I Got A Cheat And Moved To Another World, So I Want To Live As I Like - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

 Translator: Nefarian    Editor: JackOFallTrades

I will go to the merchant guild first thing in the morning to sell off all my rank F and E potions.

At first, I thought it would be smart if I left some supplies in case I needed to use it for myself.

However, when I think about it, I am still capable of using magic directly to myself.

For me, I don't need to chant in order to cast a spell.

In such a case, rather than having too many potions in my luggage that I don't even need, it's much better to sell them.

Even if this wasn't the case, I still had the Rank D and C potions which couldn't be sold.

「Excuse me. I would like to ask a question if that's alright?」

After the potions had been accounted for, I asked the staff a question. Just like yesterday, the staff member was a young bald person. "Yes how can I be of a.s.sistance" he politely replied back.

「Could you tell me about how to travel to Awoke via the horse-drawn carriage?」

「Of course I can, you can make the reservations and payment here.」

According to the staff a.s.sistant, the carriage leaves 3 times a week in the mornings.

The price is 1 gold coin upon reaching Awoke and from Awoke to the Royal Capital, it will be another 1 gold.

Though a reservation is required along with advanced payment, if a seat is available on that particular day you can even ride on the same morning.

It takes 2 days to travel from Land Barn to Awoke, along the way, there is a one night stop at an interim town to rest.

It also takes two days to travel from Awoke to the Royal Capital and along the way, there is a 1 night stop at an interim town for rest.

While riding on the carriage all meals and drinks need to be self-prepared.

The accommodation expenses also need to be paid in the lodging town by yourself.

The carriage also stops at several water sources for a short visit along the way.

There are times when stalls for food and drinks will appear along the way.

「When is the next available carriage?」

「There is one tomorrow.」

So it's tomorrow huh? I'm still kind of reluctant, but I think I'll go.

「Is there still any s.p.a.ce in that carriage?」

「…..Umm, please wait a moment. Well, ah, yes, there is still s.p.a.ce.」

「In that case, please make a reservation.」

After making my reservation the staff a.s.sistant writes something in a doc.u.ment.

「The price will come to 1 gold coin.」

I pay using my guild card.

Because proof of payment is recorded in the guild card, I just have to show my card before getting on the carriage. It's really handy.

「However, it's disappointing. To think that the person supplying the Rank E Disease Potions is leaving so soon.」

「Well, I can only get my hands on so much after all.」

I make up a lie. I neither have the tools nor materials to make potions so if I continued selling dozens of potions every day, people will become suspicious.

This is also one of the reasons why I am trying to leave this town as soon as possible.

Finally, he tells me about the time and meeting place of the carriage.

The meeting point is outside of the town gate and it will be necessary to arrive a little early and wait before the departure time.

I leave the merchant guild, I return the book I borrowed to the book rental store, I eat at the stalls and I charge into Loquat the moment it opens.

A couple of hours later, I enter another café different from the one yesterday in order to drink some coffee.

(How do I describe it… She tasted like a dried j.a.panese persimmon.)

She definitely had the skill, she was both gentle and friendly. The conversation I had with her was also interesting. However, I could not help but feel the disparity in our age. Specifically in terms of her lack of muscular strength.

(She told me she once worked at Sea G.o.d, right? Because she was getting on with her age, she probably had to move to Loquat.)

I think that I had a good experience. Let's leave it at that.

After leaving the café, I prepared for my trip and bought preserved food and a spare water bottle.

Reaching a point where I could relax for a while, I decided to enter Shrimp Field.

I saw a cutie with the physique of a hot volleyball player so I immediately chose her.

A few hours later, I was sitting languidly on the edge of the water fountain within the town square.

(Man I'm tired.)

Up until now, it was OK for me to be pa.s.sive and I could leave the hard work to the girls. But this time around my partner was the one being pa.s.sive.

Because of this, I had to be the one leading, the thing was that the girl had the height and weight of a volleyballer. It definitely made her a formidable partner.

I returned to my inn and told them that I would be leaving tomorrow morning.

The moment I entered my room, I tried my best to manufacture Rank E and F potions, in particular, I focused on making Disease Treatment Potions.

I decided to drink all the Rank C and D potions that I had stocked.

(Hmm, even though I have been drinking the Injury Treatment Potions, my physical weariness is not recovering. Is there perhaps another potion for this specific use?)

I tried them all but it, unfortunately, didn't do anything.

I went to get dinner at the inn.

After finis.h.i.+ng my dinner and having a bit of a rest, I fire myself up and I start heading to Sea G.o.d with excitement.

Today is the last night in this town. If I don't go now, I'm going to regret it.

Sea G.o.d shouldn't be so crowded, after all, it's a really expensive place.

A few hours later, I returned to my hotel room and lay on the bed.

As expected of a high-end shop, it truly healed me and wash away my exhaustion. Of course, they also cleaned every nook and corner of my body.

(Ahh, in the end, I didn't get a chance to try the bath in this inn. It should have been an opportunity to find out the bathing situation of the inn.)

Oh well, there must be plenty of opportunities in the future, thinking about this I fell asleep.