Translator: Latte
Have you seen the newsletter? Sirka asked.
Yes, I have, Elody replied.
I think the war is going to last for a long time.
It lasted for ten years.
Ten painful years.
Id rather not discuss this topic Lets talk about business instead, Elody said with a solemn expression.
Business? What else is there to talk about?
Im currently working on a new project.
His eyes lit up at her words.
Yes, though it isnt finished yet, Elody replied calmly.
I look forward to the results! What kind of medicine is it this time?
I see Sirka replied, Then I shall devote my life to the duchess.
Elody grinned at his words.
Yes! More money! Ill make lots of money until Caville comes home!
Elody had made a resolution.
If Caville brought back the princess, then Elody would need to earn some money to leave the mansion.
But where will I live?
Elody wanted to live nearby, but she didnt want to seem like a nosy sister-in-law.
Then, she realized something.
She had to leave the mansion as soon as Caville came back from war. To separate again when theyve only just met, the mere thought of it saddens her heart.
Well continue this conversation later. Elody said as she rose from her seat.
What? Already?
Yes, I have to go Elody said in a subdued tone, Ill tell the maids to prepare you a meal before you leave.
Sirka watched her leave, a bit irritated by her bizarre mood swings.
Elody just wasnt in the mood to chat.
* * *
Soon after, Elody constructed another greenhouse, specially made for the wild ginseng. She also studied ways to grow the herbs in a short amount of time.
Im so tired I feel like Im going to die.
She was worn out because her schedule was packed with the lords duties.
When times get tough, she will start thinking of Caville on the battlefield. That way, she could channel her energy right back up and work twice as hard again.
Moreover, shed send letters to Caville on days she felt the most lonely. Writing letters seemed to help ease up her mind.
It felt like sending her little brother to the military when hes only ten years old.
Elody gathered her strength and began to study the panacea.
The most well-known herb traditionally used as a drug is the root of the ginseng species.
If the results turned well, she could earn plenty of money, and it wouldnt compare to the earnings she got from her old medicines.
There was only one thing she could make.
Six-year-old red ginseng!
It will take care of Cavilles health!
Elody intended to develop the ginseng seeds by studying wild ginseng obtained from their natural habitats. Fortunately, the ginseng she cultivated was as effective as those grown naturally in the mountains! So shell continue to cultivate them, and shell process them to be red ginseng.
Like the painkillers she made, shell process them as pills and then send them to Caville along with a letter.
Ill work hard.
And so, Elody sowed plenty of the ginseng seeds in the newly constructed greenhouse.
A few days later
What is this? Elody said, squatting in front of the field where the ginseng was planted.
In front of her was an unusual grass growing beside a field that was ready to reap. It looked just like clover, but it was a little different.
Madame, what kind of plant is this?
Well Ive never seen this before.
Its not poisonous, is it?
No, poisonous plants wont be able to grow here. I used an elixir to make sure that doesnt happen.
Elody decided to separate them so that she could examine the ingredients.
The stem was green, but the leaves were red. It was unique.
With the mysterious herbs in good care, Elody turned her eyes to the field.
The ginseng is growing well.
The herbs looked healthy, but Elody was worried whether to call it cultivated ginseng or wild ginseng.
For now, she decided to call it ginseng.
Ginseng root is used more often than other parts of the ginseng plant, but they could only be harvested after several years cultivation. The herbs took too long to grow, so Elody used her magic powers. She made ampoules of liquids that were able to speed up its growth and injected them on the ginseng.
Growth-promoting ampoules were very rare, and they could only be used in small droplets, so it was a waste to use them for other crops.
But doing this could also help her research ways to grow the herbs in large quantities.
Elodys crop farming was no different from the natural type. Because through magic, the environment could become similar to that of the mountains.
Her mouth curved into a smile as she thought of processing them to be red ginseng.
Madame, is this herb that great?
Yes. After its harvested, Ill give some to you so you can try it later.
Really? Thank you, madame! SoShall I keep it a secret from Marie?
No need, I was planning to give it to the other maids anyway.
What a pity. Anna thought as she clicked her tongue.
Elody chuckled at her funny response.
* * *
Shortly after that, Elody harvested the ginsengs after using magic to speed up its growth.
The roots look astonishing.
Elody was excited as it was time to harvest the plants.
She dug up the herbs then planted the seeds again. They were washed, peeled, sliced, and some were soaked in honey.
The leftovers were given to Elody so that she can process them to be red ginseng.
This might be difficult.
The ginseng root was used as a natural remedy in supplement form. The root that had been steamed and dried was called red ginseng.
The process of steaming and drying the ginseng was quite extensive. After steaming, it had to be dried in a well-ventilated area. The drying process was also important.
Elody steadily injected her mana during the process.
After repeating this, the finished red ginseng was turned into a capsule. Its a jelly-like soft pill, but after swallowing it, it melted instantly and permeated inside the body.
She made it portable and easy to eat.
Its not bitter, it tastes good.
Elody tried one herself to check its efficacy. The effect occurred rather fast.
Her body was full of energy. It wasnt like she miraculously gained strength, but it indeed reduced her fatigue. By eliminating the side effects through magic, people with high fever could also take them.
Elody contemplated on how to mass-produce the pills.
Ill send a letter to Caville along with the pills.
Although separated by distance, Elody wanted to support Caville.
* * *
Madame, hows your research going?
While touring to the barracks with the butler, someone spoke to Elody.
Sir Therion. Thank you for your concern. Its going very well.
His name was Therion, and he was currently in charge of the knights. He was a great knight who had blond hair and a tall figure.
Therion was able to attain the rank of a knight due to his extraordinary skills. He, however, did not join the war.
The decree said that only one man per family was needed to serve in the Imperial Army. So his family chose Therions brother, William, to join the war in his stead.
Therion seemed unhappy about not being able to participate in the war, but his brothers words persuaded him, he said that the lands security was also important.
Thats glad to hear. Therion smiled, To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?
Im here to ask if the knights require any supplies or reinforcements. Is there anything you need?
Well, theres a lot of newcomers. So we are in dire need of more wooden swords.
Really? Then it means that theres a lot of reinforcements, thats good news.
Yes, theyre all the more excited because they can be knighted by the Duchess herself, he grinned.
Pardon? Why would they be excited?
Elody was puzzled, and so was Therion. He genuinely thought Elody would realize what he was talking about.
We adore you a lot. The children in training, apprentices, even full-time knights. Did madame not know that?
Elody blushed, Sir Therion
At his direct words, the butler Norman gave him a look as if telling him to be careful of his words.
Therion shrugged and said, Its alright even if madame isnt aware. Well since youve come all this way, would you be so kind as to watch us train?
I would, but Im afraid my schedule does not permit me to, her words trailed off, I must get going now, Sir Therion. Thank you for greeting me and keep up the good work.
Elody smiled softly and proceeded to check the rest of the remuneration with the butler.
Lets finish this quickly and go.
Yes, Your Grace.
After inspecting the facilities inside the barracks, Elody settled herself on an outdoor table to rest her feet.
Then, she took the documents that Norman gave to her and began to organize them herself.
Um Norman. Do the knights like me that much? Elody asked.
Well honestly, I thought that madame might have guessed it even a little. Everyone here adores you, and some knights would even try to capture your heart. Quite a lot, actually.
Elody was dumbfounded.
Of course, she was conscious of her beautiful appearance as she stared at the mirror every day.
However, there was not a single person in the original story who liked her.
It was because of her evil deeds.
Elody will soon turn twenty.
The young males might try to court her as she was a beautiful lady with high status.
Caville will be the same when he meets the princess
In the novel, the two fell in love at first sight and felt a strong connection towards one another.
Elody was depressed. If they come back together like in the novel, then she may be forced to leave the mansion!
Your Grace!
Elody, who had been lost in thought, finally raised her head.
A young boy was approaching her. Norman was on his guard for a moment, but Elody dissuaded and calmed him down.
He was about fifteen or sixteen years old. He seemed to be a knight in training.
Well, uh please accept this.
He bowed and shyly thrust them into her arms.
It was a bouquet.
I picked them from the field for you, he blushed, I know its not a big deal, but.
The boy could feel the heat growing in his cheeks.
Thank you. Ill put it in a vase. Elody smiled as she accepted the bouquet.
No, its no problem, the boy said as he scratched his head and ran back to the training grounds.
Elody stared at the bouquet for a while.
Norman looked at Elody and asked anxiously, Madame, you dont look good. Are you all right?
Im all right.
The flowers reminded her of her memories.
It was months before Cavilles departure
As usual, Elody went out to the fields with Marie and Anna to harvest more herbs.
During that time, Caville was training.
After a long time of collecting herbs, Caville came running, calling her from afar.
Wife, look at this!
Caville, who tried to catch his breath, held out what he had hidden behind his back.
It was a bouquet of wildflowers.