◇Protagonist Party◇
Naginata Kitsune – Male – 18 years old
In his former world, he was a normal bullied kid, a third year of senior high school. Whene he was born, he was abandoned by his parents, he was raised with affection only until he had awareness, when he already had awareness, for appearance sake he lived with his mother; who once abandoned him; again. From then on, he was constantly bullied, that led to the deviation of his mind, and in the end established an eerie nature that made no one want to a.s.sociate with him.
And then, ever since he spent time together with the girl named s.h.i.+nozaki s.h.i.+ori, his eerie nature was slightly dissipating, and the bullying was started yet again. His acc.u.mulated anger bursted out, and in the result of protecting s.h.i.+ori, he lost his life. Afterward, he was reincarnated to another world by a G.o.d-like existence.
Fundamentally he was an open pervert with glib tongue, good at wheedling people and spouting some sounds argument to break their will, status-wise he was weak so if he was wrapped into an upfront fight, he’d naturally lose.
After having Finia; who had been with him ever since he came to another world; and Lulu taken away by the hero, right now he was on a journey with the purpose to knock down the hero.
Name : Naginata Kitsune
Gender : Male Lv. 1
Strength : 40
Stamina : 1050
Resistance : 1420
Agility : 1000
Magic Power : 950
t.i.tle : 『Other worlder』『One who’s loved by demon』
『Demon eye holder』
Skill : 『Pain Nullification Lv.5 (↑ UP 3) 』『Intuition Lv.4 (↑ UP 2) 』『Eerie Const.i.tution』 『Other World Language』 『Status Appraisal』 『Persistence』 『Overpower』 『Other worlder』 『Near-Death Experience』『Demon eye of foresight Lv.6』『Miasma Reistance Lv.5』『Miasma Apt.i.tute Lv.6』『Miasma Manipulation Lv.3』
Innate skill : 『Demon eye of foresight』『Miasma Manipulation』『Re: Origin』
Finia – Female – 0 years old
She was an idea type fairy who was born from the mask that was owned by Kitsune. She was born from s.h.i.+nozaki s.h.i.+ori’s good will toward Kitsune, so she similarly did as well.
She was naïve and innocent, she possessed a bit memories of Kitsune’s former world, and she also had got quite a sharp tongue. She had no ill will, but she tended to bad mouthing Kitsune, and the fact that she really had no ill will made her hard to hate. There were also times where she spat some heart pearching words.
Since she was an idea type fairy, she possessed quite a powerful magic, with her speciality was in “Fire Magic”,
the firepower was enough to instant skill E rank magical beasts. She possessed tremendous magical power, and it looked like she still possessed many s.p.a.ces to grow.
She was born from the mask, that was why if the mask was broken, then she’d end up disappearing. Aware of that, the miko s.n.a.t.c.hed the mask from Kitsune, so currently she was journeying together with the hero. Also, she was on extreme term with the hero’s party. She dearly wanted to return to Kitsune’s side.
Name : Finia
Gender : Female Lv. 27
Strength : 790
Stamina : 1400
Resistance : 300:STOP!
Agility : 1800
Magic Power : 13900
t.i.tle :『Fairy of Unrequited Love』
Skill : 『Light Magic Lv.5』 『Magic Recovery LV.5』 『Recovery Magic Lv.3』 『Fire Magic Lv.6』 『Body Reinforcement Lv.3』
Innate skill : ???
Lulu Soleil – Female – 12 years old
She was a beastman girl who was bought by Kitsune as his slave. She had dog tail and dog ears, appearance-wise she was a very young girl, but thanks to her beastman trait, after leveling up, her body had grown into that of 14 years old girl.
At first she possessed dead-like eyes, but thanks to Kitsune’s gentle treatments, she gradually regained her vitality, and currently she was a lively and kind girl, wasn’t much different from another girl. She was a beautiful girl with light brown hair that extended to her back, and sooting emerald green eyes.
After being separated from Kitsune, currently she was together with Finia accompanied the hero. Her precious collar that was the symbol or her bond with Kitsune was broken, she experienced quite a mental damage, but she endured it in believe that Kitsune would definitely come to take them back.
Currently she had resolved to get stronger for the sake of reuniting with Kitsune again, she had awakened her innate skill but she hadn’t realized it yet.
Name : Lulu Soleil
Gender : Female Lv. 13
Strength : 650
Stamina : 500
Resistance : 100:STOP!
Agility : 510
Magic Power : 230
t.i.tle :『Slave』
Skill :『Short Sword-Arts Lv.3』
Innate skill :
Trisha Rumiela – Female – 17 years old
She was a girl who trained to become a knight. When she was about to go to train, she found the on-the-verge-of-death Kitsune and saved him. Thus, she acquinted with him as his lifesaver.
She had been a knight trainee for two years, but not just having no talent, she couldn’t even utilize the “Demon-eye of foresight” that was inherited through her lineage, so she was disowned by her own father, the knight leader.
However, Kitsune repaided her favor and intervened there, he showed her a new possibility, that led her into becoming an adventurer, and in the end she decided to follow Kitsune.
Currently she was in anguish because of her inadequacy, but she had resolved to get stronger from there on. She wanted to grow more. Also, she still didn’t know that Kitsune’s left eye possessed “Demon-eye of foresight”.
Name : Trisha Rumiela
Gender : Female Lv. 27
Strength : 670
Stamina : 650
Resistance : 100:STOP!
Agility : 650
Magic Power : 300
t.i.tle :『Adventurer』『Demon Eye Holder』
Skill : 『Sword Art Lv.3』 『Demon Eye of Foresight Lv.0』 『Body Reinforcement Lv.2』 『Swift』
Innate skill : 『Demon Eye of Foresight』
Leila Vermilion – Female – 17 years old (body-wise)
Initially she was a normal girl who was born human, but when she was seven year old, she was infected by a virus type A rank demon “Red Night”, her body turned into that of demon, and her mind when she was still human was consumed. She lost all of her memories, and then her mind turned into that of “Red Night” as well.
From there on ten years pa.s.sed until she finally met Kitsune, she lived as an A rank demon, a nocturnal monster that would devour any human and magical beast she met alike.
Ever since she met Kitsune, with the appearance of an existence who could satisfy her desire, and with her high apt.i.tude with “Red Night” virus, she turned from a quasi demon into a full-fledged demon, and evolved into an S rank demon, as a demon who controlled virus, if she felt like it, she could transform all human around the world into “Red Night”.
From there on, her desire was still unstable but her mind had gone stable, she was egoist and willful, but she was still rational.
Currently she was selfishly following Kitsune around, but after her desire for Kitsune turned into something else than a simply appet.i.te and s.e.xual desire, she was currently bewildered by that change.
Name : Leila Vermilion
Gender : Female Lv. 13
Race : n.o.ble Demon of Virus
Strength : 31200
Stamina : 41400
Resistance : 1000
Agility : 27960
Magical energy : 21820
t.i.tle :『Red Night』 『n.o.ble Demon of Virus』
Skill : 『Sword Art Lv.6』『Body Strengthening Lv.5』
『Miasma(Virus) Manipulation Lv.8』
『Magic Manipulation Lv.3』『Intoxication』
『Lewd Soul』『Devastation』『Brawl of Berserk』
Innate skill :『Miasma Manipulation』『Lewd Soul』
◇Hero Party◇
Serizawa Nagi – Male – 17 years old
He was a young man who was summoned to be a hero by Grandile Kingdom. Second-year of senior high school, and a refres.h.i.+ng-type of hottie. He had high stature and long limbs, he wore otherwolden garments yet still stylish. With strong sense of justice, he often helped people who were in trouble; without minding genders; in his former world. Perhaps it was thanks to that, he was quite adored by either male or female, and even as the summoned hero, he was also idolized by people in the castle.
Also, as a hero his ability was quite high, he was expected to subjugate the demon lord.
However, similarly like how he was in his former world, given his nature that tended to help anyone in need, there was also many fruitless effort.
Because of that, he helped the slave who was also Kitsune’s family, Lulu, whom he arbitrarily deemed as needing his help. He used his whole power to beat down Kitsune, and after this and that, he took Lulu along with him. However, because of that, he received trauma from Kitsune, and the feeling to not wanting to get entangled with him ever again was born.
He once thought about just forgetting everything about it, but after receiving the advice from one of his comrade, Jik, he started to think about what he had done as well was what he was about to do.
Name : Serizawa Nagi
Gender : Male Lv. 60
Strength : 8740
Stamina : 9500
Resistance : 310:STOP!
Agility : 6800
Magic Power : 2600
t.i.tle :『Hero』
Skill : 『Sword Art Lv.6』『Body Reinforcement Lv.4』 『Swift』『Overpower』 『Magic Manipulation Lv.3』『Natural Gift』『Intuition Lv.2』『Fort.i.tude』
Innate skill : 『Ray of Hope』
Cecil Dimietta – Female – 17 years old
She was the miko of Grandile Kingdom. Devoting her mind and body to the hero was her duty, but since she herself did hold some good will toward Nagi, she didn’t find that duty as something burdensome.
She had received training to become a miko ever since she was still a kid, and after getting used to see not just country’s darkside, evildoers, even slaves, she had got herself a kind of mind that won’t waver even when she did some evil things. If it was for the sake of the hero, she might even kill someone.
Moreover, she was excel at crafty scheming, she was someone who’d calculate the profit and loss befere acting. Because of that, to enhance the power of hero’s party, she took advantage of the confusion to plunder Kitsune’s mask. And then they got Finia thanks to that.
In the end, similarly like the hero, she also received trauma from Kitsune. She thought that if possible, she didn’t want to meet him ever again.
However, she was still inexperienced in love and opposite s.e.x, and her good will toward the hero was none other than her pure feeling. She did think coming to wash Nagi’s back when he was taking a bath back then was quite a bold act, but as expected getting her naked body seen by him was very embarra.s.sing, her face flushed bright red.
And yet, she often wore some defenseless and light dress when she was together with Nagi in their bedroom. As expected, it appeared she was still inexperienced about love and opposite s.e.x.
Name : Cecil Dimietta
Gender : Female Lv. 40
Strength : 3740
Stamina : 4500
Resistance : 120:STOP!
Agility : 3500
Magic Power : 8900
t.i.tle :『Miko of Exorcism』
Skill : 『Short Sword Art Lv.4』『Body Reinforcement Lv.3』『Overpower』 『Magic Manipulation Lv.3』『Intuition Lv.2』『Barrier Art Lv.6』『Bestowal Magic Lv.4』『Curse Removal』『Summoning Magic Lv.4』『Mind Manipulation Lv.3』
Innate skill : 『Law Domain』
Jik Garvard – Male – 28 yeard old
The greatest swordman at Grandile Kingdom. He was once a mercenary who worked for money, but currenly he was working as a guard that served the country. His ability was recognized by everyone at the country. He had talked with the hero from time to time and quite on good terms with him, but he honestly thought that the hero was still too green.
He regarded the miko as nothing but a sly and crafty schemer. He did think she was a wicked woman, but he still did recognize her ability.
Silphy Zulidot – Female – 18 years old
The greatest magician at the Grandile Kindom. She was talented either as researcher or as magician, she was refered as a genius magician in magic society.
She acted together with the hero, but she actually wasn’t particularly interested in subjugating the demon lord itself, she followed the hero simply because she was interested in magic research as well as the chance to explore another countries.
However, if it came to Fairy, as far as she was concerned, she couldn’t forgive what had been done by the miko, Cecil. Her evaluation about Cecil had dropped significantly.
◇Other Characters◇
She was a mysterious girl who possessed “Apostle” t.i.tle. Having appeared at human’s continent, there was a possibility that she came from another continent.
She had white dress and white hair, with black frills here and there, it made her white dress, hair, and skin much more prominent. Her pupils were colored like Asiatic dayflower, to put it simply, they were dark blue.
She said slaying G.o.d was her goal, and purifying any evil that were created by the G.o.d was also her duty.
She used a pale lightning lance as her weapon, its power was tremendous, befitting its name as G.o.d slaying weapon, she also had hinted that there were still other people in her group, but destructive-power-wise, she boasted that she was the strongest amongst them.
Name : Stella
Gender : Female
Strength : 28740
Stamina : 39500
Resistance : 200:STOP!
Agility : 26800
Magic Power : 52600
t.i.tle :『Apostle』
Skill : ???
Innate skill : ???