
But what if my wife gets in trouble too?
Caville bit his lips, hating to ever imagine the chance of his abusers laying their hand on Elody. Elody, who was looking at him, chuckled because of Cavilles adorable reactions.
Elody snorted at him pretending to be tough.
Ha, come on. Dont you know how strong I am, Caville?
Yes, Ill punch them all later. Like this, look. Elody said, punching the innocent pillow beside her. Caville grinned at her remark.
She was serious though.
Someday, I will punish those people with my own hands.
A thought crossed her mind, and she quickly fetched a paper and pen from her desk.
Caville, do you remember their faces? Say whatever comes to your mind.
Caville hesitated for a moment, but he began to describe the faces of his abuser. While speaking, he seemed a little scared, but he was relieved to see Elodys relaxed expression.
Really? How big is his nose? Thick lips?
She listened to his explanation attentively and began to draw on the paper. Though she had poor drawing skills, she was still able to get a rough sketch of those guys.
The guys who dared to bully my baby Im gonna kill them all!
After finishing the soup, the two fell asleep while talking in front of the fireplace.
They couldve gone to bed, but the warmth of the fireplace was too comfortable to move away from.
The rain was sliding down the window glass. The sound of raindrops knocking on the window felt like a gentle lullaby, cradling both of them into a deep slumber.
Not long after they both fell asleep, a maid came in to pick up the dirty plates. She smiled as she saw the two children who fell asleep in front of the fireplace.
Oh, how lovely
The maid leaned carefully and carried Caville to bed.
Huh? What is this?
As she was about to carry Elody. She saw a piece of paper next to the child. It was a sloppy drawing of several individuals.
Did they draw this? Oh my god How cute.
The maid smiled lovingly and moved the children to bed.
The room was filled with the soft scent of gentle, powdery, and light fragrance.
And the paper with pictures in it was placed well inside the book.
The maid, who left the room, told her fellow maids about the lovely scene she had just seen.
Even Elodys cute drawings werent left out of her story.
Oh, drawing pictures? How cute!
Who did they draw? Did they draw the butler? Ill have to ask them to draw me, too.
Contrary to the thoughts of the maids, those drawings were actually Elodys murder list.