Chapter 209
(209) The start of the girl’s talk
Translator: Tseirp
But what exactly is the basis of this goodwill/affection?
On the basis of love ― probably not . Miri is included and so is Norn .
I guess it can be said that Miri loves me as family .
Norn … might see me as a benefactor?
But if it is goodwill as friends then the same gender Jofre and Suzuki should be included as well . Although Jofre and Suzuki might not actually think of me as a friend ― but I definitely don’t consider Jofre a friend .
” … Pionia’s name isn’t listed though . ”
“She is a homunculus . Don’t you think she would be outside the range of consideration?”
I see … it would be great if that’s true .
At the same time, I got a shock from sudden realization .
“How is it? It’s a convenient magic right?”
” … This spell is no more than a spell to travel to a girl’s house for some fun . ”
“Or a ‘gentleman’ who would send a woman home only to make a pa.s.s at her . ” (TL: Written as ‘Escorting Wolf’ in j.a.panese . )
I see … an escorting wolf huh?
But Haru is the wolf, not me .
“To be honest, it is useful . I would be able to return home with this even if I get transferred to some strange location like before . ”
“Right … Onii, whose names are written there?”
“That is personal information . Ah, but your name is here too . Thanks . I’m happy even if it’s just love as family . ”
” … Un, yeah ― ”
Miri smiled shyly .
“Miri, must this list be opened whenever I wish to use this spell?”
“Nope, it will activate if you say the name along with the spell chant . Like ‘Home Return, Miryuu’ . Why?”
“I feel that I shouldn’t look at this list that often . Although it is convenient to know the heart of others, on the contrary, I would lose the heart to trust others . ”
If, for example, Haru’s name disappeared from the list . Or Carol’s name . Or Malina’s name .
How would I take it?
I would think that they don’t actually like me anymore .
I might think that they were just utilizing me instead ―
In actual fact, I was actually shocked when I realized that Pionia’s name wasn’t there and thought if Pionia actually didn’t like me .
And I ended up thinking if Pionia only tended to the vegetables, made the wine and constructed the s.h.i.+p because I ordered her but she actually hated it .
“Onii, you’re thinking too deep into it . Haru and Carol-chan and Malina-san are on that list right? That’s your answer . ”
“Really? … Yeah, that’s right . ”
Ahaha, it’s pathetic that a brother had to be consoled by his younger sister .
I thanked Miri and ―
“Ah, right . I’ll call Haru and the others over . They could get the labyrinth conquer bonus if they pray here so I would like that they received it too . ”
“That’s true ― hey, Onii . It’s thanks to me that we got to find the Kiriri gra.s.s right?”
“Hn? Yeah, I am of course thankful for that . Thank you, Miri . ”
“And so, I have a tiny request . Could you let me have a girl’s talk in My World for 30 minutes?”
“Girl’s talk?”
“I think that I should let Haru know that I was the Demon Lord after all . ”
Miri said with a bashful smile .
“You must do it now?”
“Yeah, I would like to do it now if possible . ”
“All right . Then, I’ll come over after 30 minutes . Miri ―”
“Hn? What is it?”
“No, it’s fine . Yeah, if Haru and the others get angry at us for keeping this a secret from them, we’ll apologize together . ”
Well, I was certain Haru would not get angry .
But saying that might make it easier for Miri later .
I said that as I opened the door to My World and sent Miri off .
(Onii … thank you . And sorry . As expected, I can’t forgive those children . )
Miri’s smile completely vanished after entering My World .
『Haru and Carol-chan and Malina-san are on that list right?』
Ichinojo affirmed to that question by Miri .
(You have to be careful of the slip of the tongue if you find that to be personal information … at the very least, you shouldn’t get tricked like that . )
Even without utilizing that trick, she already knew that the three of them held affection towards Ichinojo .
Upon entering My World, she saw the girls having a tea party in the distance .
” … For the crime of irresponsibly having affection towards Onii, make amends with that body of yours ― 《Thousand Dark Swords》 . ”
A thousand swords suddenly materialized above Miri’s head — and flew towards the ladies having the tea party .