Chapter 331
(331) Battle with the Demonic King Dragon
Translator: Tseirp
Centaur was biting onto Sheena No . 3’s arm (and the water plant on her arm) while Jofre and Elize were desperately clinging onto Centaur .
““We thought we were going to dieeeee!””
Jofre and Elize went through a terrifying experience but they still could say that with a smile for some reason .
“While we were in the room with lizard bones, a large lizard suddenly attacked . ”
“We escaped into the water and were saved when Centaur was pulled up . ”
So it was not the shadow of the Demonic King Dragon that I saw underwater but Centaur getting pulled up while dragging Jofre and Elize?
Hn? Large lizard?
By any chance do they ─ ─
Just as I had that thought ─ ─ another presence approached the surface of the lake and flew out .
A purple-colored dragon even larger than the Ancient Dragon ─ ─ so that is the Demonic King Dragon?
The Demonic King Dragon was clearly aiming for Jofre and Elize .
Should I attack with magic?
I would probably not hit the Demonic King Dragon that moves at high speed .
Nevertheless ─ ─
I cast Ice Magic .
The Demonic King Dragon easily avoided the attack after all .
However, it now considered me as an enemy .
I considered if I should confront it with Boost Magic ─ ─
“Double Slas.h.!.+”
Two arcs of sword waves shot out from Talwi’s sword .
In addition ─ ─
Another two sword waves from Haru’s Guardian Sword and Gale Blade flew at the Demonic King Dragon .
She probably didn’t use the Flame Dragon Fang because the Demonic King Dragon possesses resistance toward fire .
A total of four sword waves ─ ─ it won’t be able to avoid that .
I was certain but the Demonic King Dragon twist its body around and skilfully avoided the sword waves .
That was close ─ ─ it would have avoided my magic as well if I had used it .
The Demonic King Dragon opened its mouth wide as I had that thought .
From within its maw, I could see ─ ─ flames!?
“Mega Water!”
I instantaneously released an advanced Water Magic to offset the flames the Demonic King Dragon was about to spew out .
Steam covered the area and the Demonic King Dragon flew through the steam, aiming to slam into me with its body .
If it’s at this range!
“Diamond Dust . ”
I released Ice Magic at maximum power to seal its movements in ice .
But the dragon avoided it with the spell only grazing one of its legs slightly .
It was definitely fast .
“Kusunoki-kun, hop onto Pochi and run . ”
Suzuki noticed that I had become the target .
It was true that if we continued fighting there, Jofre and the others would be dragged into the battle .
“All right! Sorry but lend Pochi to me! I leave these guys to you!”
I cut the rope connected to Pochi’s tail with a hand blade . Sheena and the others fell into the water . Pochi was flying at low alt.i.tude so they probably won’t get injured .
Then, I jumped onto Pochi .
I wasn’t the only one ─ ─
“Haru and Talwi?”
The three of us rode on Pochi .
“Pochi, fly toward the mountain peak!”
I shouted and Pochi replied with a cry and headed up the mountain .
The Demonic King Dragon was slightly faster .
It would catch up to us at that rate .
But I won’t lose out at hara.s.sing the foe .
I swapped my jobs to those that raise physical attack,
“Sky Breaking Strike!”
I released a sword wave that was highly effective against flying monsters .
It naturally did not hit the swift Demonic King Dragon but it had to rise upward to avoid the attack so its speed dropped .
Perhaps because it was within range, the Demonic King Dragon opened its mouth wide . It probably wanted to shoot out flames again .
But I was waiting for that .
“Oil Create!”
I used Magic to create oil . The oil I created poured directly into the mouth of the Demonic King Dragon ─ ─ and ignited .
The Demonic King Dragon’s face was wrapped in flames .
“What an interesting fighting style . ”
Talwi commented .
“Thanks . The only thing I have going for me is versatility . ”
“But flame attacks are not that effective against the Demonic King Dragon . Then it is our turn next! Let’s go, Haru . ”
Immediately after saying that, Haru and Talwi leaped from Pochi and landed onto the Demonic King Dragon who was still burning .
“This is the spot . ”
They each cut into the wings of the Demonic King Dragon .
Amazing ─ ─ they precisely aimed for the thin part of the wing .
With both wings injured, the Demonic King Dragon lost balance and shook, causing Haru and Talwi to fall off .
Since they set it up so well, it was my turn .
I made Pochi fly up and stay in front of the Demonic King Dragon .
The Demonic King Dragon glared at me and roared .
I changed my jobs to those that prioritized magic attack .
“Boost Diamond Dust and Celestial Ray . ”
A combination spell of Ice and Light Magic .
The entire body of the Demonic King Dragon was frozen and condensed light rays reflected haphazardly within the ice .
If that doesn’t defeat it, we won’t stand a chance .
I channeled that amount of spirit into that spell .
【Ichinojo leveled up】
【Fire Magician skill: 「Fire Resistance (weak)」has skilled up to「Fire Resistance (small)」】
【Water Magician skill: 「Water Resistance (weak)」has skilled up to「Water Resistance (small)」】
【Wind Magician skill: 「Wind Resistance (weak)」has skilled up to「Wind Resistance (small)」】
【Earth Magician skill: 「Earth Resistance (weak)」has skilled up to「Earth Resistance (small)」】
Fire Magician, Water Magician, Wind Magician, and Earth Magician all leveled up from Lv60 to Lv73 .
These jobs had once all reached the limit and could not level up any further but I took the Limit Breaking medicine Miri made and raised the upper limit of the levels .
Its body was practically unharmed but the Demonic King Dragon had certainly stopped breathing .
That said, by using magical power boost and combination magic of greatest cla.s.s magic ─ ─ I almost had no more MP remaining .
After drinking the mana potion that I received from Carol, I somewhat regained the strength to stand up and walk .
Haru and Talwi who fell off seemed to be fine so I went over to them .
“That was amazing . Ichinojo, you are truly an excellent magician . ”
“As expected of Master . I believed Master would definitely succeed . ”
“No, it’s because the two of you cut its wings . It would have been dangerous if it could fly properly . ”
Nevertheless, we won .
Retrieving the Dragon Core seemed to be troublesome .
Just as I was thinking that .
A flash of light came from the lake .
I looked at the base of the mountain .
And then ─ ─ it appeared ─ ─
“No way … you’ve got to be kidding . ”
Another Demonic King Dragon appeared .